Transcript AVOP-ELEKTRO-VLC-011
Training program: Mechanic - electrotechnician
Program name:
Digital processing - microprocessors
III. class
Elaborated by: Vlastimil Vlček
Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002
je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
Project setup for Microchip ICD-2
This setup is valid for all tasks and exercises stated hereinafter.
Create a new project (use Project Wizard) with the following setup:
PIC16F883 microcontroller.
Microchip MPASM Toolsuit (check the correctness of paths to the files).
Enter the project name and the path to the place of saving.
Insert the source file.
Check and confirm the correctness of the assignment.
Save the project.
Project setup for Microchip ICD-2
Connect the MPLAB ICD-2 debugger to the USB port of the computer
Check (in the PC device manager) whether the device was installed
Connect an instruction board to the ICD-2 and connect the supply voltage
of 9V to the instruction board.
In the MPLAB-IDE program, select the MPLAB ICD-2 mode.
Project setup for Microchip ICD-2
In the Debugger/Settings menu, check:
Connect Status (Connected)
Self Test (PASS)
Power (presence of supply voltages)
Item “Power target circuit from MPLAB-ICD2” (Power) = inactive
Item “Program after successful build” (Program 2) = active
Item “Run after successful program” (Program 2) = inactive
Project setup for Microchip ICD-2
Set up the configuration bits in this way:
Oscillator Selection bits - XT oscillator
Watchdog Timer Enable bit - WDT disabled
Power-up Timer Enable bit - PWRT enabled
RE3/MCLR pin function select bit - RE3/MCLR pin function is MCLR
Program memory code protection - disabled
Data memory code protection - disabled
Brown Out Reset Selection bits - disabled
Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enabled bit - disabled
Low Voltage Programming Enable bit RB3 - digital I/O
Brown-out Reset Selection bit = 2.1V
Flash Program Memory Self Write Enable bits - off
Project setup for Microchip ICD-2
The MPLAB-IDE enables the setup of the configuration bits in two ways:
By inserting the configuration word into the source text by means of the
__CONFIG (e.g. _CONFIG 0xC1E0) directive
By setting up the individual configuration bits in the table (Configure
Configuration bits)
It is necessary to indicate/ not to indicate the selected method in the left upper
corner of the table of configuration bits
Project setup for Microchip ICD-2
Display the source text
Activate the “Output” window
Activate the “Watch” window
Arrange all windows suitably on the desktop
Save the desktop setup
Save the project
Summary of the subject matter - exercises
How do you find out whether the USB device of the ICD-2 was installed
Can an instruction board be supplied from the ICD-2?
During the work with the ICD-2, is it necessary for the oscillator of the
microcontroller to work on the instruction board?
What is the principle of the activity of the “In Circuit Debugger (ICD)” mode?
Where is its advantage?
Summary of the subject matter - exercises
What is the use of so-called “configuration bits”? Is it always necessary to
use them, or can we, in some cases, do without them?
Where do we find the meaning and function of individual configuration bits?
What purpose does the “Code protection” function serve?
What is the function of the “Watchdog timer” in a microcontroller?
Datasheet Microchip PIC16F882/883/884/886/887 DS41291E
Microchip.com: Getting Started with PICmicro MCUs
Microchip.com: MPLAB IDE User’s Guide
Microchip.com: Quick Guide to Microchip Development Tools