Transcript Week-03

Ethics: Doing the Right
Chapter 3
The Ethical Imperative
Balancing two priorities when doing research
Protecting research
participants and
upholding boarder
human rights.
Gaining knowledge
and finding a clear
answer to a
research question.
The Ethical Imperative
Researchers have a strong moral and
professional obligation to act ethically at all
times and in all situations
• Scientific Misconduct
– Scientific misconduct = violating basic and
generally accepted standards of honest
scientific research, such as research fraud
and plagiarism.
The Ethical Imperative
• Scientific Misconduct
– Research fraud = to invent, falsify or distort
study data or to lie about how a study was
– Plagiarism = using another person’s words or
ideas without giving them proper credit and
instead passing them off as your own.
• Unethical but Legal
The Ethical Imperative
• Unethical but Legal
Typology Of Legal And Ethical Actions In
Moral and Legal
Legal but Immoral
Illegal but Moral
Immoral and Illegal
Ethical Issues Involving
Research Participants
• The Origin of Ethical Principles with Humans
• Protect Research Participants from Harm
– Avoid Harm To Research Participants
• Physical harm
• Psychological abuse, stress, or loss of self-esteem
• Legal harm
Ethical Issues Involving
Research Participants
• Participation Must be Voluntary and
– Principle of Voluntary Consent = never
force anyone to participate in a research study.
Participants should explicitly and voluntarily
agree to participate.
– Informed Consent = An agreement in which
participants state they are willing to be in a
study and they know what the research
procedure will involve.
Ethical Issues Involving
Research Participants
• Limits to Using Deception (dishonestly/trickery/fraud etc.)
in Research
– Deception is Acceptable Only Within Strict Limits
• it has a clear, specific methodological purpose
• use it only to the minimal degree necessary and for
shortest time;
• obtain informed consent and do not misrepresent any
• always debrief.
– Avoid compulsion.
Ethical Issues Involving
Research Participants
• Privacy, Anonymity, and Confidentiality
– Privacy has two components:
• Anonymity = not connecting a participant’s name
or identifying details to information collected about
him or her.
• Confidentiality = holding information in
confidence or not making it known to the public.
Ethical Issues Involving
Research Participants
Gather data so it is
impossible for anyone to
link it to any name and
release findings in
aggregate form.
Privately link details about
a specific participant to a
name, but only publicly
release findings in
aggregate form
Release details about a
specific participant to the
public, but withhold the
name and details that
might allow someone to
trace back to the person.
Reveal publicly details
about a person with
his/her name
Ethical Issues Involving
Research Participants
• Extra Protections for Special Populations
– Special populations = people lacking the cognitive
competency or full freedom to give true informed
• Formal Protections for Research Participants
– Institutional Review Board (IRB) = a committee of
researchers and community members that oversees,
monitors, and reviews the impact of research
procedures on human participants.
– Code of Ethics = A written, formal set of professional
standards that provides guidance when ethical
questions arise in practice.
Ethics and the Sponsors of
• Arriving at Particular Findings
– Limits on How to Conduct Studies
– Suppressing Findings
– Whistle-blowing = when a researcher sees
unethical behavior and after unsuccessful
attempts to get superiors to end it, goes public
to expose the wrongdoing.
Political Influences on Research
• Political concerns can influence and
interfere with the research process.
Value-Free and Objective
Multiple Meanings
– Value free has two meanings:
1) research without any prior assumptions or theory,
2) research free of influence from an individual
researcher’s personal beliefs/assumptions.
– Objective has two meanings as well:
1) focus only on what is external or visible,
2) follow clear and publicly accepted research
procedures and not haphazard, invented personal