Transcript FED Unit-3

Transient and AC condition
Change in behavior of a PN junction as a function of time
Lily Gupta
Assistant Prof.(ECE)
Reverse recovery transient
 PN
junction may be used as an electrical
 When a forward biased is suddenly
reverse biased,the current does not drop
to zero instantly but takes a finite time to
drop to zero.
 This time is known as turn off time or
reverse recovery time
The forward PN junction diode is suddenly
reverse biased at time t=0. An ideal diode
should change its condition from on to off
instantly but a practical diode does not do
the same
The reason is that the minority carrier under
forward biased condition are not apposed by
the potential barrier and they constitute the
same minority carrier in reverse direction.
The region from 0-t1 is known as storage time.
Voltage as a function of time
 The
diode is conducting in the forward direction
and the input voltage Vin =Vf
 Let the voltage be reversed abruptly at time t=0 to
a value –Vr
 During the period 0-t1-storage time i.e the voltage
changes from Vf to 0
 At the instant t1,the process of sweeping up of
excess minority carriers has completed.
 The diode voltage now reverse and falls to Vr
Expression for storage time
Metal semiconductor
 Metal
semiconductor junctions are those
junctions which are fabricated by forming
a compatible contact between a metal
and a semiconductor
 It may be rectifying contact type or non
rectifying contact type(ohmic contact)
of the properties of pn junctions can be realized by
forming an appropriate metal-semiconductor rectifying
contact (Schottky contact)
– Simple to fabricate
– Switching speed is much higher than that of p-n
junction diodes
•Metal-Semiconductor junctions are also used as ohmiccontact to carry current into and out of the semiconductor
Ideal MS contacts
Assumptions - Ideal MS contacts
M and S are in intimate contact, on atomic scale
No oxides or charges at the interface
No intermixing at the interface
MS contacts
 Vacuum
level, E0 - corresponds to energy of free
 The difference between vacuum level and Fermilevel is called workfunction,  of materials.
 Workfunction, M is an invariant property of metal.
It is the minimum energy required to free up
electrons from metal. (3.66 eV for Mg, 5.15eV for Ni
 The semiconductor workfunction, s, depends on
the doping.
 Electron
affinity:the energy difference
between the conduction band edge and
the vacuum level
Schottky barrier on n type
There will be flow of electrons from the
conduction band of semiconductor to the
conduction band of metal till the thermal
equilbrium is established
The transfer of an electron in a semiconductor
results in an upward bending of energy band
in it.
The charges on a semiconductor and metal
established an electric field from
semiconductor to metal
Schottky barrier on p type
 Electrons
flows from the metal into a
semiconductor until the fermi level is same
Rectifying contacts
 If
we apply forward biased to the schottky
barrier the potential barrier is reduced
due to which more electrons in the
conduction band of semiconductor
diffuse across the depletion region to the
 If we apply reverse bias.This increases the
contact potential and reduces the
electron flow from the semiconductor to
ideal MS contacts
M > S
M < S
Ohmic contact
 Figure
above shows n type semiconductor with
metal having smaller work function.
 After contact is made the fermi level allign at
equilbrium by transfering electrons from the metal
to semiconductor.
 The negative charge of electron that accumulates
in semiconductor is essentially a surface charge
similarly positive charge accumulate across the
 There is no depletion region across the contact
 The
above figure is a p type metal with
larger work function.
 In this case too the positive charge that
accumulates in a semiconductor is a
surface charge and the negative charge
that accumulates in a metal is also a
surface charge.
 The
charge storage problem in a pn
junction diode can be eliminated or
minimized in a schottky diode .
 This diode is also called as hot carrier
diode or ESBAR(epitaxial Schottky barrier).
Construction of a schottky
 It
is a metal semiconductor junction diode
without depletion layer.
 On one side of the junction a metal (like
gold silver,platinum or tungsten )is used
and on the other side n or p type
semiconductor is used.
 Schottky diodes operates only with a
majority carrier.
layer of metal is deposited on a thin epitaxial layer
of n type silicon.
 The metal film forms a positive electrode(anode)
and the semiconductor is the cathode.
 The cathode structure has an ohmic contact i.e no
rectifying characteristic.
 For a heavily doped n region ,such a contact is
 There
are no minority carriers and thus no
reverse leakage current .
 The schottky diode is very fast switching
Working of a schottky
Electrons in different materials have
different absolute potential energy.
N type s.c electrons have higher potential
energy as compared to electrons of
When the two brought in contact,there is
flow of electrons in both directions and
the flux of electrons from the
semiconductor into the metal is much
larger due to high absolute potential
 As
a result the metal will become
negatively charged and the
semiconductor will become positively
Varactor diode
 Depletion
region in a P-N junction forms a
barrier which seperates the positive and
negative charges on each side of the
 P side of the depletion layer has negative
immobile ions and n side has positive
immobile ions.
 Thus a pn junction possesses junction
Also the width of the depletion region