Transcript UNIT 3 PPT

BY: P. Vijaya & M. Niraja
A wide range of semiconductor devices have been developed
for detection, mixing, amplification, attenuation etc.
Microwave tubes are preferred over vacuum tubes. At
microwave frequency range, the conventional tubes become
less effective when used as an amplifier and oscillator.
Microwave tubes usually operate on the theory of velocity
modulation, a concept that avoids the problems encountered in
conventional tubes.
The liberation of electrons from the surface of a
substance is called electron emission.
In metals, the electrons in the outermost orbit are
very loosely held by the nucleus.
Those loosely attached electrons called free electrons,
can be easily detached by some external energy.
The liberation of electron is possible only when
external energy supplied to a metal is equal to or
more than the work function.
This external energy may be supplied from variety of
sources such as heat energy, kinetic energy supplied
by the moving electron or energy stored in the
electrical field.
Accordingly there are four main methods of
obtaining electron emission from the surface of metal
Thermionic emission
Secondary emission
Photo-electric emission
High Field emission
A thermionic emission include heating of the metal.
When a metal is heated, some of heat energy is converted into
kinetic energy which accelerates the motion of free electrons.
When the temperature is raised sufficiently, these electrons
acquire sufficient energy equal to work function of the metal.
Consequently they overcome the opposing forces and leave
the metal surface.
An electronic device in which electrons flow
through vacuum is called vacuum tubes.
A vacuum tube consists of a evacuated glass
envelope which contains a cathode, an anode and
one or more electrodes called grids.
Diode, triode, tetrode, pentode
Vacuum tubes are voltage controlled device.
These can operate at very high voltages.
High power can be easily developed by vacuum tubes.
According to the number of electrodes, vacuum tubes can
be classified as
Vacuum diode
Vacuum triode
(iii) Vacuum Tetrode
(iv) Vacuum Pentode
Conventional tubes such as triodes, tetrodes and
pentodes are useful only at low microwave
These tubes cannot operate at high frequencies due to
their limitations at those frequencies.
The conventional tubes become less effective at
microwave frequency range when these are used as
an amplifier and oscillator. The limitations of
conventional tubes at high frequencies is due to :
(a) Inter-electrode capacitance effect
(b) Lead Inductance effect
(c) Transit Time effect
The capacitance exists when two pieces of metal are
separated by a dielectric. Vacuum has a dielectric
constant of 1.
The elements of the triode are made up of metal and
are separated by dielectric material .
So there must exist capacitance between them. This
capacitance is called interelectrode capacitance.
The common lead inductance is the inductance associated
with the common connection of vacuum triode.
This effect is more when the frequency of the signal is high.
As the frequency increases, the inductive reactance
increases and due to high inductive reactance there is an
input matching problem.
The lead inductance affects the performance of
vacuum triode with most of input voltage lost across
inductance and only small fraction of input reach to
terminal for amplification.
These inductances form unwanted tuned circuit with
the capacitance and parasitic oscillations are
produced. As frequency increases, the reactance
The time taken by an electron to travel from cathode to
anode is called transit time.
At low frequencies, the transit time is very small i.e. the
electrons reach instantaneously the anode plate from
At high frequencies, the transit time becomes large
because the source driving the grid becomes loaded and
the gain of the vacuum tube becomes less than unity.
This loading is due to the dissipation of the power at
the grid. The effect of loading is such that the noise in
the circuit increases.
To minimize this effect, the distance between the
electrodes is to be reduced and high voltage must be
This will increase the interelectrode capacitance.
Klystron tube is a vacuum tube that can be operated
either as an oscillator or as an amplifier at microwave
frequencies. Two basic configurations of klystron
tubes are :
1. Multi-cavity klystron which is used as a low
power microwave amplifier.
2. Reflex klystron which is used as a low power
microwave oscillator.
As power output tubes
1. in UHF TV transmitters
2. in troposphere scatter transmitters
3. satellite communication ground station
4. radar transmitters
As power oscillator (5 – 50 GHz), if used as a
klystron oscillator
The reflex klystrons are used in
Radar receivers
Local oscillator in microwave receivers
Signal source in microwave generator of variable
Portable microwave links
Pump oscillator in parametric amplifier
TWT is an amplifier that makes use of distributed interaction
between electron beam and a travelling wave.
It is mainly used for amplification of high frequencies. i.e.
3000 MHz or above.
Its principle feature is based on a slow wave structure. the RF
wave propagate at the speed of light, while electron beam
propagate at much slow velocity. Therefore the mechanism
that reduces RF wave phase velocity in a TWT is a slow wave
Low noise RF amplifier in broad band microwave receivers.
Repeater amplifier in wide band communication links and
long distance telephony.
Due to long tube life (50,000 hours against ¼th for other
types), TWT is power output tube in communication
Continuous wave high power TWT’s are used in troposcatter
links (due to larger power and larger bandwidths).
Used in Air borne and ship borne pulsed high power radars.
Used for high power/high frequency combination
Tubes generate and amplify high levels of microwave
power more cheaply than solid state devices
Conventional tubes can be modified for low
capacitance but specialized microwave tubes are also
High-power oscillator
Common in radar and microwave ovens
Cathode in center, anode around outside
Strong dc magnetic field around tube causes electrons
from cathode to spiral as they move toward anode
Current of electrons generates microwaves in cavities
around outside
Magnetron has cavities all around the outside
Wave circulates from one cavity to the next around
the outside
Each cavity represents one-half period
Wave moves around tube at a velocity much less than
that of light
Wave velocity approximately equals electron velocity
Important for pulsed tubes like radar transmitters
Peak power can be much greater than average power
D 
Pavg  PP D
Used in high-power amplifiers
Electron beam moves down tube past several cavities.
Input cavity is the buncher, output cavity is the
Buncher modulates the velocity of the electron beam
Electric field from microwaves at buncher alternately
speeds and slows electron beam
This causes electrons to bunch up
Electron bunches at catcher induce microwaves with
more energy
The cavities form a slow-wave structure
Uses a helix as a slow-wave structure
Microwaves input at cathode end of helix, output at
anode end
Energy is transferred from electron beam to