Transcript WEP Attacks

Advanced Computer Security
on wireless networks
using WEP encryption
presented by : Pompi Rotaru
Wireless technology
IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n is the set of standards for W-LAN
Wireless technology has been on the rise in recent years
An individual can sit outside the building and connect to an
unprotected wireless network
Preserving privacy and integrity of wireless communications
becomes an important objective of the network security team
Basic service set :
infrastructure mode
independent (ad-hoc) mode
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is most common mechanism
for protection
Encryption with 40-bit key (aka “64-bit encryption”)
Encryption with 104-bit key (aka "128-bit encryption“)
Uses as the most common encryption algorithm the RC4
History of WEP
1997 Release of the first final version of IEEE 802.11
2001 WEP broken by Fluhrer, Mantin, and Shamir
2004 WEP broken again by KoreK
2005 WEP broken again by KoreK again (chopchop attack)
2005 WEP broken again by Bittau, fragmentation attack
2007 WEP broken again by Pyshkin, Tews, Weinmann, with
the help of Klein
RC4 algorithm description
Stream cipher designed by Ron Rivest in 1987
It works as a variable key-size stream cipher with byteoriented operations
Key Scheduling Algorithm (KSA) - which turns a random key
into a permutation by scrambling the bits
Pseudo-Random Generator Algorithm (PRGA) – using swap
operations for the previously permutation it generates pseudorandom numbers
X = RC4(K)
How WEP encryption works
A 3 bytes initialization vector (IV) is chosen
A key stream X = RC4(K) is generated from secret key K
A 32 bit long checksum called Integrity Check Value (ICV) is
appended to the message to protect the integrity
The resulting plain text is encrypted making an XOR
operation with the generated key stream
The unencrypted IV and the cipher-text are sent over the air
Types of WEP attacks
Depending on key
without recovering the WEP key
recovering the key
Depending on communication
static (no communication with AP)
dynamic (involves communication with AP)
General steps for attack
Setup equipment (laptop, directional antenna)
Find the target (airdump-ng, Kismet, NetStumbler)
Capture data from air (airmon-ng, airodump-ng)
Wait or make the target network busy (aireplay-ng)
Start cracking from captured data (aircrack-ng)
The brute force / dictionary attack
“Power” of the WEP relies in the difficulty of discovery of the
secret key through a brute-force attack
“Dictionary attack” uses dictionary of keys, not all possible
Such attack requires less then a month for all keys
Steps :
capture 2 WEP encrypted packets
try to decrypt it using the captured IV and a potential key
verify decrypted ICV (the CRC)
(optional) verify the key on the 2nd packet
The FMS attack
2001 - Scott Fluhrer, Itsik Mantin and Adi Shamir
Static - with key recovery
RC4 weaknesses :
The “Invariance Weakness” - existence of large classes of weak keys
The “IV Weakness” – using IV attacker can rederive the secret part by
analyzing the initial word
Finding the key → use key-output correlation = propagation
of a weak key pattern into the outputs combined with biased
distribution of bits in English text
Decision tree
Requires 9 millions packets (listen to traffic for 1…2 hours)
The KoreK attack
2004 – internet hacker KoreK
Static - with key recovery
Does not need weak IV
Uses 16 additional correlations between the first 1 byte of an
RC4 key, the first 2 bytes of the generated key stream, and the
next keybyte
Same decision-tree based approach same as FMS attack
Requires 700000 packets
The KoreK chop-chop attack
2005 – same KoreK
Does not recover the key, it just reveals the message
Exploits an ICV vulnerability
Process of truncation of packets while keeping them still valid
Steps :
capture one packet
truncate the last byte and try to guess one “value” for plaintext
correct the checksum and send packet to AP
if guess is correct the AP will reply
repeat until all bytes are decrypted
The Bittau attack
2005 - Andrea Bittau, Mark Handley and Joshua Lackey
Fragmentation :
Possible to send multiple fragments (16) using the same key stream
Each packet is encrypted independently at MAC layer
listen to traffic, eavesdrop one packet then recover 8 bytes of key
prepend an IP header to the eavesdropped packet and send to AP
AP will sent the clear text to a controlled internet host
Fragmentation is used to break 802.11’s cryptography
The PTW attack
2007 - Andrei Pyshkin, Erik Tews & Ralf-Philipp Weinmann
They found a “multibyte correlation” between the first l bytes
of an RC4 key, the generated keystream, and the next i bytes
of the key.
Steps :
captures packets and recovers their keystreams (FMS, KoreK)
evaluate the multibyte correlation function (Klein)
create decision tree for key and start voting (Rk[0], Rk[1],
Requires 35000 …. 40000 packets
Less then 60 seconds to crack a 104 bit WEP key
Protecting WEP
Increase the number of bytes used for encryption (“protects”
against FMS attack)
Remove the weak IV - keystream re-use vulnerabilities
Prevent key re-use
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) – change often the
WEP-key (not enough against Bittau attack)
Deploy Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) to protect against
injected traffic (really protects against PTW attack)
Companies sell hardware using modified versions of the WEP
protocol claiming to be secure
WEP has a long history of vulnerabilities and “fixes”
WEP is a good example of how attacks evolve and mature
over time
Attacks that a few years ago took days, now take minutes if
the right tools are used
2005 WEP is officially declared deprecated by IEEE 802.11
2008 WEP used by 30% of users in a US university
Today – too many old networks, some using WEP
WEP must be abandoned once and for all, rather than
patch it yet again !!!