Transcript File

Global Issues and
Human Impact
What are YOU doing to help?
What are YOU doing to hurt?
Treat the Earth
well, it was not
given to you by
your parents, it was
loaned to you by
your children. We
do not inherit the
Earth from our
Ancestors, we
borrow it from our
The first homo sapiens walked the earth 200,000 years ago.
It took until 1804 for the global population to reach 1 billion.
123 years later in 1927, it reached 2 billion.
34 years later in 1961, it reached 3 billion.
13 years later in 1974 it reached 4 billion.
13 years later in 1987 it reached 5 billion.
12 years later in 1999 it reached 6 billion.
Today it reached 7,010,830,027
In 2025 it is projected to hit 8 billion!
Earth’s Carrying Capacity
• In 1961 the earth had 3 billion people. They
were using ½ of the Earth’s resources.
• In 1987 the earth had 5 billion people. They
were using ALL of the resources.
Ever since then we have
been putting TOO MUCH
stress on the planet!!
►overexploiting fisheries.
►overgrazing to the point of desertification.
►destroying forests.
►polluting the waters and
atmosphere, including
greenhouse gasses.
At the rate we are going, we will need 2 WHOLE
planets to sustain our appetites by 2050.
Something has
got to
How it Hurts!!
Because of the stress we are putting on the planet
several global issues are now SERIOUS problems.
Acid Rain
Ozone Depletion
Biological Magnification
Global Warming
These are NOT the only problems caused by
overpopulation…but they are the ones we will focus
The cutting down of trees
Two MAIN reasons:
1. Raw materials (paper, housing, firewood, etc.)
2. Space (industrial use – homes, schools, factories, etc)
There are, of course, other reasons…but these are the main reasons
So What!?!
What are the consequences of deforestation?
Here are the main consequences:
1.More CO2 and Less O2 – due to a lack of photosynthesis
2.Increased soil erosion and lower soil quality
3.Loss of habitats for animals – this disrupts food webs & ecosystems
4.Screws up the water cycle - lessens the amount of transpiration &
lowers the water table
Loss of Biodiversity
In 1960 a person with leukemia had a 1 in 5 chance of survival
In 1980 the chance of survival was 4 in 5
This was due to the Rosy Periwinkle
Out of 32 common chemotherapy drugs…28 of them came from plants!!
So far scientists have only explored 1% of plant and animal species for
medicinal use.
Scientists estimate that 100 species go extinct every day!!
What happens if you need a medicine
one day to survive…but we killed off
the plant species that it comes from?
The Pacific Yew tree
Source of Taxol
a widely-used breast cancer medicine
Acid Rain
• Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) and Nitric
Oxides (NOx) are emitted as car
exhaust and factory emissions.
• They combine with water vapor in
the atmosphere forming acid
• They become part of the
water cycle…and fall to
the Earth as acid
So What !?!
• Rivers, streams and lakes become acidic
– Fish and other aquatic species die
• Ground water can become acidic
– Vegetation and trees die
Acid rain affects trees by washing away the minerals
and nutrients in the soil that help trees to grow.
Acid Rain
Normal Rain
Concrete, marble and stone
are weakened
Over 40% of the nations
bridges and overpasses and
“structurally deficient”
That means they could
Ozone Depletion
• We have already explored the Ozone…what
does it do for us?
CFC’s – Banned in 1978
Chlorofluorocarbons were found in:
air conditioners & refrigerators
aerosol cans
How Does CFC Destroy Ozone?
Ozone Depletion was recognized as a Global issue around 1975.
It took until September 24, 2010 for the ozone damage to FINALLY stop!
Scientists think
that the Ozone
will regain its
healthy density
around 2050.
75 years later!!
Can we afford to
wait 75 years to
solve our other
Global Issues?
When chemicals (like
pesticides) are added
to the ecosystem, they
get into the food web…
Pesticides are often
this means they DO
As animals eat other
animals, the chemicals
build up in their
body…causing serious
illness or death!!
DDT (a spray to kill
mosquitoes) caused the
death of most Bald Eagles
– putting them on the
Endangered Species List
for 40 years (1967-2007)
Even the ones HUMANS are a part of!
Biological Magnification
Biological Controls
Using a natural predator is an environmentally
friendly way to control pests!!
No chemicals added into the ecosystem!
You need to be careful when adding a species
into an environment…they could TAKE
Cane Toad
Greenhouse Effect vs. Global Warming
Greenhouse Effect
☼ NORMAL trapping of some of the
Sun’s heat
☼ Keeps our planet warm enough
to support life
Global Warming
☼The thickening of the atmosphere
with greenhouse gasses (CO2, CH4
and N2O)
☼More of the Sun’s heat gets
trapped…increasing the planet’s
Causes of Global Warming
• Two main causes for higher levels of CO2
1. Increased burning of fossil fuels (cars, factories,
2. Increased deforestation is limiting the
conversion of CO2 back into O2 for us to breathe
An Inconvenient Truth
So What!?!
Some of the consequences of global warming:
Spread of disease
As northern countries warm,
disease carrying insects migrate
north, bringing plague and
disease with them.
Warmer Waters –
More Hurricanes
As the temperature of oceans rises,
so will the probability of more
frequent and stronger hurricanes.
Increased Probability and
Intensity of Droughts and
Heat Waves
Although some areas of Earth will
become wetter due to global
warming, other areas will suffer
serious droughts and heat waves.
Africa will receive the worst of it,
with more severe droughts also
expected in Europe. Water is
already a dangerously rare
commodity in Africa, and according
to the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, global warming
will exacerbate the conditions and
could lead to conflicts and war.
Polar Ice Caps Melting
The ice caps melting is a four-pronged danger.
First, it will raise sea levels. With all glaciers melted, the seas
would rise about 230 feet.
Second, melting ice caps will throw the global ecosystem out of
balance. The ice caps are fresh water, and when they melt they
will desalinate the ocean, or in plain English – make it less salty.
The desalinization of
the Gulf current will
"screw up" ocean
currents, which
regulate temperatures.
Third, temperature rises and
changing landscapes in the
Arctic Circle will endanger
several species of animals.
Only the most adaptable will
Fourth, global warming
could increase with the ice
caps gone. Ice caps are
white, and reflect sunlight,
much of which is reflected
back into space, further cooling
Earth. If the ice caps melt, the
only reflector is the ocean.
Darker ocean absorbs
sunlight, further
warming the Earth.
Other Consequences
Stronger Storms
Desertification of Soil
Loss of Biodiversity & Habitats
Species Extinction
Diminished Food & Water Supply
Death of Phytoplankton
Phytoplankton do MORE
THAN 50% of the planets
Time to Change Your Thinking!?!
How Do We Fix These Issues?
• We will talk about this when we get back from
the break!!
How can