Transcript rainforests

Hi my name is Dearbhla
Horan. I will present to you
my project on the rainforest. I
hope you enjoy it as much as
I did learning about it.
Facts about the rainforest
Tropical rainforests are found close to the
Equator. Rainforests only take up 6
percent of the world. There are 4 layers to
the rainforest. There are as many as 30
million species of plants and animals in the
rainforest. The rainforest doesn’t get a lot
of sun light because of the trees. The
reason it is called a rainforest is because of
all the rain they have.
The toucan's diet is bird eggs, insects , and other weaker
birds. The toucan has a claw with two in the front and
two in the back. The toucans predators are humans and
Jaguars. Toucans live in the rainforests of Eastern South
Toucan are very noisy. Scientists have not even found out
why there
bills are so big. They sleep in holes that are in trees. If they
fit, they turn themselves into a feathery ball to make there
body smaller.
Spider monkey
Spider monkeys are large in size. Adult monkeys grow to
be almost two feet tall excluding the tail. They have a
powerful tail that they use as an extra limb. Spider
monkeys like to hang upside-down with all four limbs and
the tail holding on to branches which makes them look
like a spider and that’s why their name is spider monkey.
• Sloth's are extremely slow-moving mammals found in
the rainforest canopies of Central and South America.
There are two species of sloth's two-toed and three-toed.
Most sloth's are about the size of a small dog and they
have short, flat flat heads.
Bromeliads are related to the pineapple family. Some
can hold several gallons of water . Some bromeliads are
epiphytes and grow in the rainforest canopy. They grow in
Warm regions like the tropical rainforests. The bigger word
Bromeliads is Bromeliaceae.
Orchids are flowering plants that come in
different shapes, sizes, and colours. They
attract birds and insects with their
beautiful colours and wonderful smell!
There are over 25000 different species of
This colourful plant has 40 different species with paddleshaped leaves that are part of the banana family Found
in the including southern Mexico, Central and South
America and the West Indies The actual heliconia flower
is wonderful . What most people would call the 'flower' is
actually a group of colourful leaves called bracts. The
true flowers are hidden inside these bracts.
There are 1million tribes all separated into
400 groups and all with their own language.
Most tribes live in settled villages and grow
fruit like bananas beans and corn. Today,
most Indians in the Amazon have access to
‘Western’ healthcare and education
The rainforest is a very beautiful place that
is getting destroyed by humans we have to
try stop this and help animals survive. We
can help by teaching others how important
the rainforest is.
By Dearbhla Horan