Transcript Rome Review

Everything you needed to know
but were afraid to ask….
Well almost everything.
Roman Empire
• Where did it extend?
Eastern Roman Empire
• What is the name of Eastern Empire?
• Who were the Patricians?.
• Who were the Plebeians?
Greece influence on Rome
• How did Greece influence Rome?
What is this?
• What is this similar to? How is it
What is this?
• What is it used for?.
What is this?
• What was this used for?
• Who participates in this structure?
Punic Wars
• Who fought during the Punic Wars?
• What was the result?
Pax Romana
• Who started Pax Romana?
• What is it?
• When did it end?
• Who were they?
• From what social class?
• Who are they?
Twelve Tables
• What are they?
• What concept
used today is in
the Twelve
Ides of March
• What is this date?
• What happened on this day?
Caesar Augustus
• Who was he? What did he do?
Paul, Peter, and Christianity
• Why were they
• Where did Paul
• What are core
Christian beliefs?
Jewish Diaspora
• Where did they go? Why did they
Roman Republic
• What is a republic? Who made the
laws and decisions?
• How is this similar to our
What is a large, wealthy farm called?
What is a Roman military unit called?
Who are soldiers serving for pay?
A belief contrary to the teaching of
the Church?
Who were consuls?
Which emperor ended persecution of
Which made it the official religion?
Who divided the empire?
Anything else?