Transcript Conduction

There is NO cold…
Only heat. What we perceive as cold is actually
low levels of heat.
When you hold an ice cube in your hand, cold
doesn’t go into your hand; heat energy goes
out of your hand into the ice cube.
The greater the motion the more the heat
energy there is in a solid, liquid or gas.
Energy transfer happens between molecules or
atoms when they come in contact.
Today we are going to investigate conduction
through a material.
Prediction: Step 1
Aluminum vs. Steel-Which one will conduct more heat?
Why do you think that?
Liquid-Crystal Temperature Strip
The crystals sealed inside turn color when they
reach a certain temperature. Different crystals
produce their color at different temperatures.
Below 30⁰ C = No color
Above 36⁰ C= No color
Between 30-36⁰ C=light up with color
Data Acquisition: Step 2
Discuss: How will you collect data? What makes
Making Sense: Step 3
Discuss using Paraphrase Passport:
1. What happened when the metal bars with
temperature strips were placed in hot water?
2. How did heat get from the hot water to the
temperature strip far above the water level?
3. Did the metals conduct heat? Which metal is
a better conductor?
Reflection: Step 4
On your own write the answer to this question:
The Sun shines on Earth and the air gets warm.
How do you think this happens?
Conduction in our Atmosphere
Conduction is one way energy transfers to the
atmosphere. When air molecules come in
contact with hot surfaces, they receive energy
and get hotter.
There is more to the picture…
There is a even more important way heat energy
enters the atmosphere. It is called reradiation.
All matter radiates energy. It is one of the great
truths about nature. Hot matter radiates more
energy than cold matter.
What happens to reradiated energy?
Most reradiated energy in not visable. It is
infrared radiation. Infrared radiation is
absorbed by water and carbon dioxide
molecules in the atmosphere. The energized
water and carbon dioxide molecules then
transfer their energy by conduction (contact)
to the oxygen and nitrogen molecules in the
air to heat the whole atmosphere.