Transcript hummer 4

Draw a picture
• Draw 3 roller coaster cars on a track. The mass of
each car is 300kg. Draw a picture of this showing
the 3 cars and the mass of each. What is the total
mass? They are accelerating at 10 m/s2 . What is
the acceleration? Now use the triangle and insert
the mass and the acceleration. Find the force to
stop to coaster.
• F = _______ N
Draw a picture
• A rocket is flying to Mars! It is traveling at 10,000
m/s. That is the speed of it. It is always traveling at
10,000 m/s. It has moved out of Earth’s gravity.
There is not other forces being applied to it. Its
forces are balanced. What will the rocket do as it
travels in space?
Draw a picture
• A car is moving forward. A kid is in the front seat
with a coke. A kid is in the back seat with a water
bottle. Another car pulls out in front of your car.
The driver yells, uses hand signals, and slams on the
brakes. What happens to everything in the car?
How does the kid in front move? How does the kid
in back move? How does the water bottle move?
How does the coke move?
List Newton’s 3 laws
• Give an example of each law.
Now tell which law these belong with:
• A cup of sitting in a vehicle appears to move left as the
vehicle makes a sharp right turn.
• A rocket moves upward as the engine pushes
downward against exhaust gases and the exhaust gases
push upward against the engine.
• A train traveling 88 kilometers per hour takes
approximately one mile to come to a complete stop.
• A watermelon on the back seat flies forward when the
car stops suddenly.
Speed graph
Write this information down
Find the speed of the car at each second. Using S=d/t
List the speed of the car for each second.
Did the speed of the car change each second?
What is acceleration?
Was there acceleration?
Was there a change in speed?
Draw a conclusion.
Write about it.
Make a chart showing force and mass!
Child applies 60 newtons of force to each ball!
Pink bowling ball – 30 g
Green bowling ball – 50 g
Blue bowling ball – 70 g
Black bowling ball – 90 g
Add to chart
• Using FOUR triangles……
• Add mass and force for each colored bowling
• Do the math for each
• List the acceleration in order from slowest to
Write the question!!!!!
A driver is transporting a watermelon in the back seat of a car
traveling at a speed of 87 km per hour. The watermelon has a
mass of approximately 3.5 kg. A deer standing in the roadway
causes the driver to come to a sudden stop. The watermelon
crashes into the back of the front seat with great force.
Which of Newton’s laws best explains why it is safer to wear
your seatbelt and to tie down or buckle in any objects being
transported in a vehicle?
What part of the above scenario is important to
answer the question?
Draw a speed vs. time graph
• A car travels at a constant speed of 7 m/s for 2 sec.
• The car decreases its speed from 7 m/s to 4 m/s
over the next 2 seconds (it takes 2 seconds to slow
• The car then continues to travel at a constant
speed of 4 m/s for the next 2 seconds.
Draw the arrows and describe the
motion and show the calculations
(math) involved
Venn diagram differences
• Is a change in velocity a change in speed?
• Is a change in speed a change in velocity?
• What is acceleration?
• Is a change in velocity acceleration?
• Is a change in speed acceleration?
Draw this!
Is this a graph?
Using 2 sentences tell what types
of things this could graph?
Did you draw this!
Is this a picture of a hill?
See label A. what’s happening to speed?
See label B. What’s happening to speed?
See label C. What’s happening to speed?
The hummer has 4 times as much mass
as the car. With the same horsepower
under the hood, what will happen to
the acceleration of the smart car?
Assume the numbers shown are forces.
Draw the arrows.
Describe the motion and show the
calculations (math) involved.
What is the difference in the two colors?
Draw a graph using this data
Show the triangle using the formula.
• F=mxa
• Add the mass and
to the triangle
• m = 760.0 kg
• a = 7.0 m/s2
• SOLVE!!!
the acceleration