Transcript File

Ecology: Populations
Unit 9, Part 1
• A population is a group
of organisms belonging
to the same species and
living within a certain
• In a pond where there
are 38 bass, 42 frogs,
and 21 turtles, there
are three different
populations present:
the frogs, the bass, and
the turtles.
Population Size
• The size of a population is always changing, as
new members are born and old members die.
Population Growth
• Under ideal conditions, like unlimited food, absence of
disease, lack of predators, and favorable temperatures, the
size of a population would increase indefinitely and without
• This is called ideal population growth and can be expressed by
a population growth curve, like the one on the next slide.
Ideal Growth Curve
Biotic Potential
• The highest rate of reproduction under ideal
conditions is called a population’s biotic potential.
• For example, if there were no limiting environmental
factors, a single bacterium would be able to produce,
via binary fission, enough offspring to cover the earth
30 cm deep in just 36 hours.
Population Growth Curves
• In most populations, growth occurs slowly at
first, then rapidly increases, then slows down
• This produces an S-shaped curve.
• Eventually, the population stops increasing
altogether, and the population size remains
stable after that.
Normal Growth Curve
Population Growth Rate Curve
• A graph can also be used to show not only how much a
population grows, but the rate at which it grows. This is called
a growth rate curve.
• When the population growth levels off, the population growth
rate approaches zero.
• This is similar to the acceleration of a car. When it reaches a
constant velocity, acceleration equals zero.
Carrying Capacity
• When a population arrives at the point where its size
is no longer increasing, it has reached the carrying
capacity of the environment.
• The carrying capacity is the greatest number of
individuals in a certain population that a given
environment can support with its resources.
• The carrying capacity can vary with the time of year
or as conditions change.
Birth and Death Rates
• At the carrying capacity, the number of
organisms born or produced in a given period
of time, or birth rate, balances the number of
organisms that die during that time, or the
death rate.
• At that point, the size of the population
remains fairly stable.
Limiting Factors
• If you were to make growth curves of yeast, deer, mice, snakes, different
trees, shrubs, or other complex organisms, you would see an S-shaped
• In each case, something causes the population to stop increasing. This is
called a limiting factor.
• Example of limiting factors include space, food supply, and amount of
predation. Limiting factors vary from population to population.
Density-Dependent Limiting
• Population density refers to the size of a population
that occupies a given area at any given point in time.
A small population of frogs living in a given pond has
a low population density. A large population living in
the same pond has a high population density.
• Factors that act on the population, such as a
shortage in the food supply, are tied to population
Density-Independent Limiting
• Factors such as temperature and oxygen
supply are not related to population density
and are said to be density independent.
• These factors are often related to physical
aspects of the environment.
• Density-independent factors have the same
effect on a population regardless of its size.
• The effects of density-dependent factors vary
with the size of the population. The larger a
population, the more intense a densitydependent limiting factor will be.
Predation and Food
• Predation is the feeding of one organism on another,
and it can be a factor limiting the size of a population.
• It is difficult to tell for sure if predation alone is a
limiting factor, but it is certain that the size of most
populations is at least partly kept in check by
Predation: Density-Dependent Factor
• The greater the number of an animal, such as
rabbits, in a given area, the greater the
chances that a predator, such as coyotes, will
find and kill one.
• As the population of rabbits (the prey) falls
due to predation, the fewer rabbits are killed
by the coyotes (the predator).
Effects of Predation
• If predators were removed from an
environment, the size of the prey population
would increase at first. But, as population
increased, supplies and resources would
decrease. This would cause prey population to
decrease again, eventually leveling off near
the carrying capacity.
Disease and Populations
• Population density is closely related to the spread of
certain diseases. For example, malaria is caused by
the protist Plasmodium, which is carried by
mosquitoes and transferred to humans through bites
from the mosquitoes.
• The denser the human population, the greater the
chance of the disease being passed to others. The
spread of malaria is also dependent on the mosquito
population, without which the disease could not be
Other Biotic Relationships
• Many relationships and interactions exist
among organisms of different species.
• Some of these relationships are necessary to
the survival of both organisms.
• Other relationships are of no consequence to
either organism.
• A predator does not always have to be a larger animal,
such as a lion, hunting down a smaller animal, such as a
• Sometimes, a very small organism will attack a larger
organism and kill it. These smaller organisms are called
parasites, and include tapeworms, flukes, ticks, and fleas.
• Parasites live on other organisms, called hosts, and steal
nutrients from them.
• Parasitism is a density-dependent factor; the more hosts
there are to feed on, the better the parasites are able to
thrive and reproduce.
• In some relationships, one organism benefits from a host
without aiding or harming the host.
• This is called commensalism.
• An organism that benefits is called a commensal.
• An example is a remora (a fish that attaches itself to the belly
of a larger animal) which feeds from the leftovers of a shark’s
meals. The shark is not harmed or helped through this
• When both organisms benefit from a relationship, it is
called mutualism.
• Cycling of nitrogen relies on a mutualistic relationship.
Many forms of bacteria can convert nitrogen gas to a
usable form (this process is called nitrogen fixation). Many
of these bacteria live in the roots of certain plants, where
they break down dead plant material for food.
• Within the root cells, the bacteria convert the nitrogen to
ammonia, which is used by the plants to make proteins.
Ecosystems: Regulation of
Unit 9, Part 2
Interspecific Competition
• Competition for food, supplies, resources,
space, etc., among different species is called
interspecific competition.
• For example, when several predators feed on
the same prey, the food supply may become
limited, making the competition a densitydependent limiting factor.
Interspecific Competition can lead to…
• Extinction - as animals compete for resources, one
species will win the fight and wipe out the other
species in that environment
• Movement (emigration) - to reduce competition, one
species may move to another close-by environment
• Adaptation - as conditions change, some variations
may be favored and lead to adaptations over time
Intraspecific Competition
• Often, competition occurs between members of
the same species. This is called intraspecific
• This may become a density-dependent limiting
factor when members of a population seek out
resources such as food, water, space, or nesting
Life Cycles and Life Spans
• Excessive intraspecific competition is avoided in
many ways. One is by having alternate life cycles
within a species.
• For example, adult frogs do not compete with
tadpoles because the habitats and foods of frogs and
tadpoles are different.
• Life spans may also reduce competition. In many
insects, adults die shortly after the young are
produced so the young and old do not compete for
the same resources.
• Social behavior can reduce intraspecific conflicts.
Consider how levels of authority reduce conflicts
and preserve order in human populations, such
as school administration or police forces.
• This type of pattern, based on dominance and
chains of command, is called social hierarchy.
Role Separation
• Competition is also reduced in societies where members
have definite roles.
• In insect societies such as bees and ants, roles are
determined genetically and physiologically. Usually, there
is a queen, workers, soldiers, and foragers. Spreading out
the work reduces conflict and competition among
members of the society.
Behavioral and Physiological Changes
• Overcrowding can lead to changes among
members of a society. If rats are overcrowded
and cannot escape, they may become aggressive
to the point where they kill other rats. They may
not build nests and the hormonal stress may
reduce litter size.
• This affects both birth and death rates, which
changes the population size of the animals.
• Another solution to overcrowding in some
populations is emigration, or moving out of an
• Some organisms will remain in the original
environment to keep it going, while others will
move to a new area and start a new society.
• Territoriality, the behavior of occupying and
defending specific territories, is common among
insects and vertebrates.
• Because males having a territory are often the only
ones to mate, population growth is limited.
Possession of territories may also spread members of
a population over a large area, ensuring a better food
supply and more resources for a greater number of
its members.
Ecosystems: The Human
Unit 9, Part 3
The Human Population
• The growth curve of
human population
resembles the curve seen
in ideal conditions.
• This suggests that there
are no limiting factors on
human population growth
because of the rapid
Declining Growth Rate
• The birth rate is the number of live births that occur each
year for every 1000 people.
• The death rate is the number of deaths that occur each
year for every 1000 people.
• When people live longer, death rate decreases. When
they continue to have the same number of babies as
before, the birth rate increases. When the birth rate and
death rate don’t even out, population sizes change.
Uneven Growth Rates
• Declines in growth rate, though widespread throughout
the world, are seen most in developed countries.
• Two factors account for this: first, birth rates are almost
four times higher in underdeveloped countries, and
second, a large part of the population in underdeveloped
countries is of reproductive age, which means they will
more than make up for the lower birth rates in developed
Zero Population Growth
• Zero population growth is a condition in which
the birth rate equals the death rate and the
rate of population growth equals zero. This
would be a good thing to accomplish, but
does not appear to be attainable any time
Future of the Population Explosion
• There are many factors that have influenced the boom in
human population.
• Agricultural, cultural, sanitation, medical, and technological
factors have all played a role in the increase of population
• Human population cannot expand indefinitely due to limiting
factors such as food supply, medical care, space, and natural
• How can we limit human population size?
Limiting Human Population Size
• Most natural checks on population growth
cause an increase in the death rate. One
alternative for controlling growth is to
decrease the birth rate, using artificial ways of
preventing pregnancy, family planning, and
even government involvement.
Why Not Let The Population
• As mentioned before, food supplies, space, and natural
resources are all limiting factors that affect the growth of the
human population.
• Control of the population is important for ecological reasons as
well. Pollution and depletion of fossil fuels are increasingly
serious as the population expands. Slowing the rate of growth
would reduce such problems.