Transcript Haem iron

Dr : Ramy Ahmed Samy
Blood consists of
■ red cells
■ white cells
■ platelets
■ plasma, in which the above elements are
Plasma is the liquid component of blood,
which contains soluble fibrinogen.
Serum is what remains after the formation of
the fibrin clot.
The haemopoietic system includes :
 the bone marrow,
 liver,
 spleen,
 lymph nodes and thymus.
The turnover of cells is enormous
Haemopoietic growth factors are glycoproteins
proliferation of haemopoietic progenitor cells
and the function of mature blood cells.
haemopoietic cells at various stages of
development to maintain the haemopoietic
progenitor cells and to stimulate increased
production of one or more cell lines in response
to stresses such as blood loss and infection .
interleukin-3 (IL-3),
IL-6, -7, -11, and
stem cell factor (SCF, Steel factor or C-kit ligand).
Colonystimulating factors (CSFs, the prefix
indicating the cell type)as well as interleukins and
erythropoietin (EPO) regulate the lineage
committed progenitor cells.
Thrombopoietin (TPO, which, like erythropoietin,
is produced in the kidneys and the liver) along
with IL-6 and IL-11 control platelet production.
In addition to these factors stimulating
haemopoiesis, other factors inhibit the process
and include :
tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and
transforming growth factor-p" (TGF-f3).
Automated cell counters are used to measure
the level of haemoglobin (Hb) and the
number and size of red cells, white cells and
platelets .
Other indices can be derived from these
The mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of red
cells is the most useful of the indices and is
used to classify anaemia
16 +/- 2
14 +/- 2
12 +/- 2
47 +/- 6
42 +/- 6
37 +/- 6
2- MCV
3- MCH
HB *10 / RBC = 30 +/- 3
MCH/MCV OR HB*10 /HCT = 33 +/- 2
7- ARC
Anaemia is present when there is a decrease
in the level of haemoglobin in the blood
below the reference level for the age and sex
of the individual . LESS THAN 12 IN MALE
Alterations in the level of Hb may occur as a
result of changes in the plasma volume .
The various types of anaemia, classified in
terms of the red cell indices, particularly the
There are three major types:
■ hypochromic microcytic with a low MCV
■ normochromic normocytic with a normal
■ macrocytic with a high MCV.
Symptoms (all non-specific)
 Fatigue
 Headaches
 Faintness
(The above three symptoms are all very
common in the general population.)
 Breathlessness
 Angina
 Intermittent claudication
 Palpitations.
Signs ;
 Tachycardia
 Systolic flow murmur
 Cardiac failure
 Rarely papilloedema and retinal
haemorrhages after an acute bleed (can be
accompanied by blindness).
Specific signs of the different types of
anaemia Examples include:
■ koilonychia - spoon-shaped nails seen in
iron deficiency anaemia
■ jaundice - found in haemolytic anaemia
■ bone deformities - found in thalassaemia
■ leg ulcers - occur in association with sickle
cell disease.
It must be emphasized that anaemia is not a
diagnosis, and a cause must be found.
Peripheral blood
A low haemoglobin should always be considered in
relation to:
■ the white blood cell (WBC) count
■ the platelet count
■ the reticulocyte count (as this indicates marrow
the blood film, as abnormal red cell morphology
may indicate the diagnosis , Where two
populations of red cells are seen, the blood film
is said to be dimorphic
Bone marrow
causes of a microcytic hypochromic anaemia
are : - - - - - -
Iron defeciency anaemia
 anaemia of chronic disease,
 sideroblastic anaemia, and
 thalassaemia.
In thalassaemia there is a defect in globin
synthesis, in contrast to the other three
causes of
microcytic anaemia where the
defect is in the synthesis of haem.
Non-haem iron is mainly derived from
cereals, which are commonly fortified with
iron; it forms the main part of dietary iron.
Haem iron is derived from haemoglobin and
myoglobin in red or organ meats.
Haem iron is better absorbed than non-haem
iron, whose availability is more affected by
other dietary constituents.
Haem iron is partly broken down to non-haem
but some haem iron is absorbed intact into
mucosal cells.
Iron absorption occurs primarily in the duodenum.
Non-haem iron is dissolved in the low pH of the
stomach and reduced from the ferric to the
ferrous form by a brush border ferrireductase.
Cells in duodenal crypts are able to sense the
body's iron requirements and retain this
information as they mature into cells capable of
absorbing iron at the tips of the villi.
A protein, divalent metal transporter 1
(DMT1), transports iron (and other metals)
across the apical (luminal) surface of the
mucosal cells in the small intestine.
Haem iron is absorbed in a separate lesswell-characterized process.
Once inside the mucosal cell, iron may be
transferred across the cell to reach the
plasma, or be stored as ferritin;
Iron stored as ferritin will be lost into the gut
lumen when the mucosal cells are shed; this
regulates iron balance.
The mechanism of transport of iron across
the basolateral surface of mucosal cells
involves a transporter protein, ferroportin 1
accessory, multicopper protein, hephaestin
Factors influencing iron absorption
Haem iron is absorbed better than non-haem iron
Ferrous iron is absorbed better than ferric iron
Gastric acidity helps to keep iron in the ferrous
state and
Formation of insoluble complexes with phytate or
phosphate decreases iron absorption
Iron absorption is increased with low iron stores
and increased erythropoietic activity, e.g.
bleeding, haemolysis, high altitude There is a
decreased absorption in iron overload, except in
hereditary haemochromatosis, where it is
 Transport
in the blood
The normal serum iron level is about 13-32 umol/L;
there is a diurnal rhythm with higher levels in the
Iron is transported in the plasma bound to
transferrin, a P-globulin that is synthesized in the
liver. Each transferrin molecule binds two atoms of
ferric iron and is normally one-third saturated.
Most of the iron bound to transferrin comes from
macrophages in the reticuloendothelial system and
not from iron absorbed by the intestine.
Transferrin-bound iron becomes attached by
specific receptors to erythroblasts and reticulocytes
in the marrow and the iron is removed
In an average adult male, 20 mg of iron,
obtained from red cell breakdown in the
macrophages of the reticuloendothelial
system, is incorporated into Hb every day. :
Iron stores
About two-thirds of the total body iron is in the
circulation as haemoglobin (2.5-3 g in a normal
adult man).
Iron is stored in reticuloendothelial cells,
hepatocytes and skeletal muscle cells (500-1500
About two-thirds of this is stored as ferritin and
one-third as haemosiderin in normal individuals.
Small amounts of iron are also found in plasma
(about 4 mg bound to transferrin), with some in
myoglobin and enzymes.
Ferritin is a water-soluble complex of iron
and protein. It is more easily mobilized than
haemosiderin for Hb formation. It is present
in small amounts in plasma.
Haemosiderin is an insoluble iron-protein
complex found in macrophages in the bone
marrow, liver and spleen. Unlike ferritin, it is
visible by light microscopy in tissue sections
and bone marrow films after staining by Perls'
Each day 0.5-1.0 mg of iron is lost in the
faeces, urine and sweat. Menstruating women
lose 30-40 mL of blood per month, an
average of about 0.5-0.7 mg of iron per day.
Blood loss through menstruation in excess of
100 mL will usually result in iron deficiency
The demand for iron also increases during
growth (about 0.6 mg per day) and pregnancy
(1-2 mg per day).
Iron deficiency anaemia develops when there
is inadequate iron for haemoglobin synthesis.
Nutritional deficiency of iron
Vegetarian/vegan diet (which is low in iron)
Cow’s milk rather than breast milk during
(cow’s milk has a similar amount of iron as
breast milk but the bioavailability is less)
Defects in iron absorption
Gastric bypass surgery
Gastric atrophy
Irritable bowel disease
Celiac disease
Medications that interfere with iron
absorption (antacids, calcium and pancreatic
enzyme supplements, tetracyclines)
Tea (tannins)
Phytates and phosphonates in vegetables
Increased loss of iron
Gastrointestinal blood loss
Genitourinary blood loss
Blood donation
Excessive phlebotomy
Scaling skin disorders (psoriasis)
Intravascular hemolysis
Pulmonary hemosiderosis and Goodpasture
Parasitic infestation (hook worm, amebiasis,
Helicobacter pylori)
Increased demand for iron
Premature birth
Postnatal and adolescent growth spurt
• Often asymptomatic
• Fatigue
• Exercise intolerance
• Difficulty swallowing
• Headache
• Learning and behavioral problems in children
• Pallor
• Glossitis
• Esophageal webs
• Koilonychia
• Papilledema in infants
• Tachycardia with or without flow murmurs
• Cardiac decompensation (high output failure)
• Splenomegaly (rare) a syndrome of dysphagia
and glossitis (Plummer-Vinson or PatersonBrown-Kelly syndrome.
• Low ferritin level
• Low iron level
• High total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)
• Low transferrin percentage saturation
(iron/tibc) less 19%
• Increased erythrocyte zinc protoporphyrin
• Low MCV, MCH, and MCHC
• Decreased bone marrow stainable iron
• Increased soluble transferrin receptor (sTf-R)
• Thrombocytosis (reactive)
• Microcytosis
• Hypochromia
• Anisocytosis
• Poikilocytosis
• Cigar- or pencil-shaped cells and, rarely,
target cells
Serum ferritin
The level of serum ferritin reflects the amount
of stored iron. The normal values for serum
ferritin are 30-300 u.g/L (11.6-144 nmol/L)
in males and 15-200 ng/L (5.8-96 nmol/L) in
Serum soluble transferrin receptors
Bone marrow
Iron deficiency is not a diagnosis per se.
The response to iron therapy can be
monitored using the reticulocyte count and
Hb level, with an expected rise in
haemoglobin of 1 g/dL per week.
Oral iron is all that is required in most cases.
The best preparation is ferrous sulphate (200
mg three times daily, a total of 180 mg
ferrous iron) which is absorbed best when
the patient is fasting.
The use of expensive iron compounds,
particularly the slow-release ones which
release iron beyond its main sites of
absorption, is unnecessary.
Oral iron should be given for long enough to
correct the Hb level and to replenish the iron
stores. This can take 6 months.
 The commonest causes of failure of response
to oral iron are:
■ lack of compliance
■ continuing haemorrhage
■ incorrect diagnosis, e.g. thalassaemia trait.
Parenteral iron can be given as repeated deep
intramuscular injections of iron-sorbitol (1.5
mg of iron per kg body weight) or by slow
intravenous infusion of iron-sucrose.
Sideroblastic anaemias are inherited or acquired
disorders characterized by :
a refractory anaemia, a variable number of
hypochromic cells in the peripheral blood, and
excess iron and ring sideroblasts in the bone
The presence of ring sideroblasts is
diagnostic feature of sideroblastic anaemia.
There is accumulation of iron in the
disordered haem synthesis forming a ring of iron
granules around the nucleus .
Some patients respond when drugs or alcohol
are withdrawn, if these are the causative
In occasional cases, there is a response to
Treatment with folic acid may be required to
treat accompanying folate deficiency.
Normocytic, normochromic anaemia is seen
in anaemia of chronic disease, in some
endocrine disorders (e.g. hypopituitarism,
hypothyroidism and hypoadrenalism) and in
some haematological disorders (e.g. aplastic
anaemia and some haemolytic anaemias) .
In addition, this type of anaemia is seen
acutely following blood loss.
One of the most common types of anaemia
occurring in patients with chronic illness such as
 infective endocarditis or
 tuberculosis and
 Osteomyelitis .
 chronic
inflammatory diseases such as
Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic
rheumatica, and malignant disease.
There is decreased release of iron from the
bone marrow to developing erythroblasts,
an inadequate erythropoietin production,
decreased red cell survival.
The exact mechanisms responsible for these
effects are not clear, but they seem to be
mediated by inflammatory cytokines such as
IL-1, tumour necrosis factor and interferons.
The serum iron and the TIBC are low, and the
serum ferritin is normal or raised because of the
inflammatory process.
The serum soluble transferrin receptor level is
normal . Stainable iron is present in the bone
marrow, but iron is not seen in the developing
Patients do not respond to iron therapy, and
treatment is, in general, that of the underlying
Recombinant erythropoietin therapy is used in
the anaemia of renal disease , inflammatory
disease (rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory
bowel disease) and is being
trialled in, for
example, myelodyplasia).
These can be divided into megaloblastic and
non-megaloblastic types, depending on bone
marrow findings.
characteristic appearance of the red cell
precursors in the bone marrow.
the MCV is elevated (>100 fL),
the nucleus and cytoplasm mature at
different rates, giving rise to cells with large,
immature appearing nuclei and a normal
This is referred to as nuclear-cytoplasmic
There are numerous causes of megaloblastic
anemia, but by far the most common are
folate deficiency, cobalamin (vitamin B12)
deficiency, and certain drugs.
For normal adults, the daily requirement of folate is
50 g. Foods rich in folate include green vegetables
and fruits. The average daily American diet contains
400 to 600 g of folate. Because some of the dietary
folate may not be readily absorbed, the recommended
daily allowance of folate is 0.4 mg.
The total folate content in the average adult is
approximately 5 mg. Therefore, when folate intake is
deficient, megaloblastic anemia develops over a
period of many months (>4 months).
Folate requirements are increased when cell turnover
or cell synthetic rates rise eg, hemolytic anemias,
Folate is absorbed mostly in the proximal jejunum,
therefore, clinical conditions that induce injury at this
site may impair folate absorption (sprue).
• Cobalamin is a required cofactor for the
enzymes involved in producing bioactive
folate. Therefore,it is believed that cobalamin
deficiency leads to megaloblastic anemia by
engendering a deficiency of usable folate (the
methylfolate trap hypothesis).
The dietary sources of cobalamin include meat,
liver, seafood, and dairy products. Individuals not
consuming these products must receive a
cobalamin supplement to prevent deficiency. The
average Western diet contains up to 30 g of
cobalamin per day, but only between 1 to 5 g is
absorbed. The average adult’s total body
cobalamin content is 2 to 5 mg.
Because the average daily losses of cobalamin
amount to less than 0.1% of the body pool, it
may take years to develop cobalamin deficiency
recommended daily allowance of cobalamin for
adults is 5 g.
The absorption of cobalamin requires intrinsic factor,
a glycoprotein synthesized and secreted by the
parietal cells of the stomach. Additionally, gastric
secretions contain R proteins, which bind cobalamin.
Cobalamin in the diet is released via digestive
enzymes in the stomach. Once free, the cobalamin is
bound by R proteins in the stomach, and the
cobalamin-R complexes are then degraded by
pancreatic enzymes in the duodenum.
The free cobalamin is then bound by intrinsic factor,
and the intrinsic factor-cobalamin complex interacts
with the intrinsic factor receptor, cubilin, and is
subsequently absorbed. The terminal ileum has the
highest density of cubilin.
The symptoms of megaloblastic anemia parallel
those of anemia in general:
weakness, fatigue, dyspnea, and
light-headedness. Pallor and jaundice combine to
produce the classic lemon-yellow skin of
megaloblastic anemia.
Additionally, patients may develop a beefy,red
smooth tongue, weight loss, thrombocytopenia,
and neutropenia. Classically, the neutrophils have
hypersegmented nuclei (>5 lobes).
In addition to the general features listed above, cobalamin
deficiency can produce a neurologic syndrome that may
precede the development of megaloblastic anemia.
Importantly, the neurological manifestations require
immediate treatment to prevent irreversible deficits.
The initial symptoms are usually characterized by
paresthesias of the fingers and feet along with a decrease
in proprioception and vibratory sense.
If left untreated, the syndrome can progress to spastic
ataxia. The syndrome is caused by demyelination of the
dorsal and lateral columns of the spinal cord.
Dementia mimicking Alzheimer disease may also develop.
Megaloblastic madness describes patients with cobalamin
deficiency who develop psychosis.
Serum B12 levels are almost always low. In borderline
cases, serum methylmalonic acid and homocysteine
levels can be measured; both are elevated in B12
Once the diagnosis is established, the underlying
cause must be determined. Antiintrinsic factor and
antiparietal cell antibodies should be quantitated to
establish the diagnosis of pernicious anemia. Upper
The three-part Shilling test is largely of historical
significance and is rarely used today.
Treatment consists of vitamin B12 1000 g
intramuscularly daily for 7 days, then weekly
for 1 month, then monthly for life unless the
underlying etiology is correctable.
B12 administration produces a reticulocytosis
within 5 to 7 days, followed by resolution of
hematologic abnormalities in 2 to 3 months.
The neurologic symptoms may not resolve,
particularly if they have been present for a
significant period of time.
Unlike cobalamin, there are no neurological
deficiency. However, administration of folate
to a cobalamin-deficient patient can correct
the anemia but will have no effect on the
neurologic features.
Therefore, it is imperative to distinguish B12
deficiency from folate deficiency.
Both serum and RBC folate levels should be
The serum folate reflects recent folate intake
(preceding few days) and, therefore can be
falsely normal after a single folate-rich meal.
The RBC folate levels, which reflect folate
turnover during the preceding 2 to 3 months,
are a better indicator of tissue stores.
Folate deficiency is treated with oral folate 1
To prevent a relapse, treatment should be
continued for at least 2 years.
Pernicious anaemia (PA) is an autoimmune
disorder in which there is atrophic gastritis
with loss of parietal cells in the gastric
mucosa with consequent failure of intrinsic
This disease is common in the elderly, with 1
in 8000 ofA
the population aged over 60 years being
affected in the
UK. It can be seen in all races, but occurs
more frequently in fair-haired and blue-eyed
individuals, and those who have the blood
group A.
It is more common in females than males.
autoimmune diseases, particularly thyroid
disease, Addison's disease and vitiligo.
Approximately one-half of all patients with
PA have thyroid antibodies. There is a higher
incidence of gastric carcinoma with PA than
in the general population; the incidence in PA
is 1-3%.
Parietal cell antibodies are present in the
serum in 90% of patients with PA- and also
in many older patients with gastric atrophy.
Conversely, intrinsic factor antibodies,
although found in only 50% of patients with
PA, are specific for this diagnosis.
Two types of intrinsic factor antibodies are
found: a blocking antibody, which inhibits
binding of intrinsic factor to B12, and a
precipitating antibody, which inhibits the
binding of the B12-intrinsic factor complex
to its receptor site in the ileum.
B12 deficiency may rarely occur in children
from a congenital deficiency or abnormality
of intrinsic factor, or as a result of early onset
of the adult autoimmune type.
Autoimmune gastritis affecting the fundus is
present with plasma cell and lymphoid
The parietal and chief cells are replaced by
mucin-secreting cells. There is achlorhydria
and absent secretion of intrinsic factor. The
histological abnormality can be improved by
corticosteroid therapy, which supports an
autoimmune basis for the disease.
The onset of PA is insidious, with
anaemia. Patients are sometimes said to have
combination of pallor and mild jaundice
caused by excess breakdown of haemoglobin.
A red sore tongue (glossitis) and angular
stomatitis are sometimes present.
■ Bone marrow shows the typical features of megaloblastic
erythropoiesis (Fig. 8.10), although it is frequently not performed
in cases of straightforward macrocytic anaemia and a low serum
vitamin B12.
■ Serum bilirubin may be raised as a result of
ineffective erythropoiesis. Normally a minor fraction of serum
bilirubin results from premature breakdown of newly formed red
cells in the bone marrow. In many megaloblastic anaemias,
where the destruction of developing red cells is much increased,
the serum bilirubin can be increased.
■ Serum vitamin B12 is usually well below 160 ng/L,
which is the lower end of the normal range. Serum vitamin B12 can
be assayed using radioisotope dilution or immunological assays.
■ Serum folate level is normal or high, and the red cell
folate is normal or reduced owing to inhibition of normal folate
Schilling test. Radioactive B12 is given orally
followed by an i.m. injection of non-radioactive
B12 to saturate B12 binding proteins and to flush
out 58Co-B12. The urine is collected for 24
hours and > 10% of the oral dose would be
excreted in a normal person. If this is abnormal,
the test is repeated with the addition of oral
intrinsic factor capsules. If the excretion is now
normal, the diagnosis is pernicious anaemia or
gastrectomy. If the excretion is still abnormal,
the lesion must be in the terminal ileum or there
may be bacterial overgrowth. The latter could be
confirmed by repeating the test after a course of
Gastrointestinal investigations
In PA there is achlorhydria. Intubation studies
can be performed to confirm this but are
rarely carried out in routine practice.
Endoscopy or barium meal examination of
the stomach is performed only if gastric
symptoms are present.