Transcript File

5.10 Energy and Power
Energy (E)
 the ability to do work
 Measured in Joules (J)
Power (P)
 the amount of work that can be
accomplished in a certain amount of
 Measured in Watts (W)
the ability to do work
 all appliances need energy to work
a hair dryer needs to be plugged
in to get energy to work
a remote control needs energy
from batteries to work
the rate at which energy is used or
the amount of work done per
 Is measured in Watts
microwave that uses more Watts
will heat food faster!
Symbols and Units
Symbol =
Symbol =
E = P x Δt
Joules (J)
Watts (W)
Seconds (s)
A stereo has a power rating of 200W &
is used for 1800 seconds. How much
energy is used?
E = P x Δt
= 200 x 1800
E = 360 000J
A video game has a power rating of
175W & is used for 3600 seconds.
How much energy is used?
E = P x Δt
= 175 x 3600
E = 630,000 J
630,000 Joules of
energy were used to
work the video
A hair dryer has a power rating of
425W & is used for 10 minutes. How
much energy is used?
E = P x Δt
= 425 x 600
E = 255,000 J
Time must be in seconds
10 min x 60 = 600
255,000 Joules of energy
were used to work the
hair dryer
How do we pay for the energy we use?
Energy can also be measured in
kilowatt hours (kWh).
If we use 1000W in 1 hour, we consume
1 kWh = 3 600 000 J
KWh is used by Hydro Quebec to
calculate your energy bill
For a average summer day. Mrs “I”
uses 44 kWhs.
30 kWh x $0.0532 = $1.596
14 kWh x $0.0751 = $1.051
This is just for ONE day.
P = IV
Watts (W)
Amps (A)
Volts (V)
A toaster requires 120V & 6A to work.
What is its power?
P = I•V
P = (6)•(120)
P = 720 W
The toaster has 720 watts of
An appliance requires 240V & 2A to
work. What is its power?
P = I•V
P = (2)•(240)
P = 480 W
The appliance has a power of
480 watts
An appliance requires 120V & 12A to work.
It is used for 900 seconds.
How much
energy is used?
An appliance requires 120V & 12A to work.
It is used for 900 seconds.
How much
energy is used?
E = P x Δt
P = I•V
P = (12)•(120)
P = 1440 W
= 1440 x 900
E =1,296,000 J
An appliance uses 225V & 4A to work. It is
used for 1 hour. How much energy is used?
P = I•V
P = (4)•(225)
P = 900 W
E = P x Δt
60min x 60
= 900 x 3600
E =3,240,000 J