Age of Exploration and Isolation - Mr Dean`s Social Studies Webpage

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Transcript Age of Exploration and Isolation - Mr Dean`s Social Studies Webpage

Chapter 3
Section 1
• Beginning in 1400’s, desire to explore called 3 G’s
(Gold, God, Glory)
A. Other countries wanted trade controlled by Italy
and Arabs for three centuries
• Spices most valued item
• Quicker route to Asia meant they could take out
middleman (Arabs, Italians)
B. New technology – compass, faster ships,
astrolabe, better mapmaking skills made traveling by
ship easier, safer
• Most new technology came from Muslims and
C. Sparked by Renaissance curiosity and sense of
D. Desire to spread Christianity
• Europeans saw this as their sacred duty to convert
Portugal Leads the Way
A. Leader in developing and applying new sailing technology
B. Had strong government support led by Prince Henry (Henry the
C. 1419 Henry established a sailing school for sailors, ship makers,
navigators to perfect their trade
• By 1460 Portugal was the first country to establish trading outposts
along the coast of Africa and push into the Indian Ocean
• Traded Africans European goods for gold and ivory
• Portuguese needed to reach Asia by
sea and had to sail around the
southern tip of Africa
• 1488 Bartolomeu Dias reached the
Cape of Good Hope and explored
the southeast coast of Africa
• 1497 Vasco da Gama sailed to
Calicut, India and returned to
Portugal with silk, spices and gems
that was worth 60 times more than
the cost of the voyage
• His voyage gave Portugal a direct
sea route to Asia
• Spain Also Makes Claims
• 1492 Spain sent Christopher Columbus to find a route to Asia
by sailing west across the Atlantic
• Columbus thought he reached the Indies, really opened the way
for European colonization of the Americas
• Immediate impact was that it increased tension between Spain
and Portugal
• 1494- Treaty of Tordesillas
Pope stepped in to keep
peace between two countries
• Line drawn from North to
south across globe dividing
eastern and western
• Portugal gets everything east
of Line of Demarcation
• Spain given all lands west of
Line of Demarcation
• Trading Empires in the Indian Ocean
• Portugal took control of the spice trade from Muslim merchants
after da Gama’s voyage
1. 1509 extended control over region by defeating Mughal navy
off the coast of India
2. 1510 Portuguese capture port city of Goa, India; it became
center of their trading empire
3. 1511 Portuguese seize control of Strait of Malacca, gave
them control of the spice Islands
• Portugal began to break the Muslim domination of Eastern
• Brought back goods at 20% of the prices charged by Arab and
Italian traders
• More Europeans could afford items
• Success of Portugal attracted other European
• 1521 Spain claimed Philippine Islands
Dutch Traders
• Around 1600 the Dutch and English became a sea
• English and Dutch began to take away Portuguese
• Each country formed an East India Company
• Each company had power to print money, make
treaties and raise armies
• Dutch East India Company most powerful in region
• 1619 Dutch establish trading post in Java and took
Straits of Malacca and Spice Islands from Portugal
• Dutch began to expand across the region and their
capital in Europe, Amsterdam became a leading
commercial center
• By 1700 Dutch controlled most trade in Indian Ocean
British and French Traders
• By 1700 English and French began to gain a foothold in region
• English focused on India and developed a successful business in
the cloth trade (established British East India Company)
• France tried to establish a foothold in India but was not as
• European countries took control of port cities but their
influence did not extend beyond the ports
• Their influence was not felt by most people in Asia
Section 2
 China was the dominant power in Asia and Europeans
wanted to trade with them
Ming Dynasty
 1368-1644 Ming Dynasty ruled China
 Korea and Southeast Asia paid tribute (payment by one
group to another to show submission) to Ming emperors,
China expected Europeans to do the same
 Hongwu was the first Ming emperor after he defeated
the Mongols in 1368
A. Reformed agriculture by increasing rice production,
encouraged growing cash crops (cotton, sugarcane)
and encouraged fish farming
B. Encouraged a return to Confucian traditions and moral
C. Improved government by returning to a merit based
government system
 When problems developed Hongwu became a ruthless
tyrant executing all of his enemies
• After death of Hongwu his son Yonglo took
• He moved royal court to Beijing (built the
Forbidden City)
• Also had a curiosity of the outside world
• 1405 began seven voyages of exploration
and trade under commander Zeng He
• Expeditions traveled long distances, many
ships, many people and huge ships
• Trips were used to show Chinese superiority,
because of voyages 16 countries sent tribute
to China
• Chinese officials complained that voyages
wasted money and after 1433 China began
a period of isolation
• Trade policies of 1500’s reflected isolation
• To keep influence of outsiders to a minimum
• Only the government could conduct trade through 3
ports- Canton, Macao and Ningbo
• European demand for goods led to smuggling
• Helped improve economy of China- led to increase
in manufacturing of ceramics and silk making
• Commerce and manufacturing seen as lower class
jobs and not held in high regard in China, kept
China from industrializing
• Government supported agriculture
• Taxes were low on agriculture and high on
Qing Dynasty
• By 1600 Ming rule began to weaken, government corruption, civil strife,
famine and high taxes led to rebellion
• 1644 Manchus from northeast China seized power and ruled until 1900
• People resisted rule by non-Chinese Manchus
1. Kept order by keeping traditional social structure and restoring Chinese
2. Expanded China into Taiwan, Central Asia, Mongolia and Tibet
3. Lowered taxes and reduced government expenses
4. Welcomed Jesuits into royal court to learn about European life
5. Kept policy of isolation from foreign trade
• Foreign countries that wished to trade with
China had to trade only in special ports
and pay tribute
• The Dutch accepted the Chinese restrictions
and the Chinese accepted the Dutch as
trading partners
• The Dutch brought silks, porcelain, and tea
• By 1800 tea made up 80% of shipments
from China to Europe
• The British refused to follow the Chinese
trade restrictions
• China rejected their offers by sending a
letter to the king of England that they did
not need the British
• 1600s and 1700s were a time of peace and
prosperity in China and the lives improved for
most Chinese people
Most Chinese were farmers and under the Qing
irrigation and the use of fertilizer increased
Also new crops from the were introduced by
European traders (corn, sweet potatoes)
Food production increased and the population
Chinese families favored sons over daughters
• Sons were in charge of religious rituals, and raised
their own families in their parents homes
• As their parents grew older they help them farm
• Females were not as valued but they did have the
responsibilities of children’s education and managing
family finances
Section 3
• 1300’s Japanese unity was shattered by
warring shoguns
• By 1467 the country was separated into
hundreds of separate domains
• 1467-1568 known as period of “warring
• Samurai took control of feudal states and
offered peasants protection for their loyalty
• Warrior chieftains known as daimyo and used
samurai as warriors
• Emperor in Kyoto was just a figurehead with
no power
• Daimyo lived in fortresses and fought each
other for control of land
• Many daimyo tried to seize and control power
• Oda Nobunga –was the first to use soldiers with
muskets to defeat rival samurai (1575)
• Toyotomi Hideyoshi- took control and tried to
conquer Korea, when he died the troops
returned to Japan (1590)
• 1600 Tonkugawa Ieyasu takes control of
country by defeating his rivals and earning the
loyalty of other daimyo
• He moved the capital to Edo (Tokyo)
• Kept daimyo tamed and helped centralize
power in Japan
• To keep daimyo in check he made them live in
the capital every other year and when they
were gone they had to leave their families
behind as hostages, had them help build his
castle in Edo
• Founded Tokugawa Shogunate that held power
until 1867
• Japan enjoyed over 250 years of stability under Tokugawa
• Farmers produced more food and population rose, even
though they lived lives of misery
Society was very structured
a. Ruler was shogun and supreme military commander
b. Below him was the landholding daimyo who controlled
samurai warriors
c. Artisans and peasants were next with merchants at the
• 4/5 of society were peasants
• Merchants became more important as the economy
• Confucian ideas ruled society and the ideal citizen
depended on agriculture not commerce
• However the farmers paid the most in taxes, many
abandoned land and moved to cities for economic
• Mid 1700’s Japan shifted from a rural to an urban society
• Edo was the largest city in the world
Contact Between Europe and Japan
Europeans began to arrive in the 1500’s
1543 first Europeans were shipwrecked Portuguese
sailors and merchants soon followed with clocks,
tobacco, firearms
• Japanese welcomed traders and missionaries
1. Europeans introduced new technologies and ideas
2. Japanese merchants eager to expand their markets
welcomed Europeans
3. Daimyo welcomed traders for their guns to gain an
advantage over their rivals
• Guns changed the tradition of the Japanese warrior
whose principal weapon was the sword
• Cannons changed the way castles were built
• Fortified castles attracted merchants and artisans
and caused the growth of towns across Japan
• 1549 first missionaries came to Japan
• Catholic Jesuits, Franciscans and Dominican missionaries
came to convert the Japanese
• By 1600 they had converted over 300,000 Japanese
• Missionaries teachings went against traditional Japanese
beliefs and by 1612 Christianity was banned and
Tokugawa Shoguns focused on ridding the country of them
• 1637 situation came to a head after rebellion led by
• All Christian missionaries were kicked out of China and all
Japanese had to demonstrate faithfulness to some branch
of Buddhism
• Persecution just one part of attempt to control foreign ideas
• Shoguns did not like the introduction of European ways, but they wanted
European trade
• 1639 Japan sealed the borders of the country except one port, Nagasaki (a man
made island in the harbor)
• Only Dutch and Chinese were allowed to trade there
• Tokugawa shogunate had a monopoly on all trade for over 200 years
• During this time Japan remain basically closed to outsiders and Japanese were
forbidden to leave
• During this time Japan developed a self-sufficient country free from European