File - McQueen Art Room

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Transcript File - McQueen Art Room

Chrysalis Project
Art 3 & 4
• Parts of the Butterfly
• Birth of the Butterfly
• Life Cycles
• Where They Live
Butterfly Facts!
Butterflies are flying insects with large scaly wings.
They have 6 jointed legs, 3 body parts, 2 antennae, compound eyes,
and an exoskeleton.
The butterfly’s body is covered by tiny sensory hairs.
It has FOUR wings.
Different Kinds of Butterflies
There are approximately 20,000 species of butterflies!
There is about 725 species in North America alone!
There is usually around 100 species of butterflies near your home!
Eating Habits
Butterflies don’t eat- they ONLY DRINK!
They drink from flowers, rotten fruit, and even sweat or animal waste!
Some butterflies are even camouflaged
to look like leaves!
Butterflies close their wings when it’s not sunny out.
Some butterflies such as the owl butterflies have large
eye spots that can make them look scary to frighten
predators away.
The Monarch caterpillar feeds on
milkweed so that the adult butterfly
will be poisonous to birds.
Parts of the Butterfly
Butterflies have scales, just like a fish!
They have a long tubular tongue,
smell with their antennae,
and taste with their feet!
Birth of the Butterfly
The Cocoon
I found a cocoon
That a caterpillar made,
Fastened to a leaf
Hanging in the shade.
He barely had room
To wiggle or wag,
Like me zipped up
In my sleeping bag.
I looked each time
That I passed his way,
But he never budged
Until just today.
Something happened!
He wagged and wiggled
And then climbed out
And carefully jiggled
Small wet wings
That grew as they dried.
He'd turned to a butterfly
Painted Lady Butterfly
Vanessa cardui
Buckeye Butterfly
Junonia coenia
Owl Butterfly
Caligo spp.
Great Mormon Swallowtail
Papilio memnon
Monarch Butterfly
Danaus plexippus
Julia Longwing
Dryas julia
Tiger Longwing
Heliconius hecale
Common Wood Nymph
Cercyonis pegala
Life Cycles
 There are four stages in a butterfly’s life cycle.
Caterpillar (Larva)
Pupa (Chrysalis)
• After butterflies mate, they lay their eggs, usually on a plant that can
feed the caterpillars when they hatch. Caterpillars eat and eat until
they are too big for their skin. Then they shed it for new skin. They do
this 4-6 times as they grow up.
• Caterpillars transform into butterflies in the pupa stage. The pupa is
called a chrysalis. Adult butterflies do best when they are warm, so
some migrate to warmer places during the cold winter months.
A butterfly lives approximately one month.
Assignment Requirements
1. Design a magazine cover with one or more stages of the butterfly:
Egg • Caterpillar • Chrysalis • Butterfly
2. Use a media that will compliment your piece (watercolor, colored
pencil, acrylic paint, gel pen, pen and ink, chalk pastel, collage and/or
3. Consider the layout and composition of your subject matter as a
magazine cover.
4. Make sure your subject matter is well designed, beautifully crafted and
that you have complete work of art.
5. Include a focal point related to the Chrysalis and make sure your work
is unified.
Past McQueen Covers
Salvador Dali Butterflies
Vladimir Kush Paintings