Transcript ROME

Questions to think about when writing on your half piece of
1. Where is Rome today and what does the country that it is in
look like?
2. How does the land compare to Ancient Greece or even
3. Does Rome have any influence on the World today?
1. I can distinguish the difference between the historical and
mythological idea of how Rome was created.
2. I can distinguish the differences between the Etruscan and
Greek influences on Roman culture.
Rome is believed to be created by the two
brothers of Romulus and Remus.
Romulus and Remus were the sons of a god
named Mars, the God of War, and a princess.
Their uncle feared that these two boys
would come to Rome and take over, so he
ordered his soldiers to take the twin boys
and drown them in a river.
Before they could be drowned they were
saved by a wolf.
The wolf raised them and the twins came
back to Rome, becoming joint rulers.
However, Romulus killed Remus for total
power, and called the city he ruled Rome.
How was Rome really founded?
Rome is said to be created sometime before 700 BCE by a
group of people named the “Latins.” The Latins were one
of many that had invaded Italy.
The village of Rome was built on top of Palatine, a hill
that overlooked the Tiber River and was 12 miles from
the sea.
Around Rome, there were two major groups that helped
shape Roman culture:
1. The Etruscans
2. The Greeks
Etruscans were said to be people
that had dominated Etruria, an area
north of Rome.
They had built some City-States but
they had also conquered others. By
600 BCE, this civilization controlled
most of Northern Italy, as well as the
city of Rome.
Rome absorbed the idea of sports
and engineering from the Etruscans.
Romans became great builders, but they had to learn the
art of building (or the science of building).
They learned this science through Etruscan methods of
building: THE ARCH and CUNICULUS.
Arches were built upon two pillars and the arch would
spread the weight of the roof onto the two pillars. At the
center of the arch, there was a keystone. This technology
reduced the chance of the roof collapsing and also allowed
taller ceilings.
Cuniculus was a long underground tunnel. The tunnel had
vertical shafts that connected to open ground and were
used to irrigate land.
Etruscan sports were also absorbed into Roman culture; Slave
fighting and chariot races.
Slave fighting would mainly take place during funerals. The
slaves would fight each other to the death and once the
winner was declared, that slave’s head would be cut off. This
would later develop in Roman culture as Gladiator fighting.
Chariot racing was also bloody. Chariot drivers, or pilots would
be strapped into their chariot. If the chariot would overturn,
the driver would be dragged along, killing them.
The Greeks influenced the Romans in four major ways
1. Architecture
2. Writing
3. Art
4. Mythology
The Greek architecture that the Romans adopted was how they built
their structures. Greeks used marble to build with, which the
Romans quickly adopted. In time, Romans would switch to using
concrete which was much stronger and easy to make. Places like the
coliseum and Circus Maximus were made of concrete.
Writing indirectly influenced the Romans. Greek writing had been
adopted by the Etruscans and then later evolved by the Romans.
Greeks carved pieces of important laws into plaques of stone or
bronze. The Romans adopted this and carved their laws into pillars in
city squares so that everyone could see them.
Greek art also contributed to the Roman culture. Greek art was
admired around the world and the Romans sought to imitate it as
best they could. Clay pots, sculptures, and also buildings were all
used as examples for Roman art.
Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between Roman and Greek art,
which it would all later fall under Greco-Roman art.
Another idea that the Romans adopted from the Greeks were the
Gods, their mythology. Roman Gods would be based off the
planets rather than different names. Zeus, the leader of the Gods
for Greece, would become Jupiter. However, Roman gods would
adapt over time with the conquest of other civilizations. Whereas
the Greek gods stayed the same, Romans would integrate the
conquered people’s god-like-features into their own to make
those civilizations feel welcome in Roman society. Romans
treated their gods through ritual instead of story telling.