Transcript Chapter 7

A Gift of Fire
Third edition
Sara Baase
Chapter 7: Evaluating and
Controlling Technology
Slides prepared by Cyndi Chie and Sarah Frye
What We Will Cover
Information, Knowledge, and Judgment
Computers and Community
The ‘Digital Divide’
Evaluations of the Impact of Computer
• Making Decisions About Technology
Information, Knowledge,
and Judgment
Evaluating Information on the Web:
• Wikipedia:
– Written by volunteers, some posts are
biased and not accurate
– Although anyone can write, most people do
– Those that do typically are educated and
Information, Knowledge,
and Judgment (cont.)
Evaluating Information on the Web (cont.):
• Manipulation of images:
– Movies and videos use special effects to add
creativity and enjoyment of entertainment
– People can use technology for deception and
– Ease with which we can modify digital images and
• Should news agencies modify images and videos?
• Faking photos is not a new phenomenon; more
people can do it now because it’s easy
Computers and Community
• The Internet brings people together from all
over the world
• E-mail and the Internet provide convenient
and cheap ways for families and friends to
stay in contact
• New trends include social-networking sites
such as MySpace and virtual environments
such as Second Life
The "Digital Divide"
Trends in Computer Access:
• New technologies only available to the wealthy
• The time it takes for new technology to make its way
into common use is decreasing
• Cost is not the only factor; ease of use plays a role
• Entrepreneurs provide low cost options for people
who cannot otherwise afford something
• Government funds technology in schools
• As technology becomes more prevalent, the issues
shift from the haves and have-nots to level of service
The "Digital Divide" (cont.)
The Global Divide and the Next Billion Users:
• Approximately one billion people worldwide have
access to the Web; approximately five billion do not
• Bringing new technology to poor countries is not just
a matter of money to buy equipment; PCs and
laptops must work in extreme environments
• Some people actively working to shrink the digital
divide emphasize the need to provide access in ways
appropriate to the local culture
Making Decisions About
Accomplishments of Technology:
• Prices of food are down and raw materials
are abundant
• Real buying power is up
• Food supplies and GDP are growing faster
than the population
• Dramatic impact on life expectancy
• Assistive technologies benefit those with
Making Decisions About
Technology (cont.)
Intelligent Machines and Super-intelligent
Humans - Or the End of the Human
Making Decisions About
Discussion Questions
• The topic of ‘Digital Divide’
• Does Cyber War scare you?