Transcript Document

UNIT 8; CHAPTER 13 &14
Nicholas Bergan
Key Terms Chapter 13
Money is any asset that can easily be used to purchase goods and
Currency in circulation is cash held by the public.
Checkable bank deposits are bank accounts on which people can write
The money supply is the total value of financial assets in the economy
that are considered money.
A medium of exchange is an asset that individuals acquire for the
purpose of trading rather than for their own consumption.
A store of value is a means of holding purchasing power over time.
A unit of account is a measure used to set prices and make economic
Key Terms Chapter 13
Commodity money is a good used as a medium of exchange that has
other uses.
A commodity-backed money is a medium of exchange with no intrinsic
value whose ultimate value is guaranteed by a promise that it can be
converted into valuable goods.
Fiat money is a medium of exchange whose value derives entirely from
its official status as a means of payment.
A monetary aggregate is an overall measure of the money supply.
Near-moneys are financial assets that can’t be directly used as a
medium of exchange but can readily be converted into cash or
checkable bank deposits.
Key Terms for Chapter 13
A bank is a financial intermediary that uses liquid assets in the form of
bank deposits to finance the illiquid investments of borrowers.
Bank reserves are the currency banks hold in their vaults plus their
deposits at the Federal Reserve.
The reserve ratio is the fraction of bank deposits that a bank holds as
A T-account summarizes a bank’s financial position.
A bank run is a phenomenon in which many of a bank’s depositors try
to withdraw their funds due to fears of a bank failure.
Key Terms for Chapter 13
Deposit Insurance-guarantees that a bank’s depositors will be paid even
if the bank can’t come up with the funds, up to a maximum amount per
Capital Requirements-regulators require that the owners of banks hold
substantially more assets than the value of bank deposits.
Reserve Requirements-rules set by the Federal Reserve that determine
the minimum reserve ratio for a bank.
Excess reserves are bank reserves over and above its required reserves.
The monetary base is the sum of currency in circulation and bank
The money multiplier is the ratio of the money supply to the monetary
Key Terms for Chapter 13 – Federal Reserve
A central bank is an institution that oversees and regulates the banking
system and controls the monetary base.
The Federal Reserve is a central bank—an institution that oversees and
regulates the banking system, and controls the monetary base.
The federal funds market allows banks that fall short of the reserve
requirement to borrow funds from banks with excess reserves.
The federal funds rate is the interest rate determined in the federal funds
The discount rate is the rate of interest the Fed charges on loans to
Key Terms Chapter 14
Short-term interest rates are the interest rates on financial assets that mature within
six months or less.
Long-term interest rates are interest rates on financial assets that mature a number
of years in the future.
The money demand curve shows the relationship between the quantity of money
demanded and the interest rate.
The real money demand curve shows the relationship between the real quantity of
money demanded and the interest rate.
The velocity of money is nominal GDP divided by the nominal quantity of money.
According to the liquidity preference model of the interest rate, the interest rate is
determined by the supply and demand for money.
The money supply curve shows how the nominal quantity of money supplied varies
with the interest rate.
Key Terms Chapter 14
Expansionary monetary policy is monetary policy that increases
aggregate demand.
Contractionary monetary policy is monetary policy that reduces
aggregate demand.
Monetary neutrality: changes in the money supply have no real effect on
the economy.
Review Questions
1. Which of the following combination of assets are
considered to be money?
2. When countries replaced gold and silver coins with paper
money exchangeable for certain amounts of precious
metals, the monetary system evolved from _______.
3. Banks can lend money because ______.
Review Questions Cont.
4. Banks create money when they ______.
5. To change the money supply, the Fed most frequently uses
6. An increase in the aggregate price _______.
7. The loanable funds model focuses on the ______.
Review Questions Cont.
8. Expansionary monetary policy _______.
9. In the long run, changes in the money supply _______.
10. All of the following factors shift the real money demand
curve to the right except a(n) _______.
Questions for Chapters 6 & 7