Transcript Document

The Fall
of the
The Roman Empire had many
problems but there were four
big factors that doomed the
empire to failure. They were :
1. Bad leadership
a. Emperors unfit for the job
1. They raised taxes to
pay for luxuries and
their own protection
b. Senators who cared
more for power than for
the good of the empire
2. Bad economy (money trouble)
a. Inflation- continuous cycle
of higher prices which cause
people to ask for a raise, which
cause even higher prices
b. money becomes nearly
worthless, people end up
bartering for goods and
3. Social problems
a. People give up hope and
turn to crime and violence.
Good people no longer want to
join the government or the
4. Barbarian invasion
a. Germanic tribes-people
invade the Empire to escape
the attacking Huns of Asia.
b. Many soldiers in the Roman
Army are related to the
Germanic tribes and do not fight
against their invasion