Incremental Reduced Support Vector Machines
Transcript Incremental Reduced Support Vector Machines
Incremental Reduced Support
Vector Machines
Yuh-Jye Lee, Hung-Yi Lo and Su-Yun Huang
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and Institute of
Statistical Science Academia Sinica
2003 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and Systems
ISU, Kaohsiung, Dec. 14 2003
Support Vector Machines for classification problems
Linear and nonlinear SVMs
Difficulties with nonlinear SVMs for large problems
Storage and computational complexity
Reduced Support Vector Machines
Incremental Reduced Support Vector Machines
Numerical Results
Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
Powerful tools for Data Mining
SVMs become the most promising learning
algorithm for classification and regression
SVMs have a sound theoretical foundation
Base on statistical learning theory
SVMs have an optimal defined separating surface
SVMs can be generated very efficiently and have
high accuracy
SVMs can be extend from linear to nonlinear case
By using kernel functions
Support Vector Machines for Classification
Maximizing the Margin between Bounding Planes
Support Vector Machine Formulation
Solve the quadratic program for some
s. t.
, denotes
SSVM:Smooth Support Vector Machine is an
efficient SVM algorithm proposed by Yuh-Jye Lee
Nonlinear Support Vector Machine
Extend to nonlinear cases by using kernel functions
The value of kernel function represents the inner
product in the feature space
Map data from input space to a higher dimensional
feature space where the data can be separated linearly
Nonlinear Support Vector Machine formulation:
s. t.
Difficulties with Nonlinear SVM
for Large Problems
The nonlinear kernel
Long CPU time to compute
is fully dense
Runs out of memory while storing
kernel matrix
Computational complexity depends on
Complexity of nonlinear SSVM ø
Separating surface depends on almost entire dataset
Need to store the entire dataset after solving the problem
Reduced Support Vector Machines
Overcoming Computational & Storage Difficulties by
Using a Rectangular Kernel
Choose a small random sample
The small random sample
is a representative sample
of the entire dataset
is 1% to 10% of the rows of
in nonlinear SSVM
Only need to compute and store
the rectangular kernel
numbers for
Computational complexity reduces to
The nonlinear separator only depends on
Reduced Set
plays the most important role in RSVM
It is natural to raise two questions:
Is there a way to choose the reduced set other than
random selection so that RSVM will have a better
Is there a mechanism that determines the size of
reduced set automatically or dynamically?
Incremental reduced support vector machine is
proposed to answer these questions
Our Observations (Ⅰ)
The nonlinear separating surface
is a linear combination of a set of kernel functions
If the kernel functions are very similar, the
hypothesis space spanned by this kernel functions
will be very limited.
Our Observations (Ⅱ)
Start with a very small reduced set , then add
new data point only when the kernel function
is dissimilar to the current function set
These points contribute the most extra information
How to measure the dissimilar?
solving least squares problems
The information criterion is
The distance from the kernel vector
to the
column space of
is greater than a threshold
This distance can be determined by solving a
least squares problem
Dissimilar Measurement
solving least squares problems
It has a unique solution
, and the distance is
IRSVM Algorithm pseudo-code
(sequential version)
Randomly choose two data from the training data as the initial reduced set
Compute the reduced kernel matrix
For each data point not in the reduced set
Computes its kernel vector
Computes the distance from the kernel vector
to the column space of the current reduced kernel matrix
If its distance exceed a certain threshold
Add this point into the reduced set and form the new reduced kernal matrix
Until several successive failures happened in line 7
10 Solve the QP problem of nonlinear SVMs with the obtained reduced kernel
11 A new data point is classified by the separating surface
Speed up IRSVM
Note we have to solve the least squares problem
many times whose time complixity is
The main cost depends on
but not on
Take advantage of this fact, we proposed a batch
version of IRSVM that examines a batch points
IRSVM Algorithm pseudo-code
(Batch version)
Randomly choose two data from the training data as the initial reduced set
Compute the reduced kernel matrix
For a batch data point not in the reduced set
Computes their kernel vectors
Computes the corresponding distances from these kernel vector
to the column space of the current reduced kernel matrix
For those points’ distance exceed a certain threshold
Add those point into the reduced set and form the new reduced kernal matrix
Until no data points in a batch were added in line 7,8
10 Solve the QP problem of nonlinear SVMs with the obtained reduced kernel
11 A new data point is classified by the separating surface
IRSVM on four public data sets
IRSVM — an advanced algorithm of RSVM
Start with extremely small reduced set and sequentially expands
to include informative data points into the reduced set
Determine the size of the reduced set automatically and
dynamically but no pre-specified
The reduced set generated by IRSVM will be more representative
All advantages of RSVM for dealing with large scale
nonlinear classification problem are retained
Experimental tests show that IRSVM used a smaller
reduced set without scarifying classification accuracy