Transcript Document

Chapter 8: Air
Masses, Fronts, and
Air masses
Middle-latitude cyclones
Air Mass Source Regions
air mass: an extremely large body of air whose
properties of temperature and humidity are fairly similar
in any horizontal direction at any altitude
source regions: regions dominated by
surface high pressure
• Because air sinks in high pressure systems, air stays
in contact with the surface and acquires its temperature
and moisture characteristics.
• Temperature and humidity
• Naming conventions
Table 8-1, p. 205
Fig. 8-2, p. 206
cP (Continental Polar) and cA
(Continental Arctic) Air Masses
Continental polar
continental Arctic
lake effect snows
In the continental US, the
coldest winter air is associated
with cA air masses.
mP (Maritime polar) Air
Pacific air
• mP air often brings rain to the west coast of the US.
mT (Maritime Tropical Air
subtropical air
Bermuda high
• mT air brings hot, muggy
air to the eastern US in
cT (Continental Tropical Air
Northern Mexico
and southwestern
A transition zone between
two air masses of different
temperature and/or humidity
Stationary Fronts
Has essentially no movement,
and wind is usually parallel
with the stationary front
Light precipitation may or may
not appear
• This terminology was developed
by Norwegian meteorologists
shortly after World War I.
Cold Fronts
cold front: Temperature, humidity,
clouds and precipitation
vertical cross section:
slope of 1:50
wind direction differences
Warm Fronts
overrunning: slope of 1:300
weather changes
precipitation patterns
vertical cross section
Fig. 8-19, p. 220
Occluded Fronts
cold occlusion
warm occlusion
• Occluded fronts have
characteristics of both
warm and cold fronts.
Polar Front Theory
wave cyclone
frontal wave
open wave
warm sector
mature cyclone
Where Do Mid-Latitude
Cyclones Tend to Form?
lee-side low
Alberta Clipper
• Mid-latitude cyclones specific to
certain areas get interesting
names: Panhandle hook,
nor’easter, Hatteras Low.
(or nor’easters):
develops or intensified
off the eastern seaboard
of North America then
move northeastward
along the coast
Figure 4, p. 226
Developing Mid-Latitude
Cyclones and Anticyclones
convergence and divergence
• convergence and divergence patterns aloft are extremely
important to the development of mid-latitude cyclones
Jet Streams and Developing
Mid-Latitude Cyclones
jet stream
jet streak: jet stream core
upper-air support
• During World War II, the jet stream was used by
the Japanese to carry balloon bombs across the
Pacific Ocean to North America.
Fig. 8-30, p. 231