Transcript Water Cycle

•Key vocabulary
•Reading of Water Dance by Thomas Locker
•Journal entry “What is the Water Cycle?”
•Water Cycle Presentation- Taking notes
•Flow Chart
Key Vocabulary
 Water Cycle
 Evaporation
 Condensation
 Precipitation
Water Dance
Thomas Locker
Journal Entry
 The teacher will write the word "cycle" on the board.
 Students write responses to the following questions in
their science journals:
 What images are suggested by the world "cycle"?
 What shapes best represent cycles?
 Have you ever heard of the water cycle? What do you
know about it?
 Evaporation-
Evaporation is when the
sun heats up water in
rivers or lakes or the
ocean and turns it into
vapor or steam. The
water vapor or steam
leaves the river, lake or
ocean and goes into the
 Condensation-Water
vapor in the air gets cold and
changes back into liquid,
forming clouds.
 You can see the same sort of
thing at home... pour a glass
of cold water on a hot day and
watch what happens. Water
forms on the outside of the
glass. That water didn't
somehow leak through the
glass! It actually came from
the air. Water vapor in the
warm air, turns back into
liquid when it touches the
cold glass.
 Precipitation-
Precipitation occurs
when so much water has
condensed that the air
cannot hold it anymore.
The clouds get heavy and
water falls back to the
earth in the form of rain,
hail, sleet or snow.
 Collection-When water
falls back to earth as
precipitation, it may fall
back in the oceans, lakes or
rivers or it may end up on
 When it ends up on land, it
will either soak into the
earth and become part of
the “ground water” that
plants and animals use to
drink or it may run over the
soil and collect in the
oceans, lakes or rivers where
the cycle starts all over
Water Cycle
While viewing the presentation, students take notes
using guided questions like the following:
1.When and why does precipitation occur?
2.Where does the rainwater go once it reaches ground?
3.How do many people acquire drinking water?
4.How does the sun affect water?
5.What happens to the vapor in the air when it gets cold?
 In small groups of three or four, students share their
answers and create a flow chart demonstrating the
water cycle.
 Share responses as a class and create a class water
cycle flow chart on chart paper to display on the wall
for the remainder of the unit.