Setting Up Writelog Networking for Contests at PJ2T

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Transcript Setting Up Writelog Networking for Contests at PJ2T

Setting up Writelog Networking for
Contests at PJ2T
Version 1.0
19 July 2011
Writelog at PJ2T
Conceptual Overview
The Station # 1 computer is the main computer for the logging network.
We first build a log for a contest at Station # 1 so that it contains exactly all the
windows and functions and parameters we need. (Example log follows.)
Next, we go to Station 2 and copy an exact copy of that log from Station 1 to Station
2 (procedure follows), then save that log on the Station 2 local C:\ drive.
Same thing for Stations 3 and 4. This assures that all four computers have exactly
identical Writelog log setups.
Then we use Writelog networking (procedure follows) to link the Station 2 computer to
Station 1, which is the master log.
Next, we link Station 3 to Station 1, and finally link Station 4 to Station 1.
For Multi/2, we use the Radio dropdown menu to designate Station 1 as Radio (A)
and Station 2 as Radio (B).
Finally, one of the computers (usually Station 3) is linked via Telnet to a cluster node,
normally K3LR, and the other three computers are linked to Station 3 via the Writelog
local network (procedure follows) in order to get the spot data to all computers.
PJ2T Writelog Network Layout
This is what the PJ2T Writelog network looks like at the completion of the
configuration process.
The rest of these slides explain how to set this up.
Station 2
Station 3
or other
Station 4
Writelog Master
Station 1
Procedure Step 1:
Create Master Log on Station 1 PC
Learn Writelog. (This guide assumes that you know generally how to manipulate Writelog.)
Create a new, empty log for your contest on the Station 1 PC. Writelog Start a new log
Be sure that all the needed windows are there, and arrange them for best functionality and best
use of screen space.
Be sure that:
– You selected the correct contest,
– You have Summary, Packet Spots, Networked Frequencies, Rates (if desired), Band
Changes (if needed), QSO Entry Window, Check Call, Super Check Partial, Network Gab,
and Sked (if needed) windows,
– You have correctly configured Setup, Ports (next page) and Setup, Super Check Partial (two
pages after this),
– If it is the WPX contest, which requires separate serial numbers for each band, be sure to do
Setup, Sort order and serial numbers (third page after this)
– You have done Setup, Save Configuration (fourth page after this), and entered the correct
name and address.
Save the log on the Station 1 PC in C:\Writelog\Contests with a name like
Get everyone on your team to look at this log on Station 1 and be SURE it is exactly like they
want. Adjust font sizes, layout, window selection until everyone is happy, because this is the
master for all the other computers.
Save again (File, Save) after all changes are finalized.
Master Log Example
Here’s an example of what the Station 1 master log might look like except that it will, of course, be initially void of
Setup, Ports
Setup, Ports window usually looks like this for the new Dell PCs
See the label on the PC, but normally the rig is on COM3 and CW is on COM4.
FT-2000 requires baud rate of 4800. Other radios are OK with “default.”
For phone contests, don’t use the Writelog DVK because we use the FT-2000 built in
voice keyers or outboard MFJ voice keyers.
Setup, Super Check Partial
Setup, Super Check Partial should look like this.
The Dta files are stored in C:\Writelog\Programs\.
Use MASTER.DTA or whichever of the other three .DTA files is correct for your contest.
(Be sure you have downloaded the latest versions of these files from
Sometimes these are updated only a day or so before the contest.)
Setup, Sort order & serial numbers
The WPX contest requires separate serial numbers for each band.
Use the Setup, Sort order & serial number drop down menu and select Separate by band instead
of the normal Total of all bands.
Setup, Save Configuration
Don’t check “Packet” for an unassisted Single Op contest
It’s usually best to use Geoff’s address unless you are going to be submitting the log yourself.
Radio Dropdown Menu
If it’s a Multi/2 contest, on Station 1, select Radio, This Radio Is Run (A)
On Station 2, make that radio (B).
Final Master Log Example
Procedure Step 2:
Open Master Log from Station 1 and Save it on Station 2
Move to the PC at Station 2
Start Writelog and select Browse for existing log
On the “Open” screen, click Network, then double-click on the entry for the PC at Station # 1.
(That PC will be designated something like “PC35.” See the white paper label on the Station # 1
computer to know for sure.)
If you are asked for a user name and password, both are PJ2T (in all caps).
Procedure Step 2:
Open Master Log from Station 1 and Save it on Station 2
Then click on Writelog, then on Contest, and then on the name of the master log you created at
Station 1.
This will open an EXACT REPLICA of the master log that you created on Station 1.
Save that log on the local C:\ drive on Station 2 (see next page).
Procedure Step 2:
Open Master Log from Station 1 and Save it on Station 2
Then save the log on the local C:\ drive of Station 2 by doing Writelog File, Save As, and click on Computer, then
Local Disk (C), then Writelog, then Contest, and finally Save. Examples below.
When this is complete, you will have identical logs on C:\ of Station 1 and Station 2.
Procedure Step 3:
Open Master Log from Station 1 and Save it on Station 3, then again
on Station 4
Now move to the Station 3 PC and do the same thing to open the Master log from Station 1 and
save it on the local C:\ drive on Station 3.
Move to Station 4 PC and do the same thing to open the Master log from Station 1 and save it on
the local C:\ drive on Station 4.
Procedure Step 4:
Link PCs Together Using Writelog Networking
At this point we have four exact copies of Writelog on four computers, but they are not yet
communicating on the Writelog network.
Now we need to follow the procedure on the next page to create the links so that the network will
look like this:
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
Station 1
Writelog Master
Procedure Step 4:
Link PCs Together Using Writelog Networking
On the Station 1 PC, do Writelog Setup, Register to accept network connections…
In the resulting window (below), be sure to click Tcp/IP, put in A for the distinguishing letter, and
then click “OK.”
Do Setup, Save Configuration and then do File, Save to retain these changes.
(At PJ2T, Station 1 is always “A”, Station 2 “B”, etc. )
Procedure Step 4:
Link PCs Together Using Writelog Networking
Now go to the PC at Station 2 and do Writelog Setup, Register to accept network connections,
and put in “B”, select Tcp/IP, and click “OK.”
Still at Station 2, again do Setup, link to network, and in the resulting screen, put in PC35 or
whatever is the number pasted on the PC at Station 1 and click “OK.”
After a moment or two Writelog will do its magic and the PC at Station 2 will be networked to its
master at Station 1.
Do Setup, Save Configuration and then do File, Save to retain these changes.
Procedure Step 4:
Link PCs Together Using Writelog Networking
The network will now look like the diagram below.
Now go to Station 3 and repeat the preceding procedure, designating that PC as “C” and then
linking it to the machine at Station 1.
Do the same thing at Station 4, designating that PC as D and linking it to the PC at Station 1.
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
Station 1
Writelog Master
Procedure Step 5:
Log Into a PacketCluster from Writelog
Usually the Station 3 PC is used to Telnet to a PacketCluster. This makes it easy to reconnect
when necessary without bothering the operators at Stations 1 or 2.
Find the Writelog Packet Terminal window. (It is often hidden underneath the Writelog main
If you can’t find it, open it from Writelog, Window, Packet Window
Then do File, Telnet… and enter the address of the desired PacketCluster as shown.
When the connect occurs, log in as PJ2T.
Procedure Step 6:
Network Packet Spots to All Other Writelog Computers
At this point, spots are only flowing to the PC at Station 3, or whichever one you just Telnetted to.
Writelog has the capability to send those spots over the Writelog network
Go to the Station 1 PC, find or bring up the Writelog Packet Terminal Window, and do File, Local
network… and enter the PC number of the PC that is Telnetted to a cluster. This is usually the PC
at Station 3.)
Wait a moment and you should see spots appearing at Station 1.
Now do the same thing at Stations 2 and 4 and you will have spots flowing to all four PCs.
Done: The Logs are Built and Networked
Now you’ve established the network as shown below.
Station 2
Station 3
or other
Station 4
Station 1
Writelog Master
Other Setup Considerations
Be certain that you have the latest .CTY files from the contest committees.
Carefully check the date and time on every computer to be sure that they are correct and are
synchronized to the Internet time servers.
(The new Dell Windows 7 machines are set up to synchronize to the Internet time servers
automatically.) Start; Control Panel; Clock, Language, and Region; Set the time and date; Internet
Time tab.
For CW contests, be sure that the stored CW messages are as you want them, as shown in the
Writelog Setup, CW/RTTY/SSB messages… dropdown below.
When Things Go Wrong
If the spots stop coming in, first try to reconnect to the Station 3 PC
If that fails, or if you are at Station 3 itself, check to see if you are still logged into the
PacketCluster. If not, then reconnect using File, Telnet… and enter the address of the desired
PacketCluster as shown.
When the connect occurs, log back in as PJ2T.
When Things Go Wrong
If one of the computers becomes disconnected from the Writelog network, simply do Setup,
register to accept network connections and then Setup, Link to network and re-link to Station 1’s
If a computer stops altogether, try to restart Writelog. If it starts OK, answer “No” to the question
about the journalled file, let Writelog start, then reconnect to the network.
Writelog will automatically resynchronize the computer with the other logs in about 15 seconds.
If nothing else works, do a cold restart of the bad PC and re-network it into the Writelog network
and it will come up and resynchronize automatically.
Quick Start Checklist
Build log at Station 1
Be sure to configure super check partial
Setup, Ports for radio and CW, then Save the log
Open that log at Stations 2, 3, 4 and save on the local C: drives
Network 2, 3, and 4 to Station 1 using Setup, register to accept network connections and Setup,
Link to network
For M/2, set up Radio A at Station 1 and Radio B at Station 2
For WPX, set up Serial numbers separate by band
Telnet to a PacketCluster on Station 3 PC
Writelog Packet Terminal, File, Local Network to Station 1 PC on 1, 3 and 4
Check date and time on all computers
Resave log and configuration on all computers
Don’t log any QSOs until contest begins.