How do we get nutrients from food?

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Transcript How do we get nutrients from food?

How do we get nutrients from
Structure and Function of the
Digestive System
Teeth: Digestive Organs and the
importance of oral health!
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• Tooth decay: sugary
foods feed bacteria;
who break down the
foods and produce
acids which eat away
• Brushing removes
food/bacteria. Baking
soda neutralizes
What other digestive organs help
you to get energy from food?
• Primary Organs:
food passes through in
the digestive process.
• Accessory Organs:
involved with
digestion but food
does not pass through.
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Mechanical Digestion vs.
Chemical Digestion
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• Mechanical
digestion: the
mashing, crushing,
movement of food.
• Chemical digestion:
the enzymatic
breakdown of food in
the intestines.
Process of obtaining materials
from food
Release of wastes
Homeostasis in Digestion
• Digestion of Proteins in
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– Enzyme pepsin
– Functions at pH of 2
– Brain stimulates stomach
cells to release HCl and
pepsinogen (inactive
– Low pH activates pepsin to
break down enzymes.
Structure and Function:
• Villi: folds in the wall
of the intestine
– Allows for increased
surface area.
– Food absorbed through
wall of intestine into
blood vessels.
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On your own…
• Color the human body’s digestive organs.
• Label the organs as primary or accessory.
• Match the definitions with the digestive
organs and copy them into your organizer.
Definitions are available online.