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Turban and Volonino
Chapter 4
Networks and Collaboration
as Business Solutions
Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter Outline
4.1 Enterprise Networks, Connectivity, and Trends
4.2 Network Management, and Collaboration
4.3 Wireless, Enterprise Mobility, and IP
4.4 Discovery, Search, and Customized Delivery
4.5 Collaboration and Web-based Meetings
4.6 Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues
4.7 Managerial Issue
Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Learning Objectives
1. Describe networks, network standards, and
compatibility issues.
2. Describe the impacts of collaboration on
business performance.
3. Explain fixed, wireless, and mobile network
4. Understand the influence of search engines
and enterprise search.
5. Identify ways to customize search and delivery
to increase productivity.
Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Learning Objectives cont’d
6. Describe the fundamental principles and
capabilities of group work technologies.
7. Evaluate the managerial, social and ethical
issues be related to the use of network
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•Become lean (การปรับลดกระบวนการที่ไม่จาเป็ น)
•Increase efficiency of logistics and operations
•Support achievement and not simply survival
•Enterprise networks and IP telephony
•Fixed, wireless and mobile infrastructure
•Social networks; virtual private networks
•Enterprise search
•Deploy IP networks and devices for
anytime, any where communication,
collaboration, and commerce
•Enable data sharing and enterprise
•Implement online collaboration and
group work capabilities
•Insure connectivity and security
•Distribute business operations
•Implement green computing
•Track changes in employee and
production productivity
•Compare market shares
Networked Devices and A Collaboration
Portal Tackle Super Bowl Logistics
• The National Football League (NFL, nfl.com) designated
Florida’s Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) as the lead
agency for coordinating and securing local operations for
Super Bowl 39
• US Federal Government mandated that JSO be capable
of in-synch (synchronized) communication and real-time
collaboration with Federal and National security
agencies for Terrorism prevention and intervention.
Networked Devices and A Collaboration
Portal Tackle Super Bowl Logistics
• Provide logistic support for a Superbowl  Challenge of
scope and scale (big)
• JSO manage 150,000 Fans, provide security at 6000
events and coordinate 53 separate agencies at the local,
county, state and federal levels (in real time)
• Agencies  Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department,
Florida Highway Patrol, FBI, Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), Secret Service, and
Department of Home Land Security (DHS)
– DHS  prevent terrorist attacks within the US, reduce
America’s vulnerability(เปราะบาง อ่ อนแอ) to terrorism, and
minimize the damage and recover from attacks that
do occur
Networked Devices and A Collaboration
Portal Tackle Super Bowl Logistics
• JSO  Provide and undisrupted Super Bowl experience
for the teams, fans, two former presidents and super
• Movements of New England Patriots and Philadelphia
Eagles had to be monitored.
• Overall  Require collaboration of over 4000 personnel
to plan, build and execute land, sea, and air activities
• Coordinated at 35 venues for 10 days leading up to and
including the game
Networked Devices and A Collaboration
Portal Tackle Super Bowl Logistics
• The Information Systems Management (ISM) department
implemented a real-time Web-based communication and
collaboration portal, called e-Sponder, from Convergence
• More than 1900 laptop users were connected to the portal
• E-Sponder is accessed via a browser and runs on MS
platform  Users learned the system quickly
• As soon as information is entered into the system, it is
instantly available for anyone  Users viewed everything
that was going on, there was less need to coordinate
personnel using radio communication
Networked Devices and A Collaboration
Portal Tackle Super Bowl Logistics
• Previously command staff sat around the table, each
listening to radio communications from their ground
personnel  Create noisy distractions and only provided
individuals with pieces of information
• No way to communicate to everyone present the entire
picture of what was happening as it was happening
• Everyone sat at computers watching events using esponder.
• The command center, listening to radio calls from many
police units and undercover agents stationed at various
locations around campus and along president Bush’s
motorcade routes.
Networked Devices and A Collaboration
Portal Tackle Super Bowl Logistics
• As information came in, dispatchers (คนส่ งของ คนส่ งข่าวเร็ว)
entered it into the portal, which updated the screen in real
• When a fire broke out in a house on the president’s routes,
within seconds the news came into the dispatch center
(unplanned incident) and will show up on all desktops in the
command center.
• Dispatchers continued to receive news from on-site
supervisors managing ground personnel, it was relayed
onto screen so commanders could make decisions based
on what was happening at the moment
• Fire trucks were given a police escort to the house and the
fire was contained, without having to re-route the president.
Networked Devices and A Collaboration
Portal Tackle Super Bowl Logistics
Lesson Learned:
• Super Bowl’s collaboration portal created a real-time view
of “what was going on as it was going on” that made
informed decisions possible.
• Learned that real-time awareness is critical to the outcome
of operations, logistics and many enterprise transactions.
• Uses of IT  By integrating collaboration tools, networks,
wireless devices, and instant communication such as text
messaging, companies can
– replace inefficient paper-based processes,
– improve the capture and archiving of information for
knowledge retention (การเก็บรักษา)
– reduce paper-handling personnel
Difference :: Logistic and Supply Chain
• Supply Chain Management หมายถึง กระบวนการโดยรวมของการ
ไหลของวัสดุ สิ นค้ า ตลอดจนข้ อมูล และธุรกรรมต่ าง ๆ ผ่านองค์กรที่
เป็ นผูส้ ่ งมอบ ผูผ้ ลิต ผูจ้ ดั จาหน่าย ไปจนถึงลูกค้าหรื อผูบ้ ริ โภคโดยที่
องค์กรต่าง ๆ เหล่านี้มีความสัมพันธ์ทางธุรกิจต่อกัน เพื่อช่วยลดต้นทุน
ในการผลิต อันนาไปสู่ การเพิ่มผลกาไร โดยกระบวนการนี้จะเริ่ มตั้งแต่
กระบวนการจัดซื้อ (Procurement) การผลิต (Manufacturing) การจัดเก็บ
(Storage) เทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ (Information Technology) การจัด
จาหน่าย (Distribution) ตลอดจนการขนส่ ง (Transportation)
บทบาทสาคัญของ Supply Chain Management ประกอบด้วย
1. ยกระดับความสามารถในการบริ หาร เช่น การลดสิ นค้าคงคลัง การเพิ่ม
ผลิตภาพ หรื อการลดความสู ญเปล่า
2. ส่ งเสริ มความเติบโตของธุรกจิ เช่น การเพิ่มโอกาสในการออกสิ นค้าใหม่
เร็ วขึ้น รวมถึงการเปิ ดตลาดใหม่ๆ การสร้างความพอใจแก่ลูกค้ามากขึ้น
3. ส่ งเสริ มความยัง่ ยืนของธุรกิจ เช่น การลดต้นทุนธุรกิจ
• Logistics Management หมายถึง การบริ หารกิจกรรมที่เกี่ยวข้องกับ การ
บริ หารจัดการเคลื่อนย้ ายทางกายภาพของวัสดุ นับจากวัตถุดิบหรื อ
ชิ้นส่ วนจาก Supplier ไปเป็ นงานระหว่างผลิต ไปเป็ นสิ นค้าสาเร็ จรู ป
และไปสู่ จุดหมายปลายทางที่ลูกค้าขั้นสุ ดท้าย ซึ่งครอบคลุมถึงภารกิจ
ด้านการวางแผนและควบคุม เช่น การบริ หารอุปสงค์ (Demand
Management), การวางแผนและควบคุมการผลิต การบริ หารวัสดุคงคลัง,
การบริ หารการจัดซื้อ, การบรรจุหีบห่อ, การขนย้าย และการขนส่ ง การ
ปฏิบตั ิการด้านคลังสิ นค้า (Warehouse Operations) การกระจายสิ นค้า,
การบริ หารการขนส่ ง การซ่อมบารุ ง การบริ การหลังการขายและการคืน
สิ นค้า
บทบาทสาคัญของ Logistics ประกอบด้วย
1. ช่วยให้ธุรกิจ เกิด ประสิ ทธิภาพและประสิ ทธิผล ในกระบวนการด้านโลจิ
2. ทาให้ธุรกิจ ปรับตัวรองรับการเปลี่ยนแปลงเปิ ดเสรี ทางการค้า และ
สามารถเพิม่ กิจกรรมสาคัญ ในการสนับสนุนการขายสิ นค้า และบริ การ
3. สามารถนาเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและระบบการสื่ อสารมาประยุกต์ใช้
เพื่อช่วยลดระยะเวลาดาเนินงาน ในขั้นตอนต่างๆ ของกระบวนการผลิต
ไปจนถึงมือผูบ้ ริ โภคและซัพพลายเออร์ ให้มีประสิ ทธิภาพมากขี้น
4. เสริ มสร้างอานาจแข่งขันของธุรกจิ เข้าด้วยกันให้เกิดการประสานงานกัน
ต่อเนื่องในการสร้างความพึงพอใจสู งสุ ดแก่ลูกค้า
4.1 Enterprise Networks, Connectivity
and Trends
• To conduct business today, Companies rely on the
capability of their private networks, connectivity to partners’
networks and Internet for data, voice and video
• Network and collaboration strategies  impact on
outcomes  improve employee and production productivity
• In turn, productivity improvements  influence market
share  impact on costs, prices, and the quality of products
or services offered
Networked Devices
• Are devices that communicate with a network  laptops,
PDAs, cell phones (smartphones), wikis, GPSs, POS (point
of sale) terminals and RFID
• Allow Information to be rapidly collected, processed and
shared and acted upon
• New feature-rich wireless devices make collaboration
easier and more productive
• Read page 115-117 (mobile phones, trends)
• bring together, integrate, all aspects (มุมมอง ลักษณะ) of
personal and professional activities increasing
productivity on all fronts
Storm  the consumer & business markets
Innovation is a total change in something
Internet technology was a true innovation
Within 30 hours of its release in June 2007, Apple
sold 270,000 iPhones
• By October 2008  reached 10 million units
• Cost $399 with 2-year AT&T contract
• Despite their high costs  strong sales growth
Social Networking Shrinks the World
• Social networking via mobile phones is shrinking
the world to the size of a small screen.
• Micro-blogging is the sending of messages up to
140 characters.
• With more than 3 billion mobile handsets in use in
the world (1 for every 2 people on the planet) a
powerful force for changes in business and
collaboration as well as politics and societies have
• News media, universities, public safety, and other
organizations are using the technology to deliver
information to a wide audience quickly.
Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Table 4.1
IP-based Network Technology
• IP network, for short
• Backbone that is driving the merger of voice, data,
video and radio waves by digitizing content into
packets  sent via digital network
• This changes the way in which people, devices
and applications communicate
• Improve network performance  data transfer
capacity  Provide opportunities for Mobile
Commerce, Collaboration, Remote work and other
productivity gains
4.2 Network Management and
Collaboration Technology
• Networks provide the means to communicate and
deliver/receive information from the growing number
of devices
• The communication is the key to success in
everything from business partnerships to personal
and professional relationships
• Today, most professional communication relies
heavily on technology  Cell phone, e-mail, text
• Effective communication is a critical success factor.
• Performance depends on the capabilities and
qualities of networks and collaboration technologies
Network Blackout
• Network goes down (Network blackout) 
impact on the ability to function  can’t access
internet, e-mail, voice-mail, software and data
• At most companies, employees would have
nothing to do without network connectivity  IT
management must have plan B
• Damages  lost sales and productivity 
financial consequences
• Eg. United Airlines (Network down) June 2011
 136 flights canceled  5 hours  $$$$ ??
Consequences of Bad Planning and
Network card crash left more than
20,000 stranded at LAX in August 2007
Human or Machine Error???
- Human errors are a bigger part than
technology ones
•Outage started with malfunctioning NIC on a single
workstation on CBP’s LAN
•Switch on network crashed
•Problem was misdiagnosed
•Improper backup system
•Outdated technology
Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Global Business Performance
• An enterprise’s network capability depends on proper
planning, maintenance, management, upgrades, and
bandwidth of the network.
• When problems occur, trained staff are critical to ensure
quick restoration to the network.
• A highway system needs to be planned properly and
carefully to support peak traffic demands, monitored for
compliance (ร่ วมกับ) with driving rules, cleaned and
maintained regularly and expanded (upgraded) when it no
longer meet the needs
• Route 66 From Virginia to Washington DC  HOV (High
Occupancy Vehicle)  Express Lane
• Speed Limit Control
Model of network collaboration and performance relationship
Sales Growth
Network Architecture
• Critical because it provides the infrastructure for
collaborative work within the company and with
external partners and customers, regardless
• Capability and willingness to collaborate depends
on a corporate culture that people trust and that
gives them the information, tools and authority to
plan and make decisions.
• Decentralized organizations are often more
responsive to opportunities and problems.
• Quality of the network and collaboration depend
on how effectively network and collaboration
capabilities are put to use.
Network Architecture
• Network infrastructure alone doesn’t improve business
• Network and collaboration quality (Together with
external forces and strategic plans) influence
performance  1. support employees, 2. connect
remote locations, 3. service customers and 4.
coordinate with supply chain partners
Convergence and Interoperability of
Information Services
• Information Services  data, documents, voice and
video  function independently of each other 
transmitted using different protocols (standards)
• They are carried on either packet-switched network or
circuit-switched network.
• Need Multiple Networks  because of lack of
interoperability or connectivity between devices 
limited access to information and
computing/communication resources  increased cost
• Interoperability refer to the ability to provide services to
and accept services from other systems or devices.
Internet Protocol Suite
• is the standard used with almost any network service 
consists of Internet Protocol (IP) and Transport Control
Protocol (TCP) or TCP/IP
• IP  most popular network protocol in the world 
made convergence possible
• In preparation for transmission  data and documents
are converted into packets based on the Internet
Protocol and sent via packet-switched computer
networks or Local Area Networks
• Local Area Network (LAN) connects devices over a short
distance (limited area eg. Home, office, university
campus) and are capable of transmitting data at very fast
• LAN connect to larger network such as Wide Area
Network (WAN) which cover a larger geographic area
• Packets of data are tranmitted using TCP
• TCP does error checking to provide reliable delivery.
• If any packets are dropped along the way and never arrive at
the destination, TCP will request that the packets be re-sent.
• Error checking is necessary for data and document delivery
 cause delivery delay
• TCP is not well suited for digital voice or video transmissions
 a dropped packet is not significant
• Voice is sent as analog signals and audio sound waves is
sent over circuits on circuit-switched telephone networks
• Video streams are compressed and sent as IP packets using
the User Datagram Protocol (UDP)  refer as UDP/IP
• UDP does not check for errors  less of overhead  Faster
than TCP  Trade-off with quality of transmission
Analog and Digital
Convergence and Interoperability of Information Services
Benefits of the Internet Protocol
• Cost saving and better operations from using one
converged network instead of several smaller networks
dedicated to specific purposes such as data, voice and
• Packets can be transmitted over high-speed networks
that are wireline, wireless or both.
• High-speed networks are commonly called broad-band
(broad bandwidth)
Benefits of Converged Networks
• A converged (การมารวมกัน การมาบรรจบกัน) network is a powerful
architecture that enables enterprisewide integration of
voice, data, video and other information services
Improve collaboration
Improve business-to-business processes
Improve business-to-customer processes
Improve mobile commerce (m-commerce) processes
• This is possible because all information are handled the
same way over a high-speed packet network (either
wireline or wireless)
• Eliminate technical barriers to collaborative work
Benefits of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
• Human factor is critical.
• Users need easy access to the network from any device,
anywhere, any time seamlessly
• SIP standardizes the signaling of calls or
communications between different types of devices from
different vendors such as IP phones, instant messaging
clients, smartphones, and so on
Impacts of Enterprise
• Decrease networking costs significantly  Having fewer
networks to maintain and support
• Lower cost of integrating applications and bandwidth
• Save travel costs associated with intra- and
interorganizational meeting.
More demand
• Data utilization is quickly increasing on laptops and
• Newer mobile devices and mobile consumer electronic
devices drive up data traffic on mobile wireless networks.
• Demand for wireless networks and a willingness to pay
for those services  investments in 4G wireless
Internet Application Categories
Internet supports applications in the following categories
1. Discovery
• Involves browsing, finding and retrieving information
• Involves querying, downloading and processing
information from database
2. Communication
• Podcasting, RSS and micro-blogging  transforms
business communication, marketing channels and
supply chain management
3. Collaboration
• Online collaboration between individuals, groups
and organizations
• Online meeting tools  videoconference
Network Computing Infrastructure:
Intranets and Extranets
Intranet is a network designed to serve the internal
informational needs of a company
Easy and inexpensive browsing and search capabilities
Can be used to facilitate work group
Companies deliver information via intranet
Extranet is a private network that uses IP technology to
securely share part of a business’s information with
suppliers, vendors, partners or customers
Extranet can use virtual private networks (VPNs)
VPNs are created using specialized software and hardware
to encrypt/send/decrypt transmissions over the internet
Information Portals
Challenges  Information Overload and Information
Huge amounts of information scattered across
numerous documents, e-mail messages, and
databases at different locations and systems.
Accessing relevant, accurate and complete information
is time consuming and requires access to multiple
To minimize wasting time  companies use portals
A Portal (Information Portal) is a Web-based gateway
to files, information and knowledge on a network
Types of Portals
Corporate (enterprise) portals
Private gateway to corporate Web sites that enable communication,
collaboration and access to company information
Commercial portals
Gateways to general information on the internet such as About
(about.com), Google Web directory (google.com/dirhp), Yahoo
Publishing portals
Intended for communities with specific interests  provide extensive
online search in a specific area eg. techweb.com
Vertical portals
Target specific markets  usually offer industry news, event calendars
Integration of portals
Create multiple portals as one unit (Websphere Portal from IBM)
Enable a company to use 3 different portals :: B2B, B2E and B2C
4.3 Wireless, Enterprise Mobility, and IP
Factors contributing to a consolidated and enterprisewide
approach to mobility include the following:
New wireless technologies and standards, primarily
the arrival of 802.11 standard
High-speed wireless networks
Ultra-mobile devices
More robust Operating systems and applications
Increased competitive pressure as others start
adopting mobile technology
Overall increased speed of business
Mobile and Wireless Infrastructure
Mobile multimedia technologies make it
possible for business to reinvent traditional
workspace from and office-based activity to a
virtual one.
Employees can collaborate closely in real-time
with other employees, customers or partners
regardless of anyone’s location
Infrastructure consists of the integration of
technology, software, support, security
measures, and devices for the management
and delivery of wireless communications
Software for Mobile Computing
Microbrowser  limited bandwidth and memory
Operating Systems for mobile client  Eg. iPhone’s ios or
Nokia’s Symbian
Bluetooth  Short-range communication among wireless
User interface  Controlled by microbrowser
Legacy application software  Residing on the mainframe
Application middleware  Provides connection among
applications, databases and web-based server
Wireless middleware  Links wireless networks to
application server
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)  A set of
communication protocols that enables wireless devices to
“Talk” to a server on a mobile network
Wireless Markup Language (WML)  XML-based scripting
language for creating content for wireless system
Voice XML  Extension of XML designed for Voice
Technology that allows computers to share a network or
internet connection wirelessly without the need to connect
to a commercial network.
For Short Distances  using part of radio spectrum
WiFi Networks usually consist of a router, which transmit
the signal and one or more adapter to receive signal
WiFi Networking standards ::
802.11b  shares spectrum with 2.4GHz cordless phones,
microwave, ovens and many bluetooth products. Data
transfer up to 11Mbps per channel at distance up to 300
802.11a  5GHz spectrum in North America  reduce
interference issue  Data transfer 5 times faster 
improving quality of streaming media. Both are not
802.11g  2.4 GHz spectrum but at the speed of
802.11a and compatible with 802.11b
802.11n  Improve upon the previous 802.11
standards. 2.4GHz or 5 GHz  improved wireless
technology: greater speed and range
Mobile Network
There are 3 general types of mobile networks
1. Wide Area Network (WAN)
- A Type of Local Area Network that uses high-frequency
radio waves rather than wires to communicate between
2. Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMax)
- Delivery of wireless broadband access as an alternative
to cable and DSL
- WiMax is an 802.16-based broadband wireless
metropolitan (เมืองใหญ่) area network (MAN) access standard
that can deliver voice and data services at distances of up
to 30 miles
3. Local Area Network (LAN)
VoIP or Internet Telephony is rapidly replacing
conventional telephony
Cost less than equivalent service from traditional
telecommunications companies
Non-IP Phones  Analog signal
IP Phones  Digital signal
Calls are digitized and then sent via a packet-switched
Calls are tied neither to physical locations nor to
specific devices since VoIP uses common IP
Standards, it can talk to any device that use IP
Use VoIP Adapter (Converter box)
Use IP phone (connect directly to internet instead of a phone
Use softphone software on a PC or PDA
VoIP is used by companies to eliminate call charges
between offices by using their data network to carry
interoffice calls
VoIP for international calls  Eliminate Long Distance
It is not just a new technology for making cheaper calls
but it is changing the way companies use voice
What makes VoIP powerful is the turning of voice into
digital data packets  which can be stored, copied,
combined with other data, and distributed to other
devices that connect to the internet
Read IT at work 4.2  use VoIP and Cisco’s Intelligent
Contact Management (ICM)
สรุป VoIP คืออะไร
VoIP ย่อมาจาก Voice over Internet Protocol คือการสื่อสารทางเสียง
ผ่านอินเทอร์ เน็ต เป็ นเทคโนโลยีใหม่สาหรับการโทรศัพท์ผ่านทางเครื อข่าย Internet
VoIP นันเป็
้ นการประยุกต์การส่งข้ อมูลผ่าน Internet มาใช้ งาน ซึง่ โดยปกติการใช้
งาน Internet จะเป็ นการใช้ สญ
ั ญาณข้ อมูลเพียงอย่างเดียว แต่สาหรับการใช้ งาน
VoIP นันจะเป็
นการนาเอาสัญญาณเสียงมารวมเข้ ากับสัญญาณข้ อมูล เพื่อส่งผ่านไปยัง
ระบบเครื อข่ายผ่านทาง Protocol ที่ใช้ สาหรับอินเทอร์ เน็ตก็คือ Internet
Protocol หรื อที่เรี ยกกันทัว่ ไปว่า IP ซึง่ ตามปกตินนั ้ IP จะใช้ สญ
ั ญาณข้ อมูล
เท่านัน้ แต่ด้วยเทคโนโลยี VoIP ที่ทาให้ สง่ สัญญาณเสียงได้
การใช้เทคโนโลยี VoIP รู ปแบบต่างๆ
1. คอมพิวเตอร์ ไปยัง คอมพิวเตอร์ ( PC to PC )
2. คอมพิวเตอร์ สว่ นบุคคล ไปยัง โทรศัพท์พื ้นฐาน ( PC to Phone )
3.จากเครื่ องโทรศัพท์สเู่ ครื่ องคอมพิวเตอร์ (Phone-to-PC)
4. โทรศัพท์กบั โทรศัพท์ ( Telephony )
ี่ ร ับ จาก VoIP
1. ลดค่าใช้ จ่าย
2. เพิ่มความยืดหยุ่นในการติดต่อสื่อสาร
3. จัดการระบบเครื อข่ายได้ ง่ายขึ ้น เนื่องจากเครื อข่ายการติดต่อสื่อสารทังหมด
ให้ เหลือเพียงเครื อข่ายเดียวได้ อีกทังในกรณี
ที่มีการโยกย้ ายของหน่วยงานหรื อพนักงาน การจัดการ
ด้ านหมายเลขโทรศัพท์และอื่นๆ สามารถทาได้ โดยไม่จาเป็ นต้ องเดินสายสัญญาณใดๆขึ ้นมาใหม่
4. รองรับการขยายตัวของระบบในอนาคต หากในอนาคตองค์กรขยายตัวใหญ่ขึ ้น VoIP
สามารถรองรับผู้ใช้ งานได้ เพิ่มมากขึ ้นในทันทีโดยการเพิ่ม Virtual User เข้ าไปในระบบเท่า
ี่ ร ับ จาก VoIP
5. ลดค่าใช้ จ่ายในการดูแลและจัดการระบบ (Reduce Operating Expenses) เนื่องจาก
ใช้ ซอฟต์แวร์ ในการจัดการ ทาให้ VoIP นันง่
้ ายในการจัดการและบารุงรักษา
6. เพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการทางาน (Increase Productivity) พนักงานสามารถส่งเอกสารผ่าน
เครื อข่ายควบคูไ่ ปกับการสนทนา หรื ออาจจัดการประชุมออนไลน์(Conference Call) ทังภาพและ
เสียง และแม้ กระทัง่ ส่งเอกสารการประชุมให้ กบั ผู้เข้ าร่วมประชุม ผ่านทางเครื อข่ายได้ อีกด้ วย
7. ใช้ ร่วมกับการสื่อสารไร้ สายได้ ทาให้ อปุ กรณ์สื่อสารไร้ สายต่างๆ เช่นโทรศัพท์มือถือหรื อPDA สามารถ
ติดต่อผ่าน VoIP เข้ ามาในเครื อข่ายขององค์กรได้
8. เพิ่มประสิทธิภาพในการติดต่อกับลูกค้ า (Improved Level of Services) โดยใช้
ความสามารถของแอพพลิเคชัน่ ต่างๆ ของ VoIP เช่น Click-to-talk เพื่อเพิ่มความสะดวกและ
รวดเร็วในการติดต่อกับลูกค้ า
Mobile Enterprise
A mobile enterprise is one that has the ability to
connect and control suppliers, partners, employees,
products, and customers from any location.
Companies are extending the mobile work style to
unprecedented numbers of employees
Mobile Technology  eg. WLANs, sensor or RFID
Mobile Enterprise
4.4 Discovery, Search, and Customized
Information on the Internet  Like Universe  It’s
Endlessness of information available through the
Internet  Major Strength and also Greatest
Accurate Answers? Right data or answers?
The amounts of information at your disposal are too
Help from Search engines  Recent enhancements to
improve search results
Search Engines
Search engines are Web sites designed to help people find
information stored on other sites.
They index billions of pages and respond to many millions
of queries per day.
There are differences in the ways search engines work, but
they all perform three basic tasks:
They search the internet based on key words
They keep an index (database) of the words they find, and where
they find them
They allow users to search for words or combinations of words
found in that index
Types of Search Engines
1. Intelligent agents or crawler-based  also called
software agents, robots, or bots
Intelligent agents are computer programs that carry out
(ทาให้สมบูรณ์) a set of routine computer tasks
Crawler-based search engines  such as google and
yahoo, create their listings automatically  taking
various factors into consideration  the algorithm used
to rank results is confidential
2. Human-powered
Such as the Open Directory (www.dmoz.org)
partnership with AOL search
Depends on humans for its listings. Only information
that is submitted is put into the index.
Organizes topics into categories eg. google.com/dirhp
Types of Search Engines
3. Hybrids
Both types or results are presented.
May be biased in favor of one type of listings over
MSN search, for example, is more likely to present
human-powered listings,
However, it does also present crawler-based results
provided by Inktomi, especially for obscure (คลุมเครื อ)
Enterprise Search Technology
Enterprise search  applications and intranet sites
throughout an organization
These engines can crawl through various types of
contents – external websites, network shares and local
file servers, MS Exchange and Lotus notes Folders
and database
Content is indexed for faster results
Enterprise search takes advantages of available
metadata and provides access control, simple and
advanced search
Support HTML, PDF, Office file formats and European,
Arabic and Asian languages
Google made a big move on the corporate market with two
hardware appliances that index content on a corporate
1. Google Search Appliance (google.com/enterprise) is
aimed at large business  It has a range of tools for
searching corporate databases and enterprise
resource planning systems.
2. Google Mini Search Appliance (google.com/mini) is
aimed at small businesses that want to index content.
With Google Mini, employees can securely search
across intranets, file servers and business application.
“Google Mini Bring simple, familiar Google Search to
your small business intranet or website.”
Blogs starts out as Internet Journaling and personal
publishing tools.
A blog (a blend of the term web log) is a type of website or
part of a website.
Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular
entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other
material such as graphics or video.
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular
subject; others function as more personal online diaries.
Many enterprises now use Blogs to replace email and
support collaborative work.
Eg. wordpress.com, blogger.com, blogspot.com
They can easily edit and add entries.
Require far fewer dedicated resources than and enterprise
Blog ต่ างจาก Web อย่ างไร ?
1. มีการโต้ตอบกันระหว่างผูเ้ ขียนและผูอ้ ่านได้ หรื อที่เรี ยกว่า
Interactive นัน่ เอง
2. บทความในบล็อกจะเขียนในรู ปแบบที่เป็ นกันเอง และดูเหมือนการสนทนา
3. ระบบที่ใช้เขียนบล็อกนั้นง่าย ไม่จาเป็ นที่จะต้องเป็ นเซียนคอมพิวเตอร์ ก็
4. อัพเดทได้บ่อยมาก และยิง่ อัพเดทบ่อย จะยิง่ ดีต่อการมาเก็บข้อมูลของ
Search Engine
(นามาจาก http://www.keng.com)
Response to shortcoming of search engines
A wiki is server software that allows users to freely
create and edit Web Page content.
A Web site developed collaboratively by a community
of users, allowing any user to add and edit content.
A single page in a wiki is referred to as a “wiki page”
Podcasting is a way to distribute or receive audio and
video files called pods or podcasts over the internet
The term pod came about from Apple’s iPod
Authors called podcasters create a pod by making a
file such as an MP3 files available on the Internet
This can be done by posting the file on a Web server
or BitTorrent tracker
Eg. http://www.myp2p.eu/
Sopcast software
Refers to standards of Web feed formats, usually
Really Simple Syndication
is a family of web feed formats used to publish
frequently updated works such as blog entries, news
headlines, audio, and video in a standardized format
Web feeds benefit publishers by letting them syndicate
content automatically.
They benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely
updates from favored websites or to aggregate feeds
from many sites into one place.
RSS feeds can be read using software called an "RSS
reader", "feed reader", or "aggregator", which can be
web-based, desktop-based, or mobile-device-based.
For example, www.google.com/reader
• ข้ อดีของ RSS
RSS ช่วยลดข้อจากัดในการคัดลอกข้อมูลในเว็บไซต์ โดยเฉพาะกรณี การละเมิด ลิขสิ ทธิ์
ขณะที่ผสู ้ ร้างไม่ตอ้ งเสี ยเวลาทาหน้าเพจแสดงข่าว ซึ่ งต้องทาทุกครั้งเมื่อ ต้องการเพิม่ ข่าว โดย
RSS จะดึงข่าวมาอัตโนมัติ ทาให้ขอ้ มูลในเว็บไซต์เป็ น ศูนย์กลางมากขึ้น
• จุดเด่ นของ RSS คือ ผูใ้ ช้จะไม่จาเป็ นต้องเข้าไปตามเว็บไซต์ต่างๆ เพื่อดูวา่ มีขอ้ มูล อัพเดท
ใหม่หรื อไม่ ขณะที่เว็บไซต์แต่ละแห่งอาจมีระยะความถี่ในการอัพเดท ไม่เท่ากัน บางครั้งผูใ้ ช้ยงั
อาจหลงลืมจนเข้าไปดูเนื้อหาอัพเดทใหม่บนเว็บไซต์ ไม่ครบถ้วน รู ปแบบ RSS จะช่วยให้
ผูใ้ ช้สามารถรับข่าวสารอัพเดทใหม่ได้ โดยไม่ตอ้ งเข้าไปดูทุกครั้งให้เสี ยเวลา ซึ่ งจะได้ประโยชน์
ทั้งฝ่ ายผูบ้ ริ โภคและ ฝ่ ายเจ้าของเว็บไซต์
• รู้ได้ อย่ างไรว่ าเว็บไหนมีบริการ RSS
สังเกตได้จากสัญลักษณ์ที่มีเครื่ องหมาย
บริ เวณส่ วนล่างของหน้าเว็บเพจ
ส่ วนใหญ่มกั อยูบ่ ริ เวณเมนูหลักของเว็บ หรื อ
XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language
XML is a markup language much like HTML
XML was designed to carry data, not to display data
XML tags are not predefined. You must define your
own tags
XML is designed to be self-descriptive
Actually, RSS is a form of XML
โดยมีจดุ ประสงค์เพื่อเป็ น สิ่งที่เอาไว้ ติดต่อกันในระบบที่มีความแตกต่างกัน (เช่นใช้
คอมพิวเตอร์ มี่มีระบบปฏิบตั ิการคนละตัว หรื ออาจจะเป็ นคนละโปรแกรมประยุกต์ที่มีความ
ต้ องการสื่อสารข้ อมูลถึงกัน)
<name>example name</name>
The Difference Between XML and HTML
• XML is not a replacement for HTML.
• XML and HTML were designed with different goals:
– XML was designed to transport and store data, with
focus on what data is
– HTML was designed to display data, with focus on
how data looks
• HTML is about displaying information, while XML is
about carrying information.
• In most web applications, XML is used to transport data,
while HTML is used to display the data.
is an open data standard for financial reporting
is a version of XML for capturing financial information
throughout a business’s information processes.
Makes it possible to format reports that need to be
distributed to shareholders, banks or other parties
Goal is to make analysis and exchange of corporate
information more reliable and easier
Instead of treating financial information as a block of
text - as in a standard internet page or a printed
document - it provides an identifying tag for each
individual item of data. For example, company net
profit has its own unique tag.
Companies can use XBRL to save costs and
streamline their processes for collecting and reporting
financial information.
Consumers of financial data, including investors,
analysts, financial institutions and regulators, can
receive, find, compare and analyse data much more
rapidly and efficiently if it is in XBRL format.
XBRL will be discussed in Chapter 9
4.5 Collaboration and Web-based Meetings
• !!! People need to work together and share documents
• Collaboration is a key driver of overall performance.
• The impact of collaboration on performance was twice as significant as
a company’s aggressiveness in pursuing new market opportunities and
five times as significant as the external market environment
• Messaging and collaboration tools
– Old  Email, videoconference, fax and IM
– New  Blogs, podcasts, RSS, Wikis, VoIP, Web Meeting and Torrents
Read page 139-142
• Collaboration หมายถึง การทาบางสิ่ งบางอย่างร่ วมกันตั้งแต่
สองคนหรื อมากกว่า การ ดาเนินงานนั้นๆ เป็ นไปเพื่อให้งานทีก่ าหนด
เสร็ จลุล่วงไป
• Work group หมายถึง สองคนหรื อมากกว่ามาทางานบางอย่าง
ร่ วมกัน จะเป็ นการร่ วม กันแบบถาวรหรื อชัว่ คราวก็ได้
• Virtual group หมายถึง กลุ่มทางานกลุ่มหนึ่งที่สมาชิกอยูต่ ่าง
สถานที่กนั แต่ พบปะกันผ่านทางอิเลคทรอนิคส์
Group Decision Processes
Group work  Definition is simple, but process can be complex
depending on task, human factors and decision support
Some characteristics are listed below:
1. Group members may be located in different places or work at different
2. Group members may work for the same or for different organizations
3. A group can be at a single managerial level or span several levels
4. There can be synergy (process and task gains) or conflict in group
5. There can be gains and/or losses in productivity from group work
6. Some of the needed data, information or knowledge may be located in
many sources, several of which are external to the orgainization
7. The expertise of non-team members may be needed
8. Groups perform many tasks; however, groups of managers and
analysts concentrate frequently on decision making.
Improving Meeting Processes and Small
Group Dynamics
Meeting are the most universal – and universally disliked
– part of business life
More and more companies are team-based in which most
work gets done in meetings.
Meetings can be more effective  if on understands what
can go wrong and intelligently manages decision
processes and group dynamics to avoid problems
Vendor’s Collaborative Products
IBM’s collaborative platform software based on UC2
solution for business is Lotus Sametime.
Lotus Sametime Standard software offers integrated,
enterprise instant messaging, VoIP, video chats, and Web
conferencing capabilities with the security features
required for business use.
Resolve problems and questions through clear, high-quality
Access global teams in real-time
Communicate quickly with anybody
Work with others as if they are in the same room
Offer access to expertise and knowledge throughout the
Lotus Sametime
Vendor’s Collaborative Products
Cisco’s WebEx provides on-demand web meetings.
WebEx is Web conferencing that lets you connect with
anyone, anywhere, in real time.
WebEx combines desktop sharing through a web browser
with phone conferencing and video, so everyone sees the
same thing while you talk.
With WebEx, you can:
Save time and money in travel.
Easily collaborate with distant colleagues and clients.
Eliminate the hassle of emailing files
Make your meetings more productive and successful.
Visit www.webex.com
4.6 Social, Legal and Ethical Issues
Management needs to consider ethical and social issues
such as quality of working life
Being linked 24/7  both positive and negative impacts
A Study by Solutions Research Group :
- 68 percent of Americans may suffer from disconnect
- feelings of disorientation and nervousness when
deprived of Internet or wireless access for a period of time
- 63 percent of BB users admitted to having sent a
message from bathroom
- 25 percent stayed connected with work while on vacation
Driving While Yakking
Cell phones are a leading cause of car crashes
Yet driving while talking or DWY is not illegal
Cell phone-s distracted drivers are 4 times more likely to
be in a car wreck.
Cell Phone distractions based on New York City’s lack of
improvement after having had “hands free” for several
At any given moment, more than 10 million US drivers are
talking on handheld cell phones
Cell phone is a known distraction  driver inattentions is
a primary factor in as many as 25 percent of all policereported traffic accidents.
Health Risks
Recommends Minimizing risks by using hands-free
devices and keeping cell-phone talk to a minimum
A few studies  using a cell phone for an hour each day
for 10 years can increase the risk of developing a rare
brain tumor (more likely to be on the side of the head used
to talk on the phone)
*** More research is needed in this area ***
Manufacturers must report the relative amount of RF
absorbed into the head by any given cell phone. (This
number is called SAR)
Social Network Addiction
Social network addiction affects many users.
Addicts neglect other important things in life by checking
and posting bulletins every hour
Such addictions are depriving users of sleep, making
them late for work because they couldn’t not stop
refreshing their pages.
They may keep it open in another window while at work,
interfering with their jobs and in-person forms of
Managerial Issues
Organizational Impacts
– primary benefit is keeping workers connected at lower
Future of technology support
– Whereas the industry focused on providing PC +
Laptop + PDA, the emphasis will be on connectivity,
communication and collaboration
Extending organizational boundaries
– As high bandwidth wireless networks become
widespread, collaborative networking solutions are
available for companies at any size.
Managerial Issues
Virtual work and teams
– Employees can collaborate closely in real time with
other employees, customers, or partners regardless of
anyone’s location
Single view of the truth
– Demand information from one source
Social and ethical issues
– Social networks are changing the way people
communicate  can improve productivity and quality of
life but on the other hand, can intrude on personal lives