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The Aeneid by Virgil
For other peoples will, I do not doubt,
Still cast their bronze to breathe with softer features,
Or draw out of the marble living lines,
Plead causes better, trace the ways of heaven
With wands and tell the rising constellations;
But yours will be the rulership of nations,
Remember, Roman, these will be your arts:
To teach the ways of peace to those you conquer,
To spare defeated peoples, to tame the proud.
Romulus and Remus
 Sons of Rhea Silvia and grandchildren of Numitor (king
of Alba Longa)
 Numitor deposed by Amulius
 Father: Mars? Hercules?
 Suckled by a she-wolf, discovered by a shepherd
 Quarrel over the site of a new city
 Romulus murdered Remus
 Founded a city on the Palatine Hill and named it Rome
in 753 BC
 Offered a sanctuary for fugitives
 The Rape of the Sabine Women
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6M5sFXKRcY
‘Romulus and Remus’
(Rubens 1615-16)
Bronze Statue of Romulus and
Remus, Capitoline Museums
Jacques-Louis David, "The Intervention of the
Sabine Women," 1799. The Louvre, Paris.
The Secrets to Roman
 Army
- six centuries (백인대, 100명/1) – one cohort(대대, 총 600
- ten cohorts – one legion (군단, 총 6000명 )
 Government
- Get the loyalty of conquered people through generous
treatment : tax, self-government, citizenship
- Citizenship granted to all free men in the Empire by an
edict of AD 212.
The Roman Constitution
 jus civile (The Roman civil law 민법/시민법)
 jus gentium (The law of nations 만민법/국제법)
 jus natural (the Law of Nature 자연법)
 The Struggle of the Orders in the early years of the
Republic -> Twelve Tables(450 BC)
 Expansion of Rome -> the jus gentium forged by
incorporating legal codes of other peoples
 Jus gentium as a form of natural law, based on
‘natural reason’ – universalism of the Roman law
Cicero on the Law of Nature
 Prominent stoics
 Natural law governing all the living folks in the
universe + human beings belong to a common
 Natural law – the standard against which civil laws
should be measured
 John Locke, David Hume, Mostesquieu, Thomas
Roman Ideal:
( Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71eY67Ht4Lo
 They ‘worked with their hands, led self-disciplined lives,
did not complain about honorable poverty, and far
from pursuing positions of royal power.’
 Gravitas / Pietas / Virtus