Ella, Clara, Bella, and gabrielleTaiga

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Transcript Ella, Clara, Bella, and gabrielleTaiga

Meteorology Chapter 1
Welcome to Taiga Forest
By: Bella
Taiga Forest
Taiga forests are located on the northern
parts of the world because of the location of
the biome
• The land is dominated by cold arctic air which
causes freezing weather.
• In winter the temperature drops because of
the cold arctic air and the winter climate. In
the summer, there is still cold air but because
of the sun the temperature rises.
The lowest temperature ever recorded in the taiga
forest is -54 degrees and the highest is 30 degrees.
Fun fact:
If you are planning a trip to a taiga forest you should
probably go in the summer because in the winter the
temperature is at least -35.
You should always bring rain boots in case of bad weather,
always bring heavy clothes for the night .
Enjoy your stay!
Botanist Chapter2
By: Clara Leahy
 Soil in the taiga contains permafrost. Which is a layer of
permanently frozen soil. In other spots, the soil has a
layer of bedrock. Both the permafrost and bedrock
prevents water draining from the top of the soil. The
ground in the taiga wet and spongy.
 taiga - National Geographic Education
How Does The Climate help
The Plants Grow?
 Pine trees have survived the climate in the taiga because
of there needles. The needles contain very little sap,
which helps them not to freeze. There color and shape
helps them catch sunlight which also prevents them from
 taiga - National Geographic Education
 Taiga Biome
Globe Flower
 BirdQuest | The Ultimate in Birding Tou
Black Spruce
 Black_Spruce.jpg
Canadian Shrub
 The world`s fastest moving plant
 The Northern Taiga: plants and trees
 The Northern Taiga: plants and trees
 The Northern Taiga: plants and trees
 The Northern Taiga: plants and trees
Siberian Dwarf Pine
 The Northern Taiga: plants and trees
 The Northern Taiga: plants and trees
Taiga - Biomes of the World Taiga - Wonderful
West Wild Wilderness
 Many trees have needle-like leaves which shape
loses less water and sheds snow more easily
than broad leaves
 Many trees are evergreen so that plants can
photosynthesize right away when temperatures
 Waxy coating on needles prevent evaporation
 Needles are dark in color allowing more solar
heat to be absorbed
 Many trees have branches that droop downward
to help shed excess snow to keep the branches
from breaking
Zoology Chapter 3
By: Ella Miller
3 Herbivores
1. Reindeer
2. Eurasian Beaver*
3. Capercaillie Bird
What These Animals Eat
 Reindeer- leaves, sedges/grasses, bird eggs, moss, and
 Eurasian Beavers- plants and tree bark
 Capercaillie Birds- wild fruits and pine needles
3 Carnivores
 Stoat
 Wolverine
 Wolves
What these Animals Eat
 Stoat- mice, voles, ground squirrels, rabbits, and birds.
 Wolverine- hare, porcupine, mice, and squirrel
 Wolves- elk, bison, moose, deer, birds, and rodents
3 Omnivores
• Black Bear
• Grizzly Bear
• Northern Bat
What these Animals Eat
 Black Bear- grasses, roots, berries, insects, fish, carrion
and other mammals, and they will easily develop a taste
for human food and garbage
 Grizzly Bears- roots, fruits, berries, grasses, forbs, fish,
carrion, ground squirrels, moose, elk, reindeer, and deer
 Northern Bat- insects, fruits, and flower nectar
Food Chain 1
Food Chain 2
1 Decomposer
 Vole
What voles eat
What they eat
 They eat pretty much whatever they find because they are scavengers.
Their role in the Taiga biome
Many other animals eat voles, including martens, snakes, and weasels. If the
food chain did not have voles, their predators might die, which would
definitely effect the food chain. Voles eat lots of plants, and without that,
there would be lots and lots of plants overgrowing the Taiga. Also, since
they are scavengers, they eat dead animals so there would be lots of dead
animals lying around without them.
The Taiga has a very cold winter in which the animals have to adapt to.
These animal’s adaptations help them with several things, such as hiding and
defending themselves.
Some animals, like the snowshoe hare and the stoat change color. They turn white.
This helps them so they can blend into the snow and hide from predators.
These pictures show a snowshoe hare in the summer and in the winter.
Abiotic Factors that Help
Animals Live in the Taiga
The Taiga has a cold winter that causes animals to
 Hibernate
 Migrate
 Grow a layer of insulating fur or feathers
Biotic Factors that Help Animals Live in the
The animals listed have an important part in the food chain, but
when you think about it, all animals have an important part in
the food chain!
 Black Bear
 Bald Eagle
 Red Fox
 River Otter
 Wolverine
 Snowshoe Rabbit
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowshoe_hare
 http://borealbiome.weebly.com/plants-and-animals.html
 http://www.bear.org/website/bear-pages/blackbear/hibernation.html
 https://sites.google.com/site/hermanmarshalltaiga/home/bio
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/reindeer
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_beaver
 http://www.animalcorner.co.uk/endangered/bi_birdcapercaill
 http://www.ask.com
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoat
Sources Continued
Chapter 4 Geographer!
By: Gabrielle Black
The taiga is found
around the world in…
1. North America
2. Scandinavia
3. Siberia
4. Mongolia
5. Northern China
6. Northern Japan
The landscape:
Valley`s, Mountains,
etc. …
The boreal forest has spruce, pines, and
birch trees all mixed up and spread
throughout the forest
2. The taiga during the last ice age
became completely glaciated!
3. In the mountains of the west, several
variations of the boreal forest accord:
At elevations between 4,000 and 8,000
feet the tall western conifers are joined
by the magnificent sequoia gigantean.
Which is on the western slopes of the
sierra Nevada.
There is a place where fire is an
important part of the environment
which is called the Rocky Mountains.
Once again the great fire of
Yellowstone National Park
demonstrating the association of this
species and its ecosystem with repeated
Along the Appalachian Mountains the
boreal forest of Easter Canada
Dominated by Picea Rubens, and Abies
balsam extends south until it hits
Humans influence
on the environment in
this biome are…
Taigas are threatened by human
activity, also climate change.
2. Foxes and bears have been hunted
with other animals for human
3. The most serious threat is
civilization not hunting!
4. Lumber projects, cardboard,
paper, and other projects use the
trees of this biome.
5. Some/most economic industries
cuts down trees damaging
animal`s habits, organisms, and
make it difficult for new/old trees
to grow in that designated area.
6. Clear cutting also has another
dangerous path! Erosion! Erosion
will increase if to many trees are
cut down! The very last is
Fun Facts
1.The worlds largest taiga stretches about 5,800
kilometers (3,600 miles), located in Russia.
2.Major attractions in the taiga are hiking, fishing,
hunting, and tour guides showing really cool spots.
3.The taiga during the last ice age became completely
 news.nationalgeographic.com
 Google images
 Radford.edu
 EoEarth.org