Chapter_033 - CESA 10 Moodle

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Chapter 33
Growth and Development
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Slide 1
Prenatal period—period beginning with
conception and ending at birth
Postnatal period—period beginning with birth
and continuing until death
Human developmental biology—study of
changes occurring during the cycles of life
from conception to death
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A New Human Life
Production of sex cells—spermatozoa are produced by
spermatogenesis; ova are produced by oogenesis
Meiosis (Figures 33-1 and 33-2)
• Special form of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes
in each daughter cell to one half of those in the parent cell
• Mature ova and sperm contain only 23 chromosomes, half as many
as other human cells
• Meiotic division—two cell divisions that occur one after another in
Meiotic division I and meiotic division II
Both divisions made up of an interphase, prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, and telophase
• During prophase I of meiosis, “cross over” occurs where genetic
material is “shuffled”
• Daughter cells formed by meiotic division I contain a haploid number
of chromosomes
• Meiotic division II—essentially the same as mitotic division;
reproduces each of the two cells formed by meiotic division I and
forms four cells, each with the haploid number of chromosomes
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A New Human Life
Production of sex cells (cont.)
Spermatogenesis (Figure 33-3)—process by
which primitive male sex cells become
transformed into mature sperm; begins
approximately at puberty and continues
throughout a man’s life
• Meiotic division I—one primary spermatocyte forms two
secondary spermatocytes, each with 23 chromosomes
• Meiotic division II—each of the two secondary
spermatocytes form a total of four spermatids
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A New Human Life
Production of sex cells (cont.)
Oogenesis (Figure 33-4)—process by which primitive
female sex cells become transformed into mature ova
• Mitosis—oogonia reproduce to form primary oocytes; most
primary oocytes begin meiosis and develop to prophase
I before birth; there they stay until puberty
• Once during each menstrual cycle, a few primary oocytes
resume meiosis and migrate toward the surface of the ovary;
usually only one oocyte matures enough for ovulation, and
meiosis again halts at metaphase II
• Meiosis resumes only if the head of a sperm cell enters
the ovum
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A New Human Life
Ovulation and insemination
Ovulation—expulsion of the mature ovum from the
mature ovarian follicle, into the abdominopelvic
cavity, and then the uterine (fallopian) tube
Insemination—expulsion of seminal fluid from
male into the female vagina; sperm travel through
cervix and uterus and into uterine (fallopian) tubes
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A New Human Life
Fertilization—also known as conception (Figure 33-5)
Most often occurs in the outer one third of oviduct
Ovum attracts and “traps” sperm with special receptor
molecules on its surface
When one spermatozoon enters ovum, ovum stops collecting
sperm on its surface
The sperm releases its nuclear chromosomes into the ovum;
proteins and RNA from the sperm enter the ovum to assist with
early development
23 chromosomes from the sperm head and 23 chromosomes in
the ovum comprise a total of 46 chromosomes
Zygote—fertilized ovum; genetically complete
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Prenatal Period
Begins with conception and continues until the birth of a child
Cleavage and implantation (Figure 33-6)—once zygote is formed, it
immediately begins to divide
Morula—solid mass of cells formed from zygote; takes approximately 3
days; continues to divide (Figure 33-7)
 Blastocyst—by the time developing embryo reaches uterus, it has
formed a hollow ball of cells, which implants into uterine lining (Figure
 Approximately 10 days pass from fertilization until implantation in
uterine lining; ovum has a store of nutrients that support this embryonic
development until implantation has occurred
 Blastocyst has an outer layer of cells and an inner cell mass
• Trophoblast—outer wall of blastocyst
• Inner cell mass—as blastocyst develops, yolk sac and amniotic cavity are
formed (Figure 33-9)
In humans, yolk sac’s functions are largely nonnutritive
Amniotic cavity becomes a fluid-filled, shock-absorbing sac (bag of waters) in
which embryo floats during development (Figure 33-10)
• Chorion develops from trophoblast to become an important fetal membrane
in the placenta
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Prenatal Period
Cleavage and implantation (cont.)
Placenta (Figure 33-11)
• Anchors fetus to uterus and provides “bridge” for exchange
of nutrients and waste products between mother and baby
• Also serves as excretory, respiratory, and endocrine organ
• Placental tissue normally separates maternal and fetal
blood supplies
• Has important endocrine functions—secretes large
amounts of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which
stimulates the corpus luteum to continue its secretion of
estrogen and progesterone (Figure 33-12)
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Prenatal Period
Periods of development
(Figures 33-13 through 33-15)
Gestation period—approximately 39 weeks;
divided into three 3-month segments called
Embryonic phase extends from fertilization until
the end of week 8 of gestation
Fetal phase—weeks 8 to 39
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Prenatal Period
Formation of the primary germ layers
Three layers of specialized cells develop early in
first trimester of pregnancy
Cells of embryonic disk differentiate and form each
of the three primary germ layers
Each primary germ layer gives rise to specific
organs and systems of the body (Figure 33-16)
There are three primary germ layers:
• Endoderm—inside layer
• Ectoderm—outside layer
• Mesoderm—middle layer
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Prenatal Period
Histogenesis and organogenesis (Figure 33-19)
Histogenesis—process by which primary germ layers develop
into different kinds of tissues
Organogenesis—how tissues arrange themselves into organs
Differentiation and development of the reproductive systems
are an example
• Reproductive tract (Figure 33-17)
Gonads attach to mesonephric (Wolffian) ducts, which become the male
reproductive tract
Gonads (unattached) and paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts develop
into the female reproductive tract
• External genitals (Figure 33-18)
In the male, the genital tubercle eventually becomes the glans of the
penis and the folds become the penis shaft and scrotum
In the female, the genital tubercle becomes the clitoris and the folds
become the labia
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Birth, or Parturition
Transition between prenatal and postnatal
periods of life
Stages of labor (Figure 33-20)
Stage one—period from onset of uterine
contractions until cervical dilation is complete
Stage two—period from maximal cervical dilation
until the baby exits through the vagina
Stage three—process of expulsion of the placenta
through the vagina
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Slide 13
Birth, or Parturition
Multiple births—birth of two or more infants
from the same pregnancy; twins are most
common (Figure 33-21)
Identical twins result from the splitting of embryonic
tissue from the same zygote early in development
Fraternal twins result from the fertilization of two
different ova by two different spermatozoa
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Postnatal Period
Begins at birth and continues until death;
commonly divided into a number of periods
(Figure 33-22)
Infancy begins at birth and lasts until
approximately 18 months
Neonatal period—first 4 weeks of infancy; dramatic
changes occur at a rapid rate (Figure 33-23)
Changes allow the infant to become totally
self-supporting, especially respiratory and
cardiovascular systems (Figure 33-24)
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Slide 15
Postnatal Period
Childhood extends from end of infancy to sexual
maturity, or puberty
Early childhood—growth continues at a rapid pace
but slows down
By age 6, child looks more like a preadolescent than
an infant or toddler
Nervous and muscular systems develop rapidly
during middle years of childhood
Deciduous teeth are lost during childhood, beginning
at approximately 6 years of age
Permanent teeth have erupted by age 14, except for
third molars (wisdom teeth)
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Slide 16
Postnatal Period
Adolescence and adulthood
Adolescence is considered to be the teenage years (from 13 to
19); marked by rapid and intense physical growth, resulting in
sexual maturity
• Puberty—stage of adolescence during which a person becomes
sexually mature
• Changes triggered by increases in reproductive hormones (Figure
• Primary sexual characteristics—maturity of gonads and reproductive
• Secondary sexual characteristics—fat and hair distribution, skeletal
changes, etc. (Figure 33-26)
Adulthood—characterized by maintenance of existing body
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Slide 17
Postnatal Period
Older adulthood and senescence
As a person grows older, a gradual decline occurs in
every major organ system in the body
Gerontologists theorize a number of different aging
mechanisms, all of which may be involved in the
processes of aging:
• Limit on cell reproduction
• Environmental factors
• Viruses
• Aging genes
• Degeneration of mitochondria—perhaps progressive
damage by oxygen free-radicals (Figure 33-27)
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Slide 18
Effects of Aging—Common Degenerative
Changes That Frequently Characterize
Senescence (Figure 33-28)
Skeletal system (Figure 33-29)
Bones decrease in bone mineral density (BMD ) and
thus change in texture, degree of calcification, and
Lipping occurs, which can limit range of motion
Decreased bone size and density lead to increased
risk of fracture
Decreased BMD can be avoided (at least partly) by
exercise and adequate calcium intake
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Effects of Aging—Common Degenerative
Changes That Frequently Characterize
Senescence (Figure 33-28)
Muscular system (Figure 33-30)
Muscle mass decreases to about 90% by age 50
and around 50% by age 80
The number of muscle fibers decreases as
humans age but can be offset by an increase in
muscle fiber size through exercise
Ratio of “fast” to “slow” functioning in muscle fibers
decreases, slowing the function of muscle organs
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Effects of Aging—Common Degenerative
Changes That Frequently Characterize
Senescence (Figure 33-28)
Integumentary system (skin)
Skin becomes dry, thin, and inelastic
Pigmentation changes and thinning hair are
common problems associated with aging
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Effects of Aging—Common Degenerative
Changes That Frequently Characterize
Senescence (Figure 33-28)
Urinary system
Number of nephron units in the kidney decreases
by almost 50% between the ages of 30 and 75
Decreased blood flow through kidneys reduces
overall function and excretory capacity
Diminished muscle tone in bladder results in
decreased capacity and inability to empty, or void,
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Effects of Aging—Common Degenerative
Changes That Frequently Characterize
Senescence (Figure 33-28)
Respiratory system
Costal cartilages become calcified
Respiratory efficiency decreases
Decreased strength of respiratory muscles
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Effects of Aging—Common Degenerative
Changes That Frequently Characterize
Senescence (Figure 33-28)
Cardiovascular system
Degenerative heart and blood vessel disease—one
of the most common and serious effects of aging
Atherosclerosis—build-up of fatty deposits on blood
vessel walls narrows the passageway for blood
Arteriosclerosis—“hardening” of the arteries
Hypertension—high blood pressure
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Effects of Aging—Common Degenerative
Changes That Frequently Characterize
Senescence (Figure 33-28)
Special senses
Sense organs—gradual decline in performance and
capacity with aging
Presbyopia—far-sightedness due to hardening of lens
Cataract—cloudy lens, which impairs vision
Glaucoma—increased pressure within the eyeball; if
left untreated, often results in blindness
Decreased hearing
Decreased taste
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Effects of Aging—Common Degenerative
Changes That Frequently Characterize
Senescence (Figure 33-28)
Reproductive systems
Mechanism of sexual response may change
Fertility decreases
In females, menopause occurs between ages of 45
and 60
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Slide 26
Causes of Death
In developed countries such as the United
States, heart disease, cancer, and stroke
(CVA) are among the leading causes of death
(Figure 33-31)
In developing countries, heart disease and
stroke are also leading causes of death,
along with infectious diseases such as
HIV/AIDS, diarrheal disorders, and malaria
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