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Transcript MP3ExamReviewx

The people are indigenous to the tropical rain forest,
they have been there for thousands of years. What
does the word, “indigenous” mean?
People that originate from the
area; are native to the area.
The cultivation of plants is what allowed people to
prosper thousands of years ago. This was the
beginning of modern agriculture?
Growing plants
1. What is the temperature at 80 km? - 90oC
2. What is the pressure at 12 km? ~ .25 atm
3. What is the water vapor concentration at sea-level? ~ 20 g/m3
Why does the Stratosphere get warmer?
mid 1900’s then a great
1. Explain CFC production over time. High
drop in the late 80s & 90’s
2. Speculate on CFC production after 2005.
Probably leveled off or a little lower.
1. What is UV doing Breaking the O2 molecule
into single atoms of O.
to O2 in (a)?
2. What is happening
They combined to make
with the O2 & O
atom in (b)?
3. What is UV doing
Breaking off the Cl atom
to the CFC
molecule in (c)?
4. What is happening Cl breaks an O3 by taking
to the Cl atom in an O atom; an O atom
takes an O atom from the
each step in (d)? ClO molecule to free up the
Cl atom to destroy again.
What determines climate?
Long term temperature and precipitation trends
Explain the movement of a cold and warm fluid such as
air or water.
Warm fluids rise and cold fluids sink, which form a
convection cell.
What do greenhouse gases do to the planet?
Warm the planet
Is the Greenhouse Effect good or bad? Explain.
Good, because it keeps the planet warm by
absorbing and holding onto radiant heat. Bad if
too many greenhouse gases are present to
absorb too much heat.
City A
City B
City C
Avg. Summer
Avg. Winter temps. -160C
Avg. Winter Precip. 30 mm
650 mm
240 mm
Avg. Summer
600 mm
300 mm
40 mm
Which city is most likely a tropical City? City B
Which city is most likely a temperate city? City C
Which city has the smallest temperature range? City B
Which city had the most rainfall? City B
1. What century did the gases start to rise? ~ 1900
2. Based on this graph, what do you think
the graph looks like today? The lines are higher
3. Why did the numbers start going up?Indust. Revolution
Why does the mid-latitude regions have seasons?
The tilt of the Earth causes
unequal heating.
How do we know the composition of the early
Early rock records indicate mineral
formation in the absence of an oxygen
atmos. Early bacteria could not live in an
oxygen atmosphere and helped produce
the atmosphere we have.
Explain how the gases interact with the hydrosphere,
geosphere, and atmosphere.
N2, O2, CO2, and others all cycle through the
different spheres. All of the cycles are in
balance most of the time until something
comes along and disturbs them, such as huge
volcanic eruptions, meteors, or humans.
Are all of the oceans the same physically and
No, they have different average depths,
temperatures, and salinity.
What keeps the surface currents moving?
The deep currents?
Surface currents are driven by winds;
while the deep currents are driven by
differences in density and temperature.
Why does Atlantic City have a more moderate
climate than Franklineville?
A.C. is near the ocean and it has a marine
climate which moderates the
temperatures of the shore town. F’ville
is more towards the center of the land
mass and has greater temperature
Why are oceans important?
The oceans supply the world with a protein
source, they provide us with minerals/raw
materials, they provide us with transportation,
and they act like a carbon sink. Regulation of
heat- the storage/transportation.
1. Which letter shows spring in
the N. Hemisphere?
2. Which letter indicates
Summer in the Southern
3. How much time passes
between each season?
~90 days
Why do we have seasons?
The tilt of the Earth
The Governor of N.J. was mandating that everyone
in the state would live in the state if they are
working here.
What does the word, ‘mandating’ mean?
Make into law
Over the last 80 years, the population of the U.S. has
been practicing urban spraw. We are everywhere.
What does the word, ‘sprawl’ mean?
To spread out
Why does N.J. have the climate it has throughout the
Due to being at ~ 40 degrees N., we have temp. swings in
the summer and the winter. The angle of the Sun’s light
causes us to get less light in the winter and more light in the
summer. Being near an ocean moderates our temperatures
due to the fact water gains and loses heat slowly. We are
not as cold, nor as hot as our inland neighbors. Jersey’s
elevation is low which keeps us ‘warm’ vs. higher elevations.
Global winds move from west to east.
What makes air pollution? How does it affect the
environment? How does it affect humans?
There is natural air pollutants like dust from vol., dust storms,
erosion, salts from the ocean, gas releases from biological and non
biological sources such as cars and industry. The environment
suffers because organisms have to take in the air/pollution that all
living things do. Animals have to breath like humans, oceans are
affected by acid rains as are plants. Humans suffer from air related
respiratory problems. This also may have an economic effect due to
lost days of work and trying to compensate for the dirty air e.g.
filtering, paying higher health costs etc. The aesthetics of a clear
atmosphere is also a problem.
What causes ocean pollution? How does it affect the
environment? How does it affect humans?
Ocean pollution is caused by direct dumping of waste onto land and
the consequent runoff, direct dumping into the waterways, and
leeching of chemicals into the waterways from the soil. Gases such
as CO2 also are absorbed by the oceans which become acidified.
Eutrophication due to overuse of nitrogen/phosphorus (fertilizers)
causes fish die offs and toxic algae growth. Animals will directly die
from some of these chemicals/situation. Food chains can be
affected. Humans could lose food sources and health issues from
coming into contact with polluted water may also be a problem.