Chapter 1 - Plainview Schools

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Transcript Chapter 1 - Plainview Schools

Many Cultures Meet
Chapter 1
Pre-History to 1550
Obj: How did Natives get here
How did different cultures develop
What were the major cultural areas.
Section 1
The American Indian
• A. First Americans
– Called Paleo-Indians
– Two Theories on how they got here
– 1. Land Bridge- ice age exposed a land bridgeBeringia- 15,000 years ag0
– 2. 40,000 years ago, natives sailed small boats
here while hunting
B. Paleo Indians
• 12,000-10,000 years ago- earth warmed
• Following game, natives spread out all over
North and South America
• Many different cultures would emerge.
• Why?
• Adapt to where they settle
C. Agriculture
• Natives developed farming in central Mexico
3,500 years ago.
• Starting growing corn- Maize
• Let to the development of permanent
• This would lead to civilization-ex. Mayas,
• Why?
D. Early Cultures
• 1. Southwest tribes
– Had to adapt to dry climate- built canals, dams
– Houses made of adobe- sun dried brick
– Examples- Hohokam, and Anasazi
– Disappeared about AD 1100 and 1300
– Why??
– Cliff Palace in Chaco Canyon
• 2. Mississippi Valley
– More fertile and temperate climate
– Grew into big civilizations
– Cahokia- center of Cahokia society- largest city in
NA- 10,000-40,000 people
– Also disappeared
– Cahokia mounds?
• 3. Great Planes
– Arid climate
– People were nomads
– Lived in tepees. Why??
– Gatherer hunters, following buffalo
– Horse changed the lives of the Great planes
• 4. Eastern Woodland
– Lived in Eastern U.S.
– Long winters and warm summers
– Developed into two groups
• Algonquin
• Iroquois
– Iroquois league was first confederation in North
E. Common Culture
• Did not develop into nations
• Usually no central figure of authority- spread
out among many chiefs
• Religions centered on nature
• Little private property
Section 2
The Europeans
• Describe Europe in 15th century
• What changes were taking place
• What was happening on Iberian Peninsula at
end of middle ages and into Renaissance
A. 15th Century Europe
• Middle Ages- after collapse of Romans
– Basically sucked
– No central governments
– Famine, disease, foreign invasion
– Bubonic Plague killed off 1/3 of Europe
– Society based on Feudalism
– Ruling elite- Lords-knights-Peasants- most people
were peasants
– These feudal states always warring
B. Europeans Explore
• Church dominated medieval society
• 1400’s pope called on all good Christians to
raise armies to conquer the Holy Land from
the Muslims
• Failed miserably, but ideas and goods spread
through crusades
• Helped lead to the Renaissance- rebirth of
• Europeans started exploring the world again
C. New Trade
Increase in exploration led to trade
Trade led to a increase in the middle class
Merchants brought wealth
Wealth led to the revival of nations- France,
Great Britain, Italy
• End of Feudalism, start of monarchies
D. Reconquista
• Isabella and Ferdinand married to unite Spain
against the Muslim moors to take back the
Iberian peninsula
• 1492 Reconquista was complete
E. Portuguese exploration
• Three inventions
– Caravel
– Compass
– Astrolabe
– Quadrant
• Prince Henry the Navigator- directed
• Portugal began building an empire exploring
West Africa
Section 3
West Africa
• OBJ: describe cultural characteristics of West
Africa in 15th century
• Summarize contact between Europeans and
• Explore how slave trade began
A. West African Kingdoms
• The Portuguese opened West Africa up to
• 3 African Kingdoms
• Ghana- earliest
• Mali- most famous ruler- Mansa Musa• Songhai- latest kingdom- capital at Timbuktu
B. Slavery in Africa
• Slavery existed in Africa before Europeans
– Captured people, criminals, or undesirables
• How was slavery different in Africa?
– Were adopted, given important jobs, and were
released with time
C. Portuguese Exploit Trade
• First- wanted gold
• Then peppers, ivory, copper, and finally slaves
• Relied on West African tribes to capture slaves
for them
• By 1500, buying 1,800 slaves a year
• Millions more would follow
Section 4
First Encounters
• OBJ: identify goals of C. Columbus
• Explain consequences of his journey to
• Analyze effects of European Contact with
A. Spain looks West
• Portuguese explorers still going around Africa
• Why? Italy dominated overland routes
• Bartolommeo Dias- reached Cape of Good Hope
• Vasco Da Gama- went around cape and reached
• Spain wanted to find their own trade route
B. Columbus
• From Italy
• Believed could sail west- based on bad mathoff by 7,000 miles
• Also heard stories of Vikings visiting land in
• In 1492, Columbus convinced Isabella and
Ferdinand of Spain to finance his trip
C. Set Sail
3 ships- Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria
90 men- many of which were convicts
Reached the Bahamas after 33 days
Claimed all land for Spain
• God, Glory, and Gold?
• Called natives “Indians”
• Thought he was in West Indies
D. Settlement
• Set up settlement of Hispaniola
• Left men and when he returned, his men had
been killed
• Used as an excuse to kill and subjugate the
native populations
• Columbus died in 1506
E. Divided lands
• Pope divided new territory between Spain and
Portugal with line of Demarcation. Treaty of
• Spain west of it in New World, Portugal east in
Africa. However, Brazil did extent pass the line
• Why did pope do this????
• Native not considered
F. More Explorers
• John Cabot for English explored
• Pedro Alvarez Cabral for Portugal explored
coast of Brazil
• Amerigo Vespucci named new continent
America after himself
• Ferdinand Magellan- 1519 and 1522, circled
the globe
G. Conquistadors
Spanish soldiers in search of GGG’s
Hernan Cortes- led group of 600 volunteers
Took on the Aztec empire of central Mexico
Montezuma was the Aztec leader
Capital was Tenochtitlan- about 200,000
• How did 600 take down the Aztecs???
• City destroyed and Spanish take the wealth
• Francisco Pizarro- another conquistador
• Marched south with 180 soldiers
• Took on the Incas and their empire in Peru and
Chile and capital of Machu Picchu
• Destroyed the Incas and sent back riches to
• Advantages- steel, guns, horses, and germs
• Indian populations devastated
E. Transatlantic Exchange
• Europeans brought many things to new world
and took things back to Europe.
• Examples????