Unit 3 – Ecosystems

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Transcript Unit 3 – Ecosystems

the study of how organisms interact with
each other and with the non-living things in
their environment
involves taking personal responsibility for the
management and care for something, ex. the
 the environment includes all living and non-living
things that exist on earth
Natural environment must be used in a
sustainable way
Sustainability refers to the ability of populations of
plants, animals, and other living organisms to
continue to interact and reproduce indefinitely
 Biodiversity (the number of different types of organisms)
must be preserved
answer the attached questions
 How
does human impact affect wildlife?
 What examples do you see in your community or in
your experience of human impact on living things?
 How does this article illustrate the importance of
A system, made up of interacting biotic
and abiotic components or parts, that
interact as a whole to accomplish a task
For Example
 a beehive is a system that depends on all the
individual bees’ interactions (worker bee builds
the hive, drone bee mates with the queen,
queen bee produces eggs)
Brainpop video
Components of ecosystems:
Biotic factors
 Organisms such as animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and
algae (all require oxygen to live)
Abiotic factors
 Everything else on earth that doesn’t require oxygen to
ex. Rocks, air, water
Interactions of biotic and abiotic elements
help self-regulate
Ecosystems have communities which consist of
different species that live and interact with an
 A species is a group of similar organisms in an
All species have a habitat and a niche
the habitat is the physical space (place)
where an organism lives, ex. forest, pond
 the niche involves an organism’s typical
daily life/routine
 ex. Grey squirrels collect nuts and other seeds,
they are hunted by foxes and owls, try to be active
throughout the day, and live and nest in trees
Ecosystems can be as small as a drop of
water or as large as an ocean
BUT, size doesn’t matter, just sustainability
 Also ecosystems can exist within other ones and
interact with each other
Are large geographical regions that contain
similar ecosystems
Types of Biomes:
1. Terrestrial
 Are defined by the type of plant growth
 ex. Deciduous forest biome – have trees that
lose their leaves in winter
2. Aquatic
 Can be water with high salt concentration,
referred to as marine
 Or can be water with low salt concentration,
referred to as fresh water
These biomes combine to form a
A biosphere includes water, land, and air; i.e.
where life exists
 very thin layer around the earth
Components of the Biosphere:
 Layer of gases
 Water vapour and CO2 absorb sunlight and warm the
 Lower atmosphere contains O2 while the upper
atmosphere contains ozone – O3
 Ozone helps protect us from the sun’s ultraviolet
 earth’s solid outer layer, ex. soil
 extends 100 km from the surface
 all the water on the earth
 97 % salt water, 3 % fresh water
Biosphere: locations
around earth (3 layers)
Ecosystem: interaction of
biotic and abiotic factors
Community: different
populations living and
interacting together in the
same area
Population: individuals of
the same species that live in
the same area
Individual/Species: single
1. What is ecology?
2. Name 2 large ecosystems and 2 small ecosystems.
3. Which of the following are considered to be an ecosystem? Explain your
 Backyard pond
 All cats in your neighbourhood
 Tree
 Schoolyard
4. Classify the following as either biotic or abiotic features: temperature,
bacteria, wind, sunlight, dead leaves, mosquitoes, sand, milk, hair, ice,
plastic, empty snail shell.
5. “Human activities change only the biotic features of an ecosystem” Is
this statement true or false? Explain why or why not.
6. Would you consider a large city to be a population or a community?
Explain your choice.
7.What is the difference between a biotic and an abiotic component of an
8. What are the three components that support the biosphere?
9. You interact with abiotic and biotic parts of your environment every
a) List 5 abiotic factors in your environment