Transcript Main Idea

Identifying the
Main Idea
Ms. Young
6th Grade Reading
Read the following paragraphs and select the
main idea for each.
Plants and animals cannot exist without water.
They must drink it. People need it for bathing,
cooking, cleaning, growing crops, and for
pleasure. Water helps spread seeds and is an
important means for transportation for humans.
a) Water is necessary for some living things.
b) Water is necessary for all living things.
c) People can travel on water.
Most lizards that live in forests are green or
yellow. Those that live in deserts are dull red
or brown. Jungle lizards are brightly colored.
a) Lizards' coloring blends with the colors of the places where
they live.
b) Lizards are colorful so that people will admire them.
c) Jungle lizards do not have as many enemies as desert
Snake is the favorite food of mongooses. They almost always
defeat snakes in battle. Mongooses attack by biting the back
of the snake's neck. Sometimes a mongoose holds the
snake's jaws shut so tightly that it is helpless. When the
snake is too tired to fight, the mongoose eats it.
a) Mongooses enjoy eating snakes, but seldom kill them.
b) A snake can usually escape by waiting until the mongoose is tired.
c) Mongooses kill and eat snakes.
An emerald boa lies on a tree branch in a strange way. It
seems to be tied in a fancy knot that is higher in the center.
On the sides its body is in loops. The boa's head is found in
the middle of the knot. When a victim approaches, the boa
unties itself rapidly and strikes suddenly.
a) The emerald boa is not a poisonous snake.
b) The emerald boa's victims are monkeys, lizards, and birds.
c) The emerald boa can surprise its victims bu hiding on the tree branches
Crocodiles and alligators choose a dry,
sunny spot close to the water for a
nest. The mother makes a large pile
of dirt, grass, and leaves. She lays
eggs in the heap and covers them with
more grass and mud. The mother
guards the eggs by lying on them
most of the time. She only returns to
the water for food. Other crocodiles
lay their eggs in the sand. The female
digs a hole and deposits the eggs in
the pit. The eggs are then covered
well with more sand.
a) Some crocodiles and alligators have nests in water or on land.
b) The mother alligators and crocodiles leave their nests unguarded.
c) The nests of alligators and crocodiles are always built on land.