Transcript Networks

Week 1
Lesson 1
Computer Networks – the basics
In this project, you will be learning
about the computer networks which we
use every day – when we log on at
school, go on the internet at home or
school, send an email, do a web search
We’ll be investigating some important questions
such as …
• How does the internet work?
• How does data get from one
computer to another?
• How do emails send?
• How does the data/emails know
Starter – getting connected
Write down all of the devices in your household
which are connected to the internet or to each
In today’s lesson:
Lesson Objectives
• Understand what a network is and the 2 main
types of network
• Understand the advantages and
disadvantages of networking
• Understand the devices needed to create a
computer network
Success Criteria
 ALL: Successfully demonstrate an understanding of what a network is
 MOST: Successfully explain the advantages and disadvantages of
networking and will state some devices needed for networking
 SOME: Be able to explain the purpose of the devices needed to create
a local area network.
Literacy -Today’s key words
What is a Computer Network?
Two or more computers connected together
to share information and resources.
This could be by physical cables or wireless
connections, or both
Local Area Networks - LANs
• A LAN is a Local Area Network.
• It is a connected set of computers and other
• Each device is called a node (e.g. computer,
printer, etc.). The computers are called
• A LAN is installed on one site.
– Relatively small
– It is owned by the organisation
Local Area Networks- LANs
A school network
A home network
An local office network
Wide Area Networks - WANs
• A WAN is a Wide Area Network.
• It created when LANs are connected.
• You need media such as broadband cables to connect up
the networks
• Which is the biggest WAN of them all?? A WAN is
installed across more than one site.
– Could be very large
– Could go across several countries/businesses
– Might not be owned by anyone – which WAN would this be?
Networks- the basics
Learning Check …
On your whiteboard:
1. What is a Computer Network?
2. What does LAN stand for?
3. Give an example
4. What does WAN stand for?
5. Give an example
Advantages / Disadvantages
It’s a lot of work and expense to set up a network, and you
need someone to manage it. So why bother?
What do you think the advantages and disadvantages are of
having computers networked instead of having lots of
‘stand alone’ computers? Think about your devices at home
or the school network/
Discuss with a partner and be ready to share your thoughts.
Local Area Networks - LANs
• It allows communication between people using
the devices eg staff or students
• It allows data to be shared between users
• It allows peripherals (e.g. printers) to be shared
• It allows computers to be upgraded more easily
• It allows a single program to be run
simultaneously at various computers.
Local Area Networks - LANs
• Expertise required to set up and maintain a large
network (costly)
• If the network ‘goes down’, everything comes to a
• Security issues from unauthorised access to data
– Measures to secure a network include:
Passwords – strong passwords use a range of character types
Changing passwords frequently
Not allowing users to install software
With wireless access, use encryption
What hardware is needed to
create a network?
+ +
You’ll need
• At least two computers or other devices (also known as Nodes in a
• Each having a NIC – network interface card (either wired or wireless,
aerial might be built in)
– The NICs convert the data signals from the nodes into data
signals that can be transferred across the network.
• You might need a server - A computer that holds data to be shared
with other computers. A web server stores and shares websites.
What hardware is needed
to create a network?
You’ll also need a way to transfer the data from one
device to the router then onto the next device/network
(also known as Data Transfer Media)
– Wires: usually an Ethernet cable
– Wireless Technology: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
What hardware is needed
to create a network?
A device that connects
nodes together.
Not intelligent – data
is sent to all nodes
across the whole of the
Cheap devices – USB hubs
useful in home computer
A device that connects
nodes together.
An intelligent device that
can sends data to the
nodes that the data is
intended for.
This reduces network
traffic because making the
network run faster.
What hardware is needed
to create a network?
You’ll also need a router to “route” the data
around your network
This might be provided by your ISP……
You also need an ISP if you
want to connect to the Internet
• ISP = Internet Service Provider
• For a monthly fee, they will provide broadband internet
access, which might be by fibre optic which is very fast!
• They might provide you with other services too eg
phone, TV.
• Who is your ISP?
Networks- the hardware
Learning Check …
On your whiteboard:
1. What is the name of the commonly used cable used to connect up a
2. Which device sends the data around the network?
3. Which is more intelligent – a hub or a switch?
Networks are represented in
network diagrams
What to do now
• Make a new folder in your work area called Computer
• Log into Moodle
• Go to ICT & Computing > Year 8 > Digital Networks >
Week 1
• Download to your documents the presentation called
Network Basics (not to downloads, put it in your newly
created folder!)
• Open it and complete slides 1 – 4, save it!
Plenary –
define today’s key words
Week 1
Lesson 2
Computer Networks – network layouts
Literacy -Today’s key words
Starter Recap – on your
whiteboards ….
• List 3 hardware devices you’ll need to create a
• Explain what an ISP does
• Give 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of a
In today’s lesson:
Lesson Objectives
• Understand that networks can be laid out in
different ways
• Understand the advantages and
disadvantages of different network layouts
Success Criteria
 ALL: Successfully identify different network layouts
 MOST: Successfully explain the advantages and disadvantages of
different network layouts
 SOME: Be able to explain how the data moves around each type of
network layout, and the difference between P2P and Client-Server
Topology is the mathematical study of
shapes and nodes.
In computing, devices are nodes and
they can be connected together in
different ways to create networks.
The structure of a network is known as
its topology.
There are three main types of topology
that you need to know.
• Mini web and info on each type including an
animation (no sound) which might be more
A bus network has a central cable that
all devices connect to.
Only one device can access the bus at
a time.
There are terminators at each end of
the bus network.
If a device wishes to communicate on
the network it first checks to see if
there is any traffic on the network. If
there is it waits a random period of
time and tries again. If it can
communicate then it will send the
message to the device it wants to
communicate with.
 Less cable need than other types.
 Heavy traffic can cause network failure
and delays
 Relatively cheap and easier to
install and maintain.
 If the main cable fails or gets damaged,
the whole network will fail
 Easy to add new nodes by
removing terminator
 As more workstations are connected,
the performance of the network will
become slower because of data
 If a workstation/terminal goes
down the others will continue.
 Every workstation on the network
'sees' all of the data on the network,
which can be a security risk
In a ring network, each device (eg workstation, server,
printer) is connected in a ring so each one is
connected to two other devices.
A ring has no central host computer and none of the
nodes need to have overall control of access to the
Each data packet on the network travels in one
direction. Each device receives each packet in turn
until the destination device receives it.
An imaginary token is continuously passed around the ring. A
token is a small packet that contains bits of data which passes
around the ring (Always the same way around).
If a computer is waiting to transmit, it catches a token and
with it the authority to send data. It attaches its data. The
 Very high transmission
speeds are possible.
 Routing between devices is
simple because messages
normally travel in one
 As data is in one direction it
can transmit large volumes
of data
 If the main cable fails or any
device is faulty, then the whole
network will fail - a serious
problem in a company where
communication is vital
 Cabling costs can be high.
 Difficult to extend the ring
The Star network is the most
commonly used network topology
in use today.
Each device is connected directly to
a central computer (usually
through a switch).
Your home network is a star,
connecting through the wifi router.
The school network is also a star
 Very reliable – if one cable or
device fails, then all the others will
continue to work and the central
CPU can identify any faults
 High performing as no data
collisions can occur
 Central control of message
switching allow a high degree of
 Expensive to install as this type
of network uses the most cable,
and network cable is expensive
 Extra hardware is required hubs or switches - which add to
the cost
 If a hub or switch fails, all the
devices connected to it will have
no network connection
All stations are joined together in the network
have equal status.
If you have a number of computers at home on
sharing a wireless router then this is the type
of network you will probably have.
Each device shares the connection to the
Internet, whether that is a tablet, games
console or computer.
Each computer can give rights of access to
other computers, so data or devices can be
• A client-server network has different types of
• A powerful central computer called a server
manages the client computers the users use.
• The data is stored centrally. This means that it
does not matter which client computer the user
logs on to, they can still access all their work.
• The client machines can be controlled and
managed from the central computer.
• Data can be backed up centrally.
• This is the network we have at school.
Network layouts
Learning Check …
On your whiteboard, which networks do these describe?
Put B for Bus, R for Ring, S for Star, P2P for Peer to Peer, C/S for client-Server
Has a central cable that all devices connect to.
Routing between devices is simple because messages normally travel in one direction
If a hub or switch fails, all the devices connected to it will have no network
There are terminators at each end
Very reliable – if one cable or device fails, then all the others will continue to work
Every workstation on the network 'sees' all of the data on the network, which can be
a security risk
All stations are joined together in the network have equal status
This is the network we have at school.
What to do now
• Find your presentation from last lesson – Network Basics.
• You should already have completed slides 1-4. You now
need to complete slides 5-12.
• Make sure your name is in each footer.
• Print as handouts, back to back, to reduce paper use!
o If you weren’t here: Make a new folder in your work area called Computer
o Log into Moodle. Go to ICT & Computing > Year 8 > Digital Networks > Week 1
o Download to your documents the presentation called Network Basics (not to
downloads, put it in your newly created folder!) Open it and complete all slides!