Transcript Chapter 7

Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of
Primary Producers
• What is a primary producer?
• Where are primary producers found in the
marine ecosystem?
• When are primary producers a problem?
• Why are primary producers important?
• How do algae differ from plants?
Chapter 7
Multicellular Primary Producers
• Primary producers – those organisms that
• Previously, we talked about phytoplankton:
• Cyanobacteria
• We also talked about unicellular protists that are
phytoplankton (for example: dinoflagellates,
diatoms, etc)
• Now we will talk about the macro algae
(“seaweeds”) and marine plants
Multicellular Algae
• Most primary production in marine
ecosystems takes place by phytoplankton
but seaweed and flowering plants contribute
especially in coastal areas
• Seaweeds are multicellular algae that inhabit
the oceans
• Major groups of marine macroalgae:
– red algae (phylum Rhodophyta)
– brown algae (phylum Phaeophyta)
– green algae (phylum Chlorophyta)
• Red algae
• Green algae
• Brown algae
Multicellular Algae
• Scientists who study seaweeds and
phytoplankton are called phycologists or
• Seaweeds contribute to the economy of
coastal seas
• Produce 3 dimensional structural habitat for
other marine organisms
• Consumed by an array of animals, e.g., sea
urchins, snails, fish
Distribution of Seaweeds
• Most species are benthic, attaching and growing
on rock, sand, mud, corals and other hard
substrata in the marine environment as part of the
fouling community
• Benthic seaweeds define the inner continental
shelf, where they provide food and shelter to the
– compensation depth: the depth at which the
daily or seasonal amount of light is sufficient for
photosynthesis to supply algal metabolic needs
without growth
• Distribution is governed primarily by light and
Structure of Seaweeds
• Thallus: the seaweed body, usually
composed of photosynthetic cells
– when flattened, called a frond or blade
• Holdfast: the structure attaching the thallus
to a surface
• Stipe: a stem-like region between the
holdfast and blade of some seaweeds
• Seaweeds are not plants
– Lack vascular (conductive) tissue, roots, stems,
leaves and flowers
Biochemistry of Seaweeds
• Composition of cell walls
– Primarily cellulose, like plants
– May be impregnated with calcium carbonate in
calcareous algae
– Many seaweeds secrete slimy mucilage
(polymers of several sugars) as a protective
• holds moisture, and may prevent desiccation
• can be sloughed off to remove organisms
– Some have a protective cuticle—a multi-layered
protein covering
Green Algae (Phylum: Chlorophyta)
• Diverse group of microbes and multicellular
organisms that contain some pigments
found in vasculaar plants
• Structure of green algae
– Most are unicellular or small multicellular
filaments, tubes or sheets
– There is a large diversity of forms among green
Green Algae
• Response of green algae to getting eaten
by herbivore animals
– Tolerance: rapid growth and release of huge
numbers of spores and zygotes
– Avoidance: small size allows them to occupy
out-of-reach crevices
– Deterrence:
• calcium carbonate deposits require herbivores with
strong jaws and fill stomachs with non-nutrient
• many produce repulsive toxins
Red Algae (Phylum: Rhodophyta)
• Primarily marine and mostly benthic
• Highest diversity among seaweeds
• Red color comes from special protein-pigment complex
– Thalli can be many colors, yellow to black
• Structure of red algae
– Almost all are multicellular
– Thallus may be blade-like or composed of branching
filaments or heavily calcified (may be hard)
• algal turfs: low, dense groups of filamentous red
(along with greens, browns) and branched thalli that
carpet the seafloor over hard rock or loose sediment
Red Algae
• Annual red algae are seasonal food for sea
urchins, fish, molluscs and crustaceans
• Response of red algae to not getting eaten
by herbivores
– making their thalli less edible by incorporating
calcium carbonate
– changing growth patterns to produce hard-tograze forms like algal turfs
– evolving complex life cycles which allow them to
rapidly replace grazed biomass
– avoiding herbivores by growing in crevices
Red Algae
• Ecological relationships of red algae
– a few smaller species are:
• epiphytes—organisms that grow on algae or plants
• epizoics—organisms that grow on animals
– red coralline algae precipitate calcium carbonate
from water and aid in consolidation of coral reefs
Red Algae
• Human uses of red algae
– phycocolloids (polysaccharides) from cell walls
are valued for gelling or stiffening properties
• e.g. agar, carrageenan (used in ice cream, yogurt,
– Irish moss is eaten in a pudding
– Porphyra are used in oriental cuisines
• e.g. sushi, soups, seasonings
– cultivated for animal feed or fertilizer in parts of
Brown Algae (Phylum: Phaeophyta)
• Familiar examples:
– rockweeds
– kelps
– sargassum weed
• 99.7% of species are marine, mostly
benthic (sargassum – not benthic)
• Olive-brown color comes form the
carotenoid pigment fucoxanthin, masks
green pigment of chlorophylls a & c
Brown Algae
• Distribution of brown algae
– more diverse and abundant along the
coastlines of high latitudes
– most are temperate
– sargassum weeds are tropical
Brown Algae
• Structure of brown algae
– most species have thalli that are well
differentiated into holdfast, stipe and blade
– bladders—gas-filled structures found on larger
blades of brown algae, and used to help buoy
the blade and maximize light
– cell walls are made up of cellulose and alginates
(phycocolloids) that lend strength and flexibility
Brown Algae
• Brown algae as habitat
– kelp forests house many marine animals
– sargassum weeds of the Sragasso Sea form floating
masses that provide a home for unique organisms
– There are species of animals that have coevolved with the sargassum and
blend in (sargassum fish, sargassum seahorse)
• Human uses of brown algae
thickening agents are made from alginates
once used as an iodine source
used as food (especially in Asia)
used as cattle feed in some coastal countries
• Now we will talk about the plants of the
marine environments
• Most terrestrial plants are not tolerant of
the marine environment, not that many
plants that grow successfully in the ocean
when compared to land
Marine Flowering Plants
• Seagrasses, Marsh Plants, Mangroves
• General characteristics of marine flowering
– vascular plants are distinguished by:
• phloem: vessels that carry water, minerals, and
• xylem: vessels that give structural support
– seed plants reproduce using seeds, structures
containing dormant embryos and nutrients
surrounded by a protective outer layer
Marine Plants
– 2 types of seed bearing plants:
• conifers (bear seeds in cones)
• flowering plants (bear seeds in fruits)
– all conifers are terrestrial
– marine flowering plants are called halophytes,
meaning they are salt-tolerant
– Examples are sea grasses, mangroves, dune plants
Invasion of the Sea by Plants
• Flowering plants evolved on land and then adapted
to estuarine and marine environments
• Flowering plants compete with seaweeds for light
and with other benthic organisms for space
• Their bodies are composed of polymers like
cellulose and lignin that are indigestible to most
marine organisms
• Seagrasses are hydrophytes (generally live
and flower beneath the water)
• Classification includes:
Turtle grass
Manatee grass
Shoal grass
• Structure of seagrasses
– vegetative growth—growth by extension and
branching of horizontal stems (rhizomes) from
which vertical stems and leaves arise
– 3 basic parts: stems, roots and leaves
• Ecological roles of seagrasses
– highly productive on local sale
– role of seagrasses as primary producers
• less available and less digestible than seaweeds
• contribute to food webs through fragmentation and loss of leaves
– sources of detritus
– role of seagrasses in depositing and stabilizing
blades act as baffles to reduce water velocity
decay of plant parts contributes organic matter
rhizomes and roots help stabilize the bottom
reduce turbidity—cloudiness of the water
Seagrasses (Ecological Roles)
– role of seagrasses as habitat
• create 3-dimensional space with greatly increased area on which
other organisms can settle, hide, graze or crawl
• rhizosphere—the system of roots and rhizomes also increases
complexity in surrounding sediment
• the young of many commercial species of fish and shellfish live
in seagrass beds
– human uses of seagrass
• indirect – fisheries depend on coastal seagrass meadows
• direct – extracted material used for food, medicine and industrial
Salt Marsh Plants
• Much less adapted to marine life than
seagrasses; must be exposed to air by
ebbing tide
• Classification and distribution of salt marsh
– salt marshes are well developed along the low
slopes of river deltas and shores of lagoons and
bays in temperate regions
– salt marsh plants include:
• cordgrasses (true grasses)
• needlerushes
• various shrubs and herbs, e.g., saltwort, glassworts
Salt Marsh Plants
• Structure of salt marsh plants
– smooth cordgrass, initiates salt marsh formation,
grows in tufts of vertical stems connected by
rhizomes, dominates lower marsh
– flowers are pollinated by the wind
– seeds drop to sediment or are dispersed by
water currents
Salt Marsh Plants
• Adaptations of salt marsh plants to a
saline environment
– facultative halophytes—tolerate salty as well
as fresh water
– leaves covered by a thick cuticle to retard
water loss
– well-developed vascular tissues for efficient
water transport
– Spartina alterniflora have salt glands, secrete
salt to outside
– shrubs and herbs have succulent parts
Salt Marsh Plants
• Ecological roles of salt marsh plants
– contribute heavily to detrital food chains
– stabilize coastal sediments and prevent shoreline
– serve as refuge, feeding ground and nursery for other
marine organisms
– rhizomes of cordgrass help recycle phosphorus through
transport from bottom sediments to leaves
– remove excess nutrients from runoff
– are consumed by (at least in part) by crabs and
terrestrial animals (e.g. insects)
• Classification and distribution of mangroves
• red mangrove
• black mangrove
• white mangroves
Mangroves (Distribution)
– thrive along tropical shores with limited wave
action, low slope, high rates of sedimentation,
and soils that are waterlogged, anoxic, and high
in salts
– low latitudes of the Caribbean Sea, Atlantic
Ocean, Indian Ocean, and western and eastern
Pacific Ocean
– associated with saline lagoons and
tropical/subtropical estuaries
– mangal: a mangrove swamp community
• Structure of mangroves
– trees with simple leaves, complex root systems
– plant parts help tree conserve water, supply
oxygen to roots and stabilize tree in shallow,
soft sediment
– roots: many are aerial (above ground) stilt roots
of the red mangrove arise high on the trunk
(prop roots) or from the underside of branches
(drop roots)
Mangroves (Structure)
– leaves
• mangrove leaves are simple, oval, leathery and
thick, succulent like marsh plants, never
• stomata: openings in the leaves for gas exchange
and water loss
• salt is eliminated through salt glands (black
mangroves) or by concentrating salt in old leaves
that shed
• Ecological roles of mangroves
– root systems stabilize sediments
• aerial roots aid deposition of particles in sediments
– epiphytes live on aerial roots
– canopy is a home for insects and birds
– mangals are a nursery and refuge
– mangrove leaves, fruit and propagules are
consumed by animals
– contribute to detrital food chains
Chapter 7 Concepts
• What is the difference between algae and
plants? What makes a plant a plant?
• What differentiates the types of algae?
• Table 7
• Are plants and algae in the same domain?