06. humansornature.pps

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Transcript 06. humansornature.pps

Question 6. Some people think that
human needs for farmland,
housing, and industry are more
important than saving land for
endangered animals.
Do you agree or disagree with this
point of view? Why or why not? Use
specific reasons and examples to
support your answer.
1.Troy Lund
• I do agree that the needs of humanity
outweigh the needs of wildlife; even
endangered species, as long as the species
being threatened isn’t critical to sustaining the
ecosystem to sustaining the development of
2.Arroe Collins
• I love animals. But I think sometimes, people
don’t understand what a living being is.
3.Eric Medler
• I absolutely agree with this – I think that
human needs for housing, farmland, industry,
whatever it is, is always more important than
saving land for endangered animals.
4.Bernie Beamon
5.De Niro
• Well, this sounds kind of selfish, but I always
think that human needs should come first. I
am very environmentally conscious; I do
believe that we need to protect our water and
our land, and we need to be careful not to
destroy the environment and the habitat –
habitats of many creatures on our planet.
6. Morgan Barnhart
• Humans are cutting down the rainforests for
economy reasons.
• humans are selfish and we need to, you know,
think of our own needs first, so unfortunately,
we are definitely kicking out the endangered
animals and just animals in general, for our
own needs.
7. Shelby Lanier
• I think that again, this requires a balance.
• We only have so many resources on the planet, and
eventually they will run out unless we are replenishing
• Farmland, of course, is a priority even though today’s
farmers struggle to make ends meet.
• I do agree with keeping certain areas aside for national
parks and state parks.
8. Daniel G
• True, it’s very important for human life and human progress, but there
needs to be a balance – a balance whereby both can co-exist in harmony.
• While human need is important, we have a responsibility to take care of
other creatures on the face of this planet.
• Many of them perform a great service to humankind by, for example,
eating insects, and if not for them, there would be too many insects which
could harm or even threaten human life.
• So while human needs are important and they need to be addressed, we
need to constantly be cognizant of the needs of animals and creatures
that co-inhabit the earth, and in addition to taking good care of ourselves,
take good care of them.
9.Danielle Fornes
• I think it’s hard to say whether saving land for
endangered animals is more important than
farmland housing and industry.
• I would definitely be of the mind that you
should try to save endangered animals.
1.Troy Lund
• I do agree that the needs of humanity outweigh the needs
of wildlife; even endangered species, as long as the species
being threatened isn’t critical to sustaining the ecosystem
to sustaining the development of humanity. We need to
think of ourselves first. Obviously, it is important to take
care of animals and their needs and their rights, if you will,
are worth thinking about. But I think we always have to put
ourselves as human beings and our development first and
foremost, in consideration of what’s more important –
whether our development is more important, or the
development of...uh, or the sustainability of the wildlife. I
don’t think it’s a close call.
2.Arroe Collins
• I love animals. But I think sometimes, people don’t
understand what a living being is. They think it could be a
bobcat, they think it could be a lion, or an alligator. A tree is
also an animal. It is a living, breathing creature. So when
somebody asks me, “What’s more important – farmland,
housing, an industry...or an endangered species? I’m gonna
go the route of the endangered species, because you know
what? That tree out there took forty years to get to that
height. It’s gonna take another forty years for a seedling to
reach that height again. What are we gonna do? We’re
gonna come in and bulldoze everything down? I may not
get another forty years to see that tree reach that high in
the sky. Save all species.
3.Eric Medler
• I absolutely agree with this – I think that human needs for
housing, farmland, industry, whatever it is, is always more
important than saving land for endangered animals. If it’s a
choice between a human being surviving or an endangered
species surviving, I’m all for protecting animals; however,
the animal that I think is most important is the human
being, so I really do believe that. I think that a good
example would be is if it was...I, you can’t imagine...let’s
say, dogs were endangered or something like that. Dogs – if
a dog was to attack a person, and to...really hurt that
person, even now, we – we’d euthanize that dog, or animal
that tries to attack a human being. Human beings will
always have the priority, and that’s my...my belief – it
always will be.
4.Bernie Beamon
• I agree with this because out in California,
they had this little 2-inch fish that they would
up blocking the water to just thousands and
thousands of acres of farmland and it – and it
just turned to drought because of – all that
over a little 2-inch fish, and I think it’s way
more important to feed people. You could
have fed a lot of people with that, uh...them
5.De Niro
• Well, this sounds kind of selfish, but I always think that human
needs should come first. I am very environmentally conscious; I do
believe that we need to protect our water and our land, and we
need to be careful not to destroy the environment and the habitat –
habitats of many creatures on our planet. But we are running out of
space, and we can’t just say, “Well, we’re gonna save these
thousands and thousands of acres for the lions and the tigers, and
we’re going to make millions of people live in a few crowded
spaces.” That doesn’t really work. People have to come first. If it’s
the choice between helping a child or helping an animal, well, there
really is no choice. It’s something that we really have to consider
carefully. But as far as I’m concerned, while I think it is important to
protect our environment and the habitat of many different species,
human beings have to come first.
6. Morgan Barnhart
• Some people think that human needs for farmland housing and industry
are more important than saving land for endangered animals. I most
certainly agree with this. Humans are cutting down the rainforests
because we want to build big hotels, you know, for economy reasons,
because if we build those big hotels, then people are going to come visit,
they’re going to stay in the hotels, and then there’s going to be an
economic boost in that area, also they’re cutting down, they’re cutting
down and utilizing land for housing for people because our world is
growing, and we need more space, we need more housing, we need more
farmland, we need these things so that we can survive, and unfortunately,
that’s pushing out the endangered animals; however, we are trying to help
with the endangered animals, we’re trying to bring them into captivity and
things, but it’s still quite difficult because we as humans are selfish and we
need to, you know, think of our own needs first, so unfortunately, we are
definitely kicking out the endangered animals and just animals in general,
for our own needs.
7. Shelby Lanier
• I think that again, this requires a balance. We only have so
many resources on the planet, and eventually they will run
out unless we are replenishing them. Farmland, of course,
is a priority even though today’s farmers struggle to make
ends meet; housing, definitely, and it seems that the bigger
the population gets, the more and more housing we’re
going to need, and eventually, who knows? Maybe we’ll run
out of room...industry, of course, is important, because that
keeps the economy rolling and keeps people with jobs and
income; but at the same time, we still need to save land for
endangered animals. It depends on, really, the...the
situation and the uh...the, the place that we’re talking
about. I do agree with keeping certain areas aside for
national parks and state parks.
8. Daniel G
• Human need for land, such as for farmland, for housing and
industry, etc., is not more important than the needs of endangered
animals. True, it’s very important for human life and human
progress, but there needs to be a balance – a balance whereby both
can co-exist in harmony. While human need is important, we have a
responsibility to take care of other creatures on the face of this
planet. Many of them perform a great service to humankind by, for
example, eating insects, and if not for them, there would be too
many insects which could harm or even threaten human life. So
while human needs are important and they need to be addressed,
we need to constantly be cognizant of the needs of animals and
creatures that co-inhabit the earth, and in addition to taking good
care of ourselves, take good care of them.
9.Danielle Fornes
• I think it’s hard to say whether saving land for endangered animals
is more important than farmland housing and industry. I think that, I
think that our population is growing in the world and we have more
people than we have space for them, so sometimes we have to look
at other options in terms of area, so you may need to look at a
wetland or a rainforest as a place to live for humans and that may
mean hurting endangered animals. I would definitely be of the
mind that you should try to save endangered animals. It’s a big part
of the circle of life. I think that, you know, we can’t exist without
certain animals, so we really need to do everything we can to
protect them, but I think it’s getting harder and harder to find
places to put people in industries growing, I think it’s hard for
humans to, to have ample space for what they need.