Transcript Document

11 - 17 November 2013
Antalya, TURKEY
Organized by:
ISPRS COMMISSION II - Theory and Concepts of Spatial Information Science
ISPRS COMMISSION III - Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Image Analysis
ISPRS COMMISSION IV - Geospatial Databases and Location Based Services
ISPRS COMMISSION VII - Thematic Processing, Modeling and Analysis of
Remotely Sensed Data
Related Events: Three ISPRS Workshops
- Laser Scanning (LS 2013)
- Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring –
Concepts, Algorithms and Evaluation (CMRT13)
- Image Sequence Analysis (ISA13)
 Spatial analysis and spatial data mining
 Spatial reasoning and spatial decision support systems
 Spatial data and model quality
 Geometric analyses of IR, SAR, IFSAR and LIDAR
 Automated feature and attribute extraction techniques and methodologies from
multisensor/resolution/spectral/temporal and hyperspectral imagery
 Object detection, recognition, identification and reconstruction
 Extraterrestrial spatial databases and spatial information systems
 Integration of spatial information systems and image analysis for GIS-driven
change detection, data capture
and updating
 Dynamic spatial information systems, spatial data revision and versioning
 Physical modeling and signatures in remote sensing
 Thematic data analysis (classification, change detection, etc.)
 Radar and lidar data processing and applications
Preliminary Program
The venue will be the "WOW Kremlin Palace, AntalyaTurkey". The hotel is 17 km. away from town center of Antalya
and located in Lara Beach in Kundu region.
Antalya, also known as "Turkish Riviera" due to its archaeological
and natural beauties, is a city on the Mediterranean coast of
southwestern Turkey offering all the mysticism of past in our day.
We look forward to seeing you in
Where the Sun meets the Sea – Antalya !