Biodiversity in Minnesota

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Biodiversity in Minnesota
Ring-Necked Pheasant
Spotted Salamander
Shag Bark Hickory
Wild Licorice
By Bryce Woitas
 Male- adults are medium sized chicken like birds
 Long pointed tails
 Wings long
 Face is red and bare
 Head has iridescent green on it
 Known for a white ring around neck
 Chest is maroon.
 Spurs halfway up leg
 Body is brown, with some orange
 Female
 Mottled brown
 Small black spots on her back
 Long, pointed tail with black stripes or “barring”
 Reproduces – lays eggs, nests on the ground
 Food—omnivore, scratches on ground digs with bill
for seeds, grains, grasses, leaves, roots, wild fruit,
nuts and insects
 Predators—coyotes, foxes, hawks, owls, crows,
stripped skunk, racoons
 Habitat—grassland, agland, ditches, hedges, marshes,
and woodland borders
Ring-Necked Pheasant cont.
 Population--increased 68 percent from 2011
 expected to harvest about 290,000 roosters this
 Diseases--Botulism, Coccidiosis owl typhoid,
erysipelas, fowl cholera, avian tuberculosis,
navel ill, crooked toe(young birds), Newcastle
disease, eye infections and worms.
Ring-Necked Pheasant cont.
 Fun Facts—”harem-defense polygyny” one male
watches over a small group of females
 34 species or “races” of pheasants
 Known to stay on roost several days during bad
weather without eating
 Hunted or Harvested
 Both- raised by game farms for sale for hunting or
 Hunted by a person using a trained dog
 Description
Male— length from 3.6 m to 3.8 m
height at the shoulder ranging from 1.67 m to 1.86 m.
Shoulder hump and huge head
Fur color is brown, which can vary in shades
Easier to see in the males is the longer hair in the front of
the body.
 Fur color is shades of brown
 Black horns which curve up and in with sharp tips
 Hooves are black and round and splitT
 Female Description
 length 2.13 m to 3.18 m
 Tall at the shoulders 1.52 m to 1.57 m
 Huge head and shoulder hump
 Same type of coat, hooves and horns as male
 Female is smaller than the male
 Habitat– grasslands, open savannas of North
America. Found in some boreal habitats to semidesert habitats. Mostly raised in MN. In the past
they free ranged across southern MN.
 Diseases-- Pink Eye, Malignant Catarrhal Fever r
Johne’s Disease Capture Myopathy Calf Scours,
Brucellosis, Bison Bovine, Viral Diarrhea, Bacillary
Hemoglobinuria Anaplasmosis
 Food—graze year around, grass eaters may eat
sagebrush is grass is gone, need water every day
 Population— only evidence of large herds are now
found in MN from bones, rocks rubbed smooth and
“wallows” from thousands of buffalo passing thru,
currently herd s are captive in parks or privately
 Reproduction–polygynous, dominant bulls tend
group of females, Gestation is 285 days, live birth,
baby drinks milk from mother
 Hunted or Harvested—presently raised for meat or
breeding programs
 Fun Facts– Bison can be found at Blue Mounds
State Park and have a herd around 100 animals
 Once were a major source of meat and hides for the
United States
 Are considered a “keystone” factor in Prairie communities
 Predators—wolves, mountain lions and humans
 Description
 Male- and Female - medium-sized, greenish, tubular,
olive-green fish
scale less head ,two barbels on its face
dorsal fin stretches most of the length of its back
Mn record size is 10 lbs 15 oz., can grow to 20, and 3
feet long
Males have a black spot circled in green at base of
their tail.
 Reproduction—male builds a nest of vegitation pieces
 Female lays eggs, male expresses milt, male guards eggs,
babies hatch then cling to bottom with their noses, male
stays with babies for a few weeks
 Food--fish, crayfish, insects, amphibians, and
 Predators—other predatory fish, and bowfish will eat
other bowfish babies
 Habitat--
 Habitat– found in MN lakes and streams
 Like slow-moving , clear water
 can live in swampy, weedy areas
 Population—”Abundant” in MN
 Diseases—
 Fun Facts—
“A farmer once found a live bowfin in moist soil when he ploughed a
field that had been flooded a few weeks before. In recent years, fish
farmers have shown interest in making bowfin eggs into caviar.”
 Has the ability to breath air.
 Considered an “excellent fighter,” pulls hard
when trying to reel them in.
 Hunted or Harvested—not considered a good
food fish, fished for the sport, mostly caught in
spring and early summer
 Season/Regulations--Bowfishing May 1 to the
last Sunday in February
Spotted Salamander
 Descriptions Male and Female—
 They can be 6 to 7 3/4 inches long
 Males have longer thicker tails, tail fins noticeable
 Barely noticeable on the females
 Males are brightly colored during breeding season
 Color is black, bluish black, or gray ground color
 Yellow or orange spots on back and from head to tail
 Belly and sides are dark grey
Spotted Salamander
 Reproduction—
 Adults migrate to ponds in spring
 Males nudge and rub females
 male drops a spermatophoren, females walk over
them and pick them up with their cloacal lips
Female can lay up to 200 eggs in a clump, can be on
top or under water
Clump is covered with a jelly-like coating to protect
the eggs from predators
Eggs hatch in a few weeks
They hatch as larvae , grow 2 to 4 months
Spotted Salamander
 Food—they eat:
 earthworms
 insects
 anything they can catch and swallow
 Predators—foxes, fish, crows, snakes and bears
Spotted Salamander
 Habitat— woodlands
 need ponds for breeding
 Spends time in other animal s burrows,
 comes out during heavy rains
 Population—April 26, 2001 seven Spotted
Salamander egg masses found in Nemadji State
 Diseases--gas bubble disease ,metabolic bone
Spotted Salamander
 Fun Facts— the oils from human hands are toxic
to salamanders
 Each salamander has a unique spot pattern
 Salamander means “Fire Lover”
 Hunted or harvested- seasons & regulationsoriginally giant salamanders were hunted
Present day salamanders may be purchased in a pet
Shag Bark Hickory
 Description—Also known as Carya ovata, has
loose-plated bark
Shagbark Hickory
 Bark, leaves, fruit and seeds-
 has fruit or nuts that are 1 to 3 together
 individual fruits are 3 to 6 cm in size
 ripens September thru October
 disperses its seeds thru December
Shagbark Hickory
 Seed disbursement—monoecious and flowers in
the spring
 Diseases—vulnerable to fire
 Butt rot, Canker rot, trunk rot, anthracnose,
mildew, bunch disease, Crown gall,
 up to180 species of insects and mites can infest
 affected by at least 133 known fungi
Shagbark Hickory
 Economics- food for wildlife, coppice fuel wood,
charcoal-producing wood, hickory lumber used in
furniture, flooring, and tool handles
 Fun Facts– hickory is used for ladder rungs, dowels
 Mammals such as : chipmunks, black bears, foxes,
rabbits, and white-footed mice eat hickory nuts.
 Birds such as : mallards, wood ducks, bobwhites and
wild turkeys eat hickory nuts
Wild Licorice
 Description—
 Up to 3 feet tall
 Pale yellow flowers in thick clusters
 Leaves are compound with 11 to 19 leaflets
 Blooms June thru August
 Fruit is ¾ of an inch long and is covered in hooked prickles
 Turns brown by the end of summer
 Needs sun, moist fields, prairies
Wild Licorice
 Pale yellow flowers in thick clusters
 Leaves are compound with 11 to 19 leaflets
 Blooms June thru August
Wild Licorice
 Seed disbursement
 Fruit is ¾ of an inch long and is covered in
hooked prickles
 Turns brown by the end of summer
Wild Licorice
 Uses- Used for medicinal purposes such as, cough, tuberculosis, cough, some
problems of tuberculosis, chest complaints like bronchitis, constipation,
relieve inflammation in mucus membranes
 Fun Facts—
 American Indians grew it for its roots which tasted like sweet licorice.
 Many Chinese herbal formulas contain Wild licorice
Ring-Necked Pheasant
Spotted Salamander
Spotted Salamander
Shagbark Hickory
 Wild Licorice