Transcript body lewis

Case study on acute burn injury from
an explosion
Ancy Biju
Bindu Alukkal Poulose
 Mr X is a 21 years old female patient admitted to
Emergency Department with approximately
40%of Body Surface Area (BSA) burns on 10th
July at 0450hrs.
 Patient assessed by doctors and interventions
started for burn and pain.
 To measure the severity of burn, some mandatory
tests checked out.
On Assessment of Mr X
Following details found on examination of Mr X
in ED
 Partial thickness burns of upper thigh(15%) &
abdomen and anterior chest (18%)
 Circumferential burn to left arm (8%)
 Deep burns on lower left arm
 Singed face-nasal hairs and eyebrows
 She was experiencing too much pain
Vital signs
Initial Vital signs of Mr X was
 BP
- 100/50 mm of H SPO2 - 93% on room air
 Pulse – 120/minute
 Respiration- 28/minute
 Weight - 62 kg
What is Burn
Burn is injury to tissues caused by the
contact with heat, flame, chemicals,
electricity, or radiation. First degree burns
show redness; second degree burns show
vesication; third degree burns show
necrosis through the entire skin. Burns of
the first and second degree are partialthickness burns, those of the third
degree are full-thickness burns.
Defferent types of Burn
Different Types of Burn
First –Degree Burn
A burn that affects the epidermis
only and causing erythema
without blistering.
Second- Degree Burn
A burn that affects the epidermis
and the dermis, (extending
into the reticular dermis).
Also Called partial thickness
Third-Degree Burn
A burn that destroys both
the epidermis and the dermis,
often also involving the
subcutaneous tissue. Also called
full-thickness burn.
 The effect of burn depends on two factors
The extend of body surface involved
The depth of cutaneous injury.
 The immediate physiological effect of a major burn
injury is hypovolemic shock that occurs in conjunction
with cellular and immunologic disruption within a
few hours of injury.
 Burn shock is a condition consisting of both
hypovolemic cardiovascular component and cellular
Management of burn
Mr X need a comprehensive nursing management for
 Meticulous wound healing
 Adequate fluid volume replacement therapy
 Pain
 Adequate nutritional support
 Prevention of infections and associated complication.
 Modulation of hyper metabolic state
 Early surgical excision and grafting
 Psychosocial support
Different methods of wound management
Burn treated with silver cream
A soft gauze over primary dressing
for protecting wound
burn covered by synthetic material
Silver covering used for
infection control
Medical procedures of Mr X
 Cardiac monitoring – for monitoring vital signs
continuously including SPO2- because extensive
tissue destruction and cell rupture delayed cardiac
arrithymia or arrest may occur.
 ABG-to assess acid base balance and lung
capacity.(PH,Pco2,Po2,Hco3and BE levels).
 Chest X-ray-checking the internal organs damage
and Oedema and lung capacity.
 Check ECG -12lead ECG helps to find out
cardiac arrithymia
Blood tests-FBE-helps to find out hypo or
hyperglycemia and the status of infection which is
essential for wound healing.
 Blood for grouping and cross matching- blood
transfusion in case of emergency.
 Urine analysis- monitor urine for the development
of myoglobinuria, renal perfusion and urinary
 IV canula insertion –administer medication and
fluid therapy.
 Catheterization- to get accurate intake and output .
Physical assessment of Mr X
 General examination according to Rule of 9
 Check vital signs every half hourly.
 Assess airway, breathing and circulation..
 Assess daily weight and fluid intake and output-
for checking fluid resuscitation requirement
 Assess severity of pain
 Keep nil orally-preparing for intubation in case
of emergency.
Medications for Mr X
 Inj. Pethidine-an Opioid Analgesic (pain killer).
 Inj. Cephazolin-anti bacterial agent(for
preventing infections)
 Inj. ADT 0.5 ml IM-ADT booster(for tetanus
 Silver Sulfadiazine- wide spectrum anti bacterial
agent indicated for gram positive and gram
negative organisms.
 Solugel -
 Inj.Pethidine: It is an Opioid analgesic- Ordered for Mr
X to reduce the severe pain.
 Contraindication: Respiratory depression, severe
hepatic dysfunction, brain tumour, arrhythmia
 Side effects: Nausea, vomiting, Respiratory depression,
drowsiness, disorientation, tremor, hallucination,
 Nursing responsibility: Before administering the
medicine nurse monitor the vital signs especially blood
pressure, respiratory rate, and pulse rate, watch for any
side effects and follow the six rights of the medications
.Ampoules should be protected from light before use.
 Inj.Cephazolin: It is a Broad spectrum anti
bacterial agent- for stopping the growth of
bacteria that are causing the infection.
 Contra indication: hypersensitivity, renal
 Side effects: GI upset, thrombophlebitis, nausea,
vomiting, dizziness, anaphylaxis, hypotension,
rash, purities.
 Nursing responsibility: careful routine history
taken to exclude any form of allergy to avoid
anaphylaxis . inspect I/V site for signs of phlebitis
 Inj. ADT 0.5 ml IM – It is a Diphtheria- Tetanus
Vaccine (ADT Booster). Because to prevent an
aerobic wound contamination..
 Side effects: Redness, Pain, swelling on the injection
 Contraindication: hypersensitivity.
 Silver Sulfadiazine: It is a topical anti-bacterial agent
against Gram negative organisms to prevent and treat
wound infection.
 Contraindication: hypersensitivity
 Side effect : local reactions ( pain, burning,& rash),
and skin discolorations.
Nursing Diagnosis
 Alteration in body structure related to burn
 Alteration in comfort, severe pain related to burn
 Risk for imbalanced nutrition and high risk for
infection related to skin wounds.
 Potential for fluid volume deficit.
 Patient needs psychological support
 Fear and anxiety related to hospitalisation and altered
body image.
 Altered tissue perfusion related to burn injury.
Nursing Management.
 For managing pain pethidine 50 mg IV started and
after 4 dose patients feels more comfortable.
 After controlling pain starts Normal Saline
1000mls 2/24 for fluid level management, the
antibacterial agent- Cephazolin2g IV and tetanus
booster ADT 0.5 ml IM
 Patients blood is taken for examination.
 Chest X-ray done and it is clear.
 ABG done and waiting for result.
 Patients vital signs are recorded continuously and
coming to normal rates, check LOC-drowsy but
 Care plan contains 10 litres Hartman's over 24/24
to correct fluid balance.
 Keep nil per orally.
 Urinary catheter insert- to get correct input and
 Wound dressing with Silver Sulphadiazine
 For neck and face –solugel is applied
 Checked weight
Discharge Planning
It includes medication review
 Controlling infection –aseptic techniques.
 Pain management
 Diet- a nutritious diet with plenty of fluid is important
in the healing process.
 Activity – is important to increasing circulation
,preventing loss of muscle strength and improves
general well being.
 Wound care – teach to keep the wound clean and dry.
 Family education – regarding wound care
 Proper follow up
These are the areas need to be trained by the nurses to the
patient and the family.
Mr X admitted with acute burn, but, with proper
medical management his conditions become
acceptable . After few days of hospitalisation, he
can be discharged with improved health status .
But, still some follow-up measures take to
enhance a complete cure from burn injury. A
proper nursing intervention including
psychological support will helps Mr X to achieve
a total cure quickly.
AdrianaTiziani (2006 ) Havard’s Nursing guide to
Drugs ( 7th edition ).
Di Brown, Helen Edwards and Sharon L Lewis ( 2004 )
Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing (2nd edition).