Plants النباتات

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Transcript Plants النباتات

Part: 3
Properties that distinguish plants from
previous kingdoms:
Plants have chlorophyll for photosynthesis.
2- Plant reproduction features alternation of generations.
3- Plants have dependent embryos.
4- Plants have roots or root-like structures that anchor it
and absorb water and nutrient from the soil.
5- Plants have a waxy cuticle that covers the surface of
leaves and stems, limiting water loss.
Phylum Hepaticophyta (Liverworts)
‫شعبة الحزازيات الكبدية‬
Nonvascular plants
Phylum Anthocerotophyta (Hornworts)
‫شعبة الحزازيات القرنية‬
Phylum Bryophyta Mosses
‫شعبة الحزازيات القائمة‬
Phylum Lycophytes (spike mosses)
‫شعبة الحزازيات السنبلية‬
Phylum Sphenophyta( horsetails)
‫شعبة نباتات ذيل الحصان‬
Phylum Psilotophyta (whisk ferns)
‫شعبة السرخسيات القشية‬
Phylum Pterophyta (Ferns)
‫شعبة السرخسيات‬
‫عاريات البذور‬
‫كاسيات البذور‬
Plant kingdom
‫المملكة النباتية‬
(Land Plants ‫(نباتات اليابسة‬
‫النباتات الالوعائية‬
Two major groups of land plants : the
nonvascular plants and the vascular plants.
Nonvascular plants lack conducting structures,
true roots, leaves, or stems.
 They have rhizoids )‫(اشباه جذور‬that anchor the plant
and bring water and nutrients into the plant body.
 Body size is limited due to the lack of conducting
tissues, and slow diffusion must distribute water and
nutrients throughout the plant body.
 Gametophyte generation )‫(الطور المشيجي‬is the
predominating stage in the life cycle of the plant while
sporophyte generation )‫( الطور البوغي‬is short term.
 The reproductive structures of nonvascular plants are
- For example, An adaptation to terrestrial life is their
enclosed reproductive structures ‫(تراكيبها الثكاثرية‬
)‫ مطوقة‬, which prevent the gametes from drying out.
 Nonvascular plants include hornworts, liverworts,
and mosses.
Vascular plants have conducting vessels
that also provide support.
 The conducting cells of vascular plants are called
vessels, which contain lignin that serve support and
conducting functions.
 They have true stems and leaves, and the soprophyte
generation is the predominating stage while lifespan of
the gametophyte is very short.
 Vascular plants can grow tall )‫ (تزداد في الطول‬because of
vessels that provide support to these structures as well
as conducting of water and nutrients between the roots
to the leaves.
 There are two groups of vascular plants: the seedless
vascular plants and the seed plants.
Seedless vascular plants :
Seedless plants reproduce by spores
Some seedless plants do not have any vascular tissue.
They typically live in wet, humid places
They include the spike mosses, horsetails, whisk ferns and
Seed plants :
Their sizes are bigger and obvious compared to seedless
Seed plants reproduce by seeds
 They have vascular tissue.
 They are grouped into two general types:
1- Gymnosperms, which lack flowers (e.g. Pine and
2- Angiosperms, the flowering plants. (majority of plants
such as oranges )
Task for Students
What are other differences between
Gymnosperms and Angiosperms??