4/20 & 4/21 - 7th Grade Agenda

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Transcript 4/20 & 4/21 - 7th Grade Agenda

3/18 & 3/19 - 7th Grade Agenda
Collect HW: Workbook p.170-172
Non-Vascular Plants
Microviewer Lab (Bacteria)
Short Video: Moss Reproduction
Video: Private Lives of Plants
Textbook Reading 362 - 365
HW: Workbook p.173-174
What is a plant?
• Autotrophs - Photosynthesis
• Cell Wall (Made of cellulose,
a chemical that makes the
walls rigid)
• Multicellular.
Origin of Plants – When did
plants first appear?
• Oldest plant: 400
million years old
• Ancient Green Algae
were ancestors of
today’s plants.
5 things that plants must do to
survive on land.
Obtaining water and other materials
Retaining Water
Transporting Materials
Living on Land – How do plants
retain water?
• Cuticle: Waxy waterproof layer
covers the leaves of most plant
and helps to retain water.
Transport and
Support – How
can plants grow
so tall?
• Vascular tissue:
Internal tube like
structures through
which water and food
move inside the plant
Classification of Plants
• Nonvascular Plant:
Grows low to the
• Vascular Plant:
Grows tall
Reproduction – Do plants
produce eggs and sperms?
• In plants, Fertilization occurs when sperm
cell unite with an egg cell
• The fertilized egg is called a zygote.
Complex Life Cycle
• Sporophyte
Stage: Plant
produce spores
• Gametophyte
Stage: The plant
produce two
kinds of sex cells
or gametes
(sperm & egg
Nature of Light
• Light is made up of
red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, and
violet light
• Sun is the source of
energy on Earth.
Why does the lemon looks
yellow and leaves look green?
• Because
yellow light
• Plant
green light.
Which color of light is absorbed
by chlorophyll?
• Chlorophyll absorb
blue and red light
Why do leaves turn red and
yellow in the autumn?
• Chlorophyll masks the
color of most accessory
pigments during most of
the year
• In cool temperatures,
chlorophyll breaks down
and the colors of
accessory pigments can
be seen.
• Carbon dioxide + water sugar + oxygen
• Excess food
made by plants
are stored in the
roots, stems or