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e-Frame EU FP7 Project
Final Conference
Amsterdam, 10-11 February 2014
Overview of e-Frame outcomes
Marina Signore
Donatella Fazio
e-Frame Project Coordinator
Director of Research, Istat
e-Frame Network Coordinator
Senior Statistician, Istat
e-Frame - European Framework for Measuring Progress
 Coordination and support actions project
Duration from 1 January 2012 – 30 June 2014
Consortium of 19 partners
Co-chaired by Istat and Statistics Netherlands
 aims at contributing to empower the European debate on “GDP and
beyond” taking a broad approach on the theme and looking together at
the social, economic, environmental dimensions in measuring human
well-being and societal progress at different levels (e.g. global,
national, and local)
 e-Frame responds to the requests and needs of the EC to streamline
on-going activities and results on “GDP and beyond” and to propose
the way forward by stocktaking existing results; fostering EU
networking; collecting and disseminating best practices and
e-Frame outcomes
 Organisation of 9 Thematic Workshops and a Summer School
 Preparation of Stocktaking reports on subject areas and specific topics
including Guidelines and Recommendations
 Creation of the European Network on hosted by
OECD (alongside the Regional Networks of Africa and Latin America)
 e-Frame Initial Conference and European position at the 4th OECD
World Forum. Implementation of the ESSC Sponsorship’s
 e-Frame Final Conference presentation of project outputs; feedbacks for
fine-tuning; sharing experiences and dialogue outside the project
 Preparation of Policy Documents
1. Convergence report
2. Handbook of policy use
3. Roadmap for future research needs
to the future
EU agenda
Proposing the way forward
Research areas for better statistics on “GDP and beyond”
conceptual and methodological aspects (subject areas,
indicators, measurements,…)
the implementation of the tools to collect, produce,
disseminate and share data
the communication aspects
e-Frame Roadmap for future research needs
The Roadmap for future research needs
 Research needs and information gaps identified by e-Frame
activities (stocktaking reports, workshops discussions, AB
2nd Tentative
June 2013
 Areas to be further developed in order to empower the
development, the understanding, dissemination and use of
statistics on well-being and sustainable development
 Proposing topics for future research projects in the context of
Horizon 2020 as well as future EU projects according to ESS
A. topics concerning official statistics
B. topics related to a looking forward perspective
C. topics related to the usage of non official data
D. topics concerning communication side
A. Measurements issues in official statistics
• The European Statistical System is the main producer of reliable statistical
• EU statistics on well-being and sustainable development are delivered by the
ESS in accordance with quality framework principles (Code of Practice) and
with goals and timetable set by the recommendations of the Sponsorship
Result of e-Frame Initial Conference: Well-being
agenda is well established at EU level.
A. Measurements issues in official statistics
Continue or further develop
• implementing subjective indicators
e-Frame Report on
Subjective well-being
e-Frame Report on
Measuring Progress at
the local level
• constructing indicators at different levels: local,
national, global
• disaggregating at the right dimension (target groups)
• harmonizing concepts, standards and definitions
• improving timeliness
e-Frame Report on
New Measures of
International trade
e-Frame Report on
e-Frame Report on
Social Monitoring and
Reporting in Europe
• developing indicators of sustainability
• training at University level
e-Frame Report on
NSIs initiatives
QuoLexity Master
e-Frame Summer
B. Issues related to a looking forward perspective
• What do policy makers and advisors to policy makers still need?
• What models for supporting policies (e.g. trade-offs between
dimensions, simulate the effects of doing and not-doing, ex-ante and
ex-post evaluation) are needed?
EU position at the 4th OECD World Forum
e-Frame Handbook supports policy makers in
setting coherent policy targets
putting in place the right policy instruments to achieve these targets
C. Issues on the usage of non official data
• How can we enhance statistical information by exploiting new non
official data sources?
• How can we foster the integration/complementarity of official and non
official statistics?
• How can non official data contribute to near real-time information?
Exploiting Web2.0 opportunities and tools
C. Issues on the usage of non official data
• Need to develop technologies for the use of big data and open data in
official statistical production
BIG DATA Conference
31 March – 1 April 2014
• Need to exploit crowd sourced locally generated data
• Need to bridge top-down and bottom-up approaches for the
construction of statistics beyond GDP
Guidelines for
stakeholders inclusion
• Need to evaluate the role for non-official data in a cost-benefit
• Need to validate the quality of non-official data
• Need to “label” the non official data
D. Issues on the communication side (1/2)
• Need to foster the culture on the measurement of well being
(target campaigns for diverse stakeholders)
• Need to find a common language among different disciplines
• Need to educate the opinion leaders on statistics beyond GDP
(Data Journalism School)
• Need to inform and train the business world and educate the
market to read new measurements of progress and well-being
as a chance to catch
D. Issues on the communication side (2/2)
• Need to facilitate the communication to policy makers
• Need to find a wording for policy makers
• Need to develop visualization tools to improve the
use of statistics and indicators
• Need to foster the involvement of society at large in
statistics beyond GDP using the opportunities given
by the Web2.0 platforms
ICT Catalogue
new FP7
The roadmap identifies a number of “key issues” to be addressed in future
research agendas at a European level in order to consolidate the
availability and the use of indicators on well-being, progress and
sustainable development
As available resources are limited, it is vital to join efforts and to coordinate
research activities at a European level
Nevertheless, it would be recommended, as an initial step, to find a large
consensus on setting priorities with regard to the above mentioned needs
and to schedule the future actions in the light of the objectives of Horizon
Multi stakeholders partnerships between NSIs, the academia and other
relevant actors in the well-being debate is the way to follow to contribute to
a large extent to reach faster and sounder results
Istat e-Frame research team
Marina Signore and Donatella Fazio (Coordinators)
Maria Grazia Calza
Arianna Carciotto
Adolfo Morrone
Alessandra Righi
Tommaso Rondinella
Enjoy the conference