Transcript seed cone

Undifferentiated plant tissue which gives
rise to new cells (growth). This can
differentiate into any other type of tissue
needed by the plant.
at tips of branches & roots:
– primary growth= increased height
– apical meristem
around the perimeter of
roots & stems:
– Secondary growth= increased diameter
– lateral meristem
– In stems in can produce wood, cork(bark) also
occurs in roots.
• Vascular tissue consists of xylem and phloem.
These two types of vessels run side-by-side, extending from
roots to leaves. They provide channels for the transport of
water and nutrients.
Xylem- Conducts water and minerals from
the roots to the leaves.
• Composed of ground cells and 2 types of
conducting cells:
– Tracheids (A)
• thin cells w/ slanted ends-stacked
atop each other. Pits allow
transfer between cells
– Vessel elements (B)
• Perforated end walls. Vessel
members join together into long
tubes called vessels. Occur
primarily in angiosperms
• Carries dissolved “stuff” synthesized
by the plant
• Phloem composed of 2 types of cells
– sieve –tube elements (A)
• Possess no nucleus, mitochondrion, or
• Rate of flow of substances through
sieve-tube elements is high.
– Companion cells (B)
• Adjacent companion cells – These
cells perform enough biochemistry to
keep the sieve-tube elements and
themselves alive.
Transport of food.
The xylem sap is
always a very dilute
solution, but the
phloem sap may
contain up to 25%
of dissolved solids
such as sucrose and
amino acids.
Plant Organs:
Root Functions:
• Absorb Nutrients
• Anchor the
• Store Food
Roots Control Water Flow:
• Beneath the root epidermis is a ring of waterproof cells
called the Casparian Strip.
• The Casparian strip forces water to move THROUGH
the cytoplasm to the vascular tissue.
Pathway of water and Minerals through the
roots toward the xylem
• This controls absorption of water and nutrients toward
the xylem. Water can NOT enter from outside the cells
after the Casparian strip.
Root Pressure:
• High mineral concentration
inside vascular tissue attracts
water via osmosis.
• This pressure from water
entering root pushes fluids up
the xylem against gravity as a
result of root pressure.
• This pressure moves water away
from the roots allowing more
water to enter the root tips.
Types of Roots:
• TaprootsCommon in dicots
• Lateral Roots- Extensions
off the taproot
• Fibrous roots – Common
in monocots
Stems have four main functions :
1) Support and t elevation of leaves, flowers and fruits.
2) The stems keep the leaves in the light and provide a
place for the plant to keep its flowers and fruits.
3) Transport of fluids between the roots and the shoots in
the xylem and phloem.
Storage of nutrients.
4) The production of new living tissue. Stems have cells
called meristems that annually generate new living tissue.
• Vascular bundles run its length
– Monocots: scattered throughout
– Dicots: arranged in a ring around the edge
Organized to maximize sugar production.
Waxy cuticle cover minimizes water loss
Leaf mesophyll contains the palisade mesophyll,
important for photosynthesis and spongy mesophyll,
for diffusion of gasses into and out of the leaf.
Veins contain vascular bundles for carrying water
and nutrients from soil to the leaves and products of
photosynthesis away from the leaves to other parts
of the plant.
Stomata regulate water loss and gas exchange
aids the plant in
pulling water from
the soil into the roots
and through the rest
of the plant.
( Cohesion and
4 factors which control rate
of transpiration are :
1)light intensity,
3)air movement,
4) temperature.
• Plants can be
• Cuttings, grafts, and
runners allow for a
plant to reproduce
new, genetically
identical individuals.
Gymnosperms do not produce flowers.
Seeds are produced inside cones.
Gymnosperm produce two types of cones.
 The male cone is called the pollen cone.
 The larger female cone is the seed cone.
 A single tree usually produces both pollen and
seed cones.
Female Pine Cone
Male Pine Cone
• Pollination
– Pollen grain lands on stigma
– Pollen tube grows toward ovary
– Two sperm nuclei travel down
pollen tube
– One sperm fertilizes the egg,
second sperm fertilizes the 2
polar bodies and becomes the 3n
endosperm & becomes the
Polar nuclei
Seed Development
• After fertilization
– Ovule becomes the
– Ovary becomes the
• Seed consists of:
– Seed coat
– Embryo
– Cotyledon ( food
for embryo)
• Seeds packaged into an
attractive box called
• Various styles of fruit provide
different types of dispersal :
– Fruit eaten by animal, seed
just discarded.
– Fruit digested by animals,
seeds released in feces.
– Burred seeds carried on fur.
– Winged fruits -wind dispersed.
Seeds Differ Between
Monocots and Dicots:
Growth of a Plant Toward or Away
From a Stimulus.
• Phototrophism – growth influenced by light. (
Positive – toward; negative – away)
• Gravitropism-growth influenced by gravity.
( Positive – toward; negative – away)
• Thigmotropism- growth influenced by contact
with the plant.
( Positive – toward; negative – away)
• Caused by the unequal
accumulations of Auxin.
• Auxin accumulates on the
dark side of a plant.
• Cells containing auxin will
elongate faster.
• Faster growth on the dark
side causes plant to tilt
toward the light.
A key regulatory process
in plants to insure that
roots grow down and
shoots grow up in
developing seedlings
The result of the
hormones Auxin and
Touched cells produce Auxins and
transport it to untouched cells. Some
untouched cells will then elongate faster
so growth Bends around the object.
Plants respond to length of day to control
many activities. Among these is the
flowering of the species. This ability to is
linked to an inner light sensitive circadian