Transcript RMAI ARF 5F

Ayurvet Research Foundation
Food . Feed . Fodder . Fuel . Fertilizer
Agriculture & livestock
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry contributes significantly towards our GDP. The
livestock sector contributes more than 30% to Agriculture GDP
Farm land
Grains and
cash crops
Major means of
Livestock wealth
Milk, Meat, Eggs, fuel,
and Draught power
Supplements income
and nutritional needs
The Great Revolution in the History of Agriculture:
Systematic Integration of Domestic Animals in Crop Rearing System
•Draught Animal Power
• Food and Nutrition
•Agriculture by- products
This being a closed system, everything was recycled within.
Cash income was low, hence it was considered as non- productive.
Advent of
And its package of practices…
Unintentional Disjoint in Livestock and Agriculture
•Chemical Fertilizer could not address soil humus
•Seed and Breed got attention ; soil fertility depleted
•Water and land resources- optimal utilization
• Feed & fodder became scarce
• Agriculture and Animal Husbandry are treated
as different components today.
• While fertilizers and pesticides are used for
increasing the productivity and fertility of the
crop but the fertility of soil is getting depleted.
• The organic waste of livestock is creating
pollution, which otherwise can be effectively
used as a source of fuel energy.
• The water consumption in Agri production is
not accounted for and is leading to water
Water conservation
Improving humus
Improve quality of animals
Sustainable livelihood
Generate Employment
• Demonstration of a sustainable
livelihood model through
integration of animal husbandry.
• Extension of technology to grass
root level.
• Training of the villagers to
generate employment.
• To train the farmers in the
technique of Artificial
Insemination for good quality
• To improve soil humus and
Traditional wisdom: integration of 5F
Approved by DBT,
Govt. of India
Food, Feed, Fodder, Fuel & Fertilizer Security
Solution Feed & Fodder
Ayurvet ProGreen Hydroponics Machine
Building Health and Food Security
Production equivalent to 1 hectare on an area of 265 sq ft
Livestock Health Benefits
Better Digestibility: more milk (22% more milk production)
Better Reproductive Health: more calf – more milk
Better Health: Saves on treatment cost
Hydroponics green feed enhances Health, Productivity
& Reproductive Efficiency of livestock
Solutions Food
• Animal products provide the richest protein sources in diet
• Additional food crops can be grown on the land dispensed
by hydroponics fodder cultivation
Food from Agriculture and Animal Sources
Solution Fertilizer
•Improvement in soil fertility
•Reduced dependence on synthetic fertilizers
•Less cost of production
Solution Fuel & Fertilizer
• 1 cu m biogas replaces 400 g of LPG.
25 kg of cow dung => 1cu m biogas plant
• By- product: Slurry (Valuable natural manure )
Biogas slurry can fulfill upto 50% of NPK requirement
• Improves soil Humus
• It is Pollution free & reduces dependence on wood and fossil fuels.
We undertook the mass campaign amongst the dairy and agriculture
farmers and undertook the demonstration of the model.
 The Department of Biotechnology under societal project approve an
amount of Rs. 1.54 Crores towards the project.
 The Technology Demonstration Centre (TDC) have been established . Each
TDC consists of Ayurvet ProGreen Hydroponic fodder production machine,
Biogas, silage and Vermicompost unit.
Farmers have started inclination towards converting the cowdung into
compost for organic farming. Converting the cowdung into biogas.
 This initiative have shown improvement in the soil humus and has also led
to better socio-economic status through entrepreneurial training , which
led to self employment. The revenue earned by the rural youth is ranging
from Rs.3000 – 5000/- monthly
Awareness cum mobilization meeting
Date: 17/11/12
Attendance: 150 people
Objective: To inform people about the project and our objectives and how we
propose to work with them
Committed for Developing Sustainable Solutions
Integration of Animal Husbandry
and Agriculture for Sustainable