Transcript Digestion

If you don’t like disgusting things and hate
guts. If you like things nice and pleasant
and peaceful.
I Suggest you leave
Your digestive system starts working before
the food even enters your mouth. The second
you smell, see, or even think about food your
stomach starts trying to digest which is why
you get that feeling in your stomach when
you’re hungry. Before the food enters your
food pipe your saliva has the job of making
the food mushy and easier to digest. Once it
reaches the intestines and stomach it then
spends hours in there while your digestive
juices work away at it.
Vomit is made of half-digested food or
liquid, saliva and stomach juice. For
children, it is common for vomiting be
caused from a viral infection, food
poisoning, milk allergy, motion sickness,
overeating or feeding, coughing, or
blocked intestines and illnesses in which
the child has a high fever.
Why is There Always Carrots in my
As it would turn out it’s not always carrot.
Some times it is carrot you may have
eaten a while ago, sometimes it may be
orange coloured food and sometimes,
according to scientists beliefs, it may be
stomach lining.
What Effect Can Vomit Have On
Your Body?
If vomit is recurring it can decay tooth
 It can cause the saliva glands to swell
up creating “chipmunk face”
 Vomit can ruin you oesophagus or food
Thing That May Surprise You
Three days after death your digestive juices break
out of your stomach and start to digest you
Your food doesn’t need gravity to make it to your
Laundry detergents contain similar enzymes to your
The stomach does very little in the digestion process
The small intestine is roughly 7 metres long.
Your stomach must protect itself… from itself
A type of pain in the oesophagus was treated
incorrectly for over a century
There are more bacteria in your mouth than there
are people in the world
Flatulence and Waste
Warning: correct terminology will be used!
 While the poop is moving through your
anus farts can squeeze through and
overtake the poop.
 You know when you really need to poop
and your stomach hurts? One of the best
things you can do to release a little bit of
pressure is fart and when you’re out of gas
bolt for the toilet.
 The Trojan horse: this is when you fart so
hard a small amount of waste comes out