Transcript Ody 5

The Odyssey
Book V
In Olympos
The gods are having a council
Athena informs Zeus of the suitor’s plan to
ambush Telemachos and that Odysseus is
still stuck on Ogygia.
Zeus takes action:
Tells Athene to protect Telemachos
Tells Hermes to go to Ogygia and talk to
Hermes flies over to Ogygia
He takes a moment to admire the surroundings:
Fragrant wood burning
A lot of trees: alder, poplar, cypress
All kinds of birds: owls, hawks, saltwater crows
Flowers everywhere, especially violets and wild parsely
Four springs diverting each other
Odysseus moping on the beach
Hermes and Calypso
John Flaxman
Welcome and Message
Calypso welcomes Hermes and prepares ambrosia
and nectar for him to eat.
She is suspicious of why he came because he isn’t
a regular visitor.
He tells her Zeus wants Odysseus off the island.
She gets angry:
Says it is unfair that goddesses can’t have mortals they
love while the other male gods can:
• Dawn and Orion – Orion was shot by Artemis
• Demeter and Iasion – struck by Zeus’ thunderbolt
She was the one who saved him.
She has no ships or sailors to send him off with.
What Zeus says goes.
Hermes advised her to let Odysseus go or
suffer the wrath of Zeus.
She relents and approaches Odysseus:
Tells him to make a raft and that she will supply
him with provisions for his trip
At first he doesn’t believe her until she swears
by the River Styx.
Calypso and Odysseus
Final Goodbyes…
Calypso prepares a feast for Odysseus
She tries again to convince him to stay:
It’s worse out there than it is here.
I will make you immortal.
I’m better looking than your wife.
He isn’t moved and she gives up.
The next day, he starts to build his raft. It
takes him four days.
He leaves on the fifth day.
Odysseus’ Meal with the Nymph Calypso
Joos de Momper
Poseidon spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E
Odysseus sails for 17 days, using the
constellations to guide him.
On the 18th day, Poseidon spots him on the
way back from Ethiopea:
He gets angry and creates a storm to destroy
Odysseus’ thoughts:
• “Maybe I should have listened to Calypso.”
• “Dying in Troy would have been better than
dying like this.”
Ino to the rescue!
Odysseus is tossed among the waves by the
North, South, and East Winds.
Ino takes pity on him:
She tells him to take off his clothes and swim to
the land of the Phaeacians.
She gives him an immortal veil for protection
Then a huge wave destroys his raft.
Ino Saving Odysseus
“Land Ho!”
Odysseus puts on the veil and Poseidon leaves him
Athena creates a wind to push him to land.
He drifts for two days and nights.
The land is surrounded by rocks and wind.
Athena puts helpful thoughts into his mind.
The waves push him around until he reaches a river.
He begs it to stop the waves and let him in.
He takes off Ino’s veil and throws it back.
He “slips” out of the river and finds shelter under two
bushes to rest.