Forms of Condensation and Precipitation
Transcript Forms of Condensation and Precipitation
Capacity of air is primarily a function of temperature
Relative Humidity (RH) =
(actual water vapor content)
x 100
(max. water vapor capacity of the air)
Heated air becomes lower in RH because denominator gets larger
Cooled air becomes higher in RH
Saturation vs Air Temperature
The actual amount of
Water air can hold changes
With air temperature
47 grams
104 F
Air at 104 F can hold 3 times
As much water as 68 F air !
(47 grams vs only 15 grams)
15 grams
Air at 68 F can hold 4 times
As much water as air at 0 F
(15 grams vs only 4 grams)
32 F
68 F
4 grams
Forms of Condensation
and Precipitation
Chapter 5
Clouds, Fogs, Snow and Sleet
Clouds: visible aggregate of minute droplets of water, or tiny
crystals of ice or a mixture of both
Indicate what’s going on in atmosphere
For any form of condensation to occur the air must be saturated
There generally must be a surface on which water vapor can
Clouds, Fogs, Snow and Sleet
Cloud Condensation Nuclei: tiny particles that serve as
surfaces for which water vapor condenses
Includes dust, smoke and salt particles
If nuclei are absent the relative humidity needs to be well above
100% in order to produce cloud droplets
Growth of Clouds
Hygroscopic (water seeking) Nuclei:
Particles that are effective sites for condensation
Items that quickly absorb moisture when exposed to humid air and
become stale
Byproduct of combustion (forest fires, automobiles, coal burning
Hydrophobic (water repelling) Nuclei:
Water will only form if relative humidity reaches 100%
Major sources of Nuclei
Dust storms, volcanic eruptions, pollen
Cloud Condensation Nuclei
Cloud Formation
Types of Clouds
Identify Ten Major Types
Where located: High, Medium, Low
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Cloud Classification
High, white and thin; “curl,” “filament”
Separated and detached, form delicate veil-like patches; extended
wispy fibers; feathery appearance.
Globular individual cloud masses. Flat base and appear as rising domes
or towers (cauliflower)
Clouds are best described as sheets or layers that over much or all of
the sky
No distinct individual units
Cloud Classification: High Clouds
6000m (20,000ft) base
High clouds: low temperatures, ice crystals, small quantities
of water vapor
Cirrus (Ci)
Thin delicate fibrous ice-crystal clouds (mare’s tails)
Cirrostratus (Cs)
Thin sheets of white ice-crystal clouds that give sky a milky look
Cirrocumulus (Cc)
Thin, white ice crystal clouds
Least common
Cloud Classification: Middle Clouds
2000 – 6000m
Altocumulus (Ac)
White to gray clouds often made up of separate globules
“Sheep back”
Altostratus (As)
Stratified veil of clouds that are generally thin and may
produces very light precipitation
Can produce a bright spot in the sky (not a halo)
Seen with warm fronts
Cloud Classification: Low Clouds
below 2000m (6500 ft)
Stratus (St)
Low uniform layer resembling fog, but not resting on the ground
Leads to drizzles
Stratocumulus (Sc)
Soft gray clouds in globular patches or rolls
May form continuous clouds
Nimbostratus (Ns): Nimbus: “rain cloud”, Stratus: “to cover with a
Form during stable conditions
Amorphus layer of dark gray clouds
Chief precipitation producing clouds (light to moderatecontinuous rain)
Cloud Classification:
Cloud of Vertical Development
Clouds that span more than one height
Associated with unstable air
Cumulus (Cu): Fair Weather clouds
Dense billowy clouds often characterized by flat base
Seen on clear days with unequal surface heating
Cumulonimbus (Cb)
Towering cloud, “anvil head”
Thunder, lightening, hail, tornadoes
Lifecycle of Cumulonimbus
Cloud Varieties
Uncinus: “hook shaped,” streaks of cirrus clouds, look like
Cirrusuncinus: bad weather is coming
Fractus: stratus/cumulus are broken
Mammatus: rounded protuberances on their bottom surfaces
Associated with stormy weather and cumulonimbus clouds
Lenticular: lens-shaped
Found in rugged or mountainous topography
Types of Fog
Fog: cloud with base near the ground
Physically no difference between a fog and a cloud; appearance
and structure the same
Difference is method and place of formation
Fog results from cooling or by addition of enough water vapor
to cause saturation
Atmospheric Hazard:
Light – reduces visibility (2 to 3 km, 1 to 2 miles)
Dense – cut to a few dozen meters or less
Types of Fog
Radiation Fog: results from radiation cooling of the ground
and adjacent air
A nighttime phenomenon requiring clear skies and a fairly high
relative humidity
Thickest in valleys
Dissipates within one to three hours of sunrise, fog evaporates
from the bottom up
Radiation Fog
Radiation Fog
Types of Fog
Advection Fog: when warm and moist air blown over a cold
surface, it becomes chilled by contact and to a certain extent,
by mixing with the cold air
If cooling is sufficient, fog will form air moving horizontally
Are a consequence of air giving up heat to the surface below
during horizontal movement
Winds up to 6 to 18mph required (turbulence facilitates cooling
through a thicker layer of air but it also carries fog higher)
Thicker than radiation
Advection Fog
Advection Fog
Advection Fog
Advection Fog
Types of Fog
Upslope Fog: created when relative humidity moves up a
gradual sloping or up the steep slope of a mountain
Because of upward movement air expands and cools
If dew point is reached, an extensive layer of fog may form
Upslope Fog
Upslope Fog
Formation of Fog
Steam Fog: when cool air moves over warm water; enough
moisture may evaporate from the water surface to saturate
the air immediately above
As rising water vapor meets the cold air, it condenses and rises
Common over lakes and rivers on clear crisp mornings in the fall
Formation of Fog
Frontal Fog: When frontal wedging occurs, warm air is lifted
over colder air
If the resulting clouds yield rain and the cold air below is near
dew point, enough rain can evaporate to produce fog
Results in a continuous zone of condenses water droplets
reaching from the ground up through clouds
Condensation of water vapor on objects that have radiated
sufficient heat to lower their temperature below dew point
May form on some surfaces but not others
White Frost
Forms when the dew point of air is below freezing
Not frozen dew
Gas to a Solid (deposition
Types of Precipitation
Atmospheric Pressure
A Crash Course
Chapter 5 and 6
Precipitation Formation
Why do some clouds produce precipitation
and other just float overhead?
Cloud Droplets are very tiny in comparison
to rain droplets
For precipitation to occur cloud droplets
must grow in volume by roughly 1 million
Collision – Coalescence Process
Warm clouds are those having
temperatures greater than 0 °C
The largest droplet (collector
drop) falls through a warm cloud
and overtakes some of the smaller
droplets because of its greater
terminal velocity
Collision – Coalescence Process
A collector drop collides with
only some of the droplets in its
path. The likelihood of a collision
depends on both the size of the
collector and its size relative to
the droplets below.
If the collector drop is much
larger than those below, the
percentage of collisions will be
The tropics are the ideal environment for
the C-C process.
Very humid and relatively clean so fewer
condensation nuclei exists
In these areas, large cumulonimbus clouds
form and within those clouds the larger
drops quickly gather smaller droplets to
generate the warm afternoon showers
associated with tropical climates
Bergeron Process
A cloud at a temperature of -10oC (14oF) has ice crystals that
are surrounded by liquid droplets
Supersaturated clouds contain more water vapor than
“regular” clouds.
Ice Crystals collect more water than they lose through
Evaporation of water droplets provides a water source of
water vapor to feed the growth of ice crystals
Bergeron Process
As the ice crystals descend they enlarge as they intercept
cloud drops that freeze on them
B.P. produces precipitation throughout the year in the middle
latitudes (if the clouds are cold enough).
The type of precipitation that reaches the ground depends on
the temperature profile in the lower atmosphere.
Bergeron Process
Rain is precipitation arriving at the surface in the form of
liquid drops, usually between 0.5 and 5 mm.
Episodic precipitation from rapidly developing
cumuliform clouds is called showers and can occur as
either rain or snow.
In Mid-latitudes precipitation
leaves cold cloud as snow, if
temperatures are higher than
freezing precipitation will become
rain near the surface
Snow results from the growth
of ice crystals through
deposition, riming, and
Ice crystals in clouds can have a
wide variety of shapes,
including six-sided plates,
columns, solid or hollow
needles, and complex
dendrites with numerous long,
narrow extensions.
As precipitation leaves
cold clouds, the
temperature must
remain below freezing at
or near the surface
Sleet (above) occurs as rain falling
from a cloud, passes through a
cold layer, and freezes into ice
pellets. This is most common
along warm fronts.
Freezing rain begins when a light
rain or drizzle of supercooled drops
falls through air with a temperature
at or slightly below 0 °C.
When the raindrops hit the surface,
they form a thin film of water, but
only for a moment.
Soon afterward the water freezes to
form a coating of ice.
Formation of Sleet
Global average annual precipitation.
Hail consists of ice pellets formed in roughly concentric
Formed from updrafts that carry a particle into the colder
reaches of a cloud, and the liquid water coating the ice
When the stone exits the updraft and falls, it becomes
wet from its collisions with liquid droplets.
The hailstone can be captured once again by an updraft,
and the coating of water freezes