Fall Poetry Anthology

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Transcript Fall Poetry Anthology

Autumn Leaves
Poetry Anthology
Selected By Nick P
Autumn leaves is the theme of this Anthology. All of the
poems are about leaves in some ways or other but they all
can be looked at in a emotional sense to. Everyone has had
fall moments where you think it’s the end but its really only
the beginning, just like fall is the end but also the beginning
of life on the planet
Table of Contents
1) Cover Page
2) Introduction
3) Table of Contents
4) Poetry by other Authors
5) Fall By Erica L. Ordway and Leaves by Leonard J Sherrott
6) October's Party George Cooper and It's Autumn Again Andrea Rieck
7) Autumn Leaf written by Sharon P. Pinnick and Autumn Leaves by Tom Hyland
8) A Bed in the Leaves By Marian Kennedy and THE LAST LEAF by Harry Behn
9) Autumn Leaves by Shakir Shujaabadi and Autumn By Mary F.
10) W. Shakespeare, Sonnet 28
11) My Poetry
12) The Leaves Attack
13) The Colours of Autumn
14) The Rhymes in Autumn
15) The Beginning of the End
16) Amazed
Poetry by other authors
By Erica L. Ordway
by Leonard J Sherrott
A great procession of leaves ushers in fall,
Green now disguised by yellow red and brown,
Falling and listening to the grounds call,
Leaves decorate the outside like a bright crown.
Falling gently with the breeze,
Breaking canopy from the trees,
Leaves of sizes big and small
Wind begins this chilly season's fresh start,
Slow at first but picks up speed in due time,
The way the wind places the leaves is an art,
Much like words placed on paper to show
Flying high, then comes the fall.
Fall is the new victim to winters chill,
This season is the one that can destroy,
Covering the ground with snow is its thrill,
Traces of fall are gone, winter finds joy.
Slowly,surely,new leaves grow
Floating gently to the ground
Thousands,millions, without a sound.
Seasons come and seasons go.
The cycle goes on throughout the long year,
Fall can accept this now and has no fear.
Ordway, Erica, Fall, POETRY IN NATURE.COM,
p?poem=3514, April 26 2010
Sherrott, Leonard, Leaves, Helium,
http://www.helium.com/items/491377poetry-leaves, April 26 2010
October's Party
George Cooper
October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds cameThe Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
The Chestnuts came in yellow,
The Oaks in crimson dressed;
The lovely Misses Maple
In scarlet looked their best;
All balanced to their partners,
And gaily fluttered by;
The sight was like a rainbow
New fallen from the sky.
Then, in the rustic hollow,
At hide-and-seek they played,
The party closed at sundown,
And everybody stayed.
Professor Wind played louder;
They flew along the ground;
And then the party ended
In jolly "hands around
Cooper, George, October's Party,
ngs/AutumnPoems.html, April 28
It's Autumn Again
Andrea Rieck
It’s autumn again
Leaves whisper the sound of our past
In loss they pay a descent
To the ground we fall
It’s autumn again
Our song is sung by the wind
Echoes of loss and grief
Through chilled air we wade
It’s autumn again
The waters grow as cold as our hearts
We are alike – crusted in ice
In ourselves we freeze
It’s autumn again
Flowers vanish from our sadness
Our beauty grows weak
Covered in frost we wither
It’s autumn again
The rain falls like our tears
Can’t dry our eyes
From the sky we descend
It’s autumn again
The sun shines then fails like us
Our sight becomes a wintry gray
Lost in darkness we will fade
It’s autumn again
Rieck, Andrea, It's Autumn Again,
r.com/poem/it-s-autumn-again, April 28
If I were a leaf on a majestic tall tree,
And I had the choice, of which I could be,
I’d be a maple to turn orange yellow gold
When the cool autumn winds turned warm nights
I’d want to be high as high could be,
So all of the world would be open to me.
I’d sway with the wind, spring, summer and fall
Up in the maple so big and so tall.
Then one moonlit night in October’s cold air,
A beautiful frost would come paint me with care.
All leaves would turn color, as God would have done
To give the world beauty for short days to come.
Then if I could choose on which day I would fall
I pick late October when winds came to call.
I’d choose Sunday morning so bright and sunny,
As sun through the leaves flowed golden as honey.
I’d pick the sweet moment, when the wind was just
To let go of my limb and float nice and light
Drifting ever so calmly from the place of my birth,
Then gently lie down to my rest here on earth.
Autumn Leaf written by Sharon P. Pinnick
Pinnick, Sharon P. , Autumn Leaf, Country Whispers,
http://www.countrywhispers.com/autumnl/ ,
April 29 2010
Autumn Leaves
I sit here at my window,
staring out into space.
My mind is a-wandering,
searching for your pretty face.
A gentle breeze caresses the trees,
bristling and whistling your name.
When I hear those Autumn leaves,
I breathe a quiet sigh - what a shame!
The golds, and reds, and oranges,
twirl and twist within the mist,
whispering of a Love once known,
and I miss those lips once kissed.
The olive greens, and browns,
and limes, these leaves perceive
as they intermingle,
reminding me that
I have myself to blame,
for once again, being single!
But pause a moment, consider this,
these falling, dying leaves
are not in vain.
For they will rot, decompose,
and re-fertilize,
with each droplet of gentle rain.
So, is there a lesson here,
for me to learn,
as I ponder Nature's course?
What is the bond ‘tween
these leaves and me,
perhaps old nourishment
for a New Love's force?
Would you suppose,
like Nature's clothes,
we have to shed the old
to become quite bold,
and frolic amidst the Holly and the Ivy,
or is this Ode just one man's Lovelorn Folly?
Tom Hyland
Hyland, Tom, Autumn Leaves, AuthorsDen.com,
April 29 2010
A Bed in the Leaves
By Marian Kennedy
My yard is full of leaves today
Brown and yellow and gold
I think I'll rake them in a pile
Higher than my head
Then I'll pretend it is my bed
I'll jump in very quick
And pile their leaves up over me
For covers soft and thick
I'll just lie there so nice and warm
And look up in the sky
And watch more leaves float down for me
To rake up bye and bye
Kennedy, Marian, A Bed in The Leaves, Teaching First,
May 2 2010
by Harry Behn
A few leaves stay for a while on the trees
After their color begins to turn,
And no other leaves seem as gold as these
Not even the ones our bonfires burn
With golden flames in piles on the ground.
A few leaves stay so long that I found
The one last leaf on a tree in the snow,
And when a galloping wind came round
The edge of our house and started to blow
Snow dust to sparkles floating free.
When the wind ran away, almost with me,
And sunshine settled quiet and cold.
There, like a bird, still on the tree
Was that lonesome leaf, no longer gold
But curly and brown and dry and old.
Behn, Harry, THE LAST LEAF, Teaching First,
May 2 2010
Autumn Leaves
by Shakir Shujaabadi
Here, some honour loyalty
Some prize manners
We are autumn leaves
We fear the wind
Colorful leaves falling down,
touching the ground, turning around,
Pumpkin pies, dreadful skys,
Jack - o - lanterns glowing bright,
Got a hat, hold on tight,
Shorter days, football plays,
Goblins, ghost, witch's toast,
By Mary F.
Shujaabadi, Shakir, Autumn Leaves, Poetry
translation Center,
umn_Leaves, May 2 2010
F, Mary, Autumn, Elaines Autumn Page,
May 3 2010
That time of year thou may’st in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin’d choirs, where late the sweet birds sang:
In me thou see’st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by-and-by black night doth take away,
Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest:
In me thou see’st the glowing of such fire,
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie
As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
Consumed with that which it was nourish’d by:
This thou perceiv’st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.
W. Shakespeare, Sonnet 28
Shakespeare, William, Time and Seasons,
May 2 2010
My Poetry
The Leaves Attack
Look at all the leaves
Falling to and fro,
All of them different colours.
Falling down to the ground.
Doom awaits them when they hit the earth.
The people waiting below,
Rakes in hand,
Prepared to defend their land.
The Colours of Autumn
See all the colours
Yellow, red, orange and brown
Fall, so majestic
The Rhymes in Autumn
Leaves are floating everywhere
People stop, stand and stare
Yellow orange brown and red
The trees all start to go to bed
This beautiful season called fall
I call it autumn that is all
The Beginning of the End
The leaves are coming off of the trees.
I guess it must be autumn.
Somehow summer has gone without me taking notice.
Off to school I go.
Look at all of the leaves
I look up to the sky, and I see a bunch of leaves falling down at me.
I sit amazed and follow a leaf as it falls.
All of the colors and shapes are different nothing ever thee same.
Behn, Harry, THE LAST LEAF, Teaching First, http://www.teachingfirst.net/Poems/Autumn.html, May 2 2010
Cooper, George, October's Party, Angelfire, http://www.angelfire.com/nc2/musings/AutumnPoems.html, April 28
F, Mary, Autumn, Elaines Autumn Page, http://www.rosebriar.uk.com/seasons/autumn.html, May 3 2010
Hyland, Tom, Autumn Leaves, AuthorsDen.com, http://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewPoetry.asp?id=49168, April
29 2010
Kennedy, Marian, A Bed in The Leaves, Teaching First, http://www.teachingfirst.net/Poems/Autumn.html, May 2
Ordway, Erica, Fall, POETRY IN NATURE.COM, http://www.poetryinnature.com/nature/poetry.asp?poem=3514,
April 26 2010
Pinnick, Sharon P. , Autumn Leaf, Country Whispers, http://www.countrywhispers.com/autumnl/ , April 29 2010
Rieck, Andrea, It's Autumn Again, PoemHunter.com,http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/it-s-autumn-again, April 28
Shakespeare, William, Time and Seasons, http://timesandseasons.org/index.php/2007/11/a-poem-for-leaf-fall/,
May 2 2010
Sherrott, Leonard, Leaves, Helium, http://www.helium.com/items/491377-poetry-leaves, April 26 2010
Shujaabadi, Shakir, Autumn Leaves, Poetry translation Center,
http://www.poetrytranslation.org/poems/165/Autumn_Leaves, May 2 2010