Prairie Powerpoint Review

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The Prairie
How does a fawn use adaptations to survive?
A.Pattern of fur to blend in with grasses
B. Long legs to jump over deep water.
C. Sharp claws to attack enemies.
D. Fangs to bite predators.
How does a giraffe use adaptations in their
A. Long legs to jump long distances to safety
B. Humps on body to story water to drink
C. Sharp horns to protect itself from enemies.
D. Long neck to reach leaves from tall trees..
How does a skunk’s foul odor help them as
an adaptation?
A. It wants to attract a mate.
B. It feels threatened.
C. It helps to mark its territory..
D It is happy in its environment...
Which adaptation helps an owl hunt at
A. Long feathers
B. Lightweight body
C. Large eyes
D. Powerful voice
Which organism is a producer?
A. turkey
B. bacteria
C. grass
D rabbit
Which organism is a consumer?
A. soybeans
B. Bluestem grass
C. snake
D. corn
Which organism is a decomposer?
A. soybeans
B. Bluestem grass
C. bacteria
D. corn
After examining owl pellets in class which
can you determine?
A. They are consumers.
B. They are producers.
C. They are decomposers
D They are herbivores
Why are the roots so long on a bluestem grass
A. So they can grow back after being eaten by grazing
B. So that underground insects can live
C. So the grass can provide shade
D So the plant can stay warm when the weather
is cold.
Which statement defines best what a
producer is?
A. A producer gets its energy by eating consumers.
B. A producer gets its energy by using the
sun for food.
C. A producer puts nutrients back in the soil.
D. A producer feeds on dead and decaying plants
and animals.
Which animal most likely would eat grasses?
A. mouse
B. hawk
C. spider
D. wolf
What is bacteria, fungi, and worms all
classified as?
A. decomposers
B. consumers
C. producers
D. herbivores
How do decomposers help the food chain?
A.They release oxygen so animals can breathe.
B. They put nutrients into the soil so that
plants can grow.
C. They provide shelter where animals can hide.
D. They use sunlight to make their own food.
Prairie Food Chain
Second order
Which organism belongs
A. grasshopper
B. mushroom
C. coyote
Fourth order consumer
Third order consumer
Prairie Food Web
Second order
Which organism
could go here?
A. Coyote
First order consumer
B. frog
Third order consumer
Fourth order consumer