LEECHES Sagiroi startingx - HCC Learning Web

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Transcript LEECHES Sagiroi startingx - HCC Learning Web

and medical therapy
APRIL 12 2010,
They are annelids of class clitellata hence they arte closely
related to earthworms subclass Hirudinea.
They are hermaphrodites and may lay eggs in cocoons or
carry almost 300 babies on it stomach. They die after one
or two bouts of reproduction.
They may inhabit terrestrial, freshwater and marine
environments. The terrestrial have additional adaptation of
respiratory auricles that permit gas exchange without
excessive loss of fluid.
Leeches are subdivided based on physique, which include:
1. Pharyngobdellida have no jaws or teeth hence swallow
the prey {small invertebrates} whole.
2. Arhychobdellida have three muscular jaws which have
rows of teeth for cutting, and produce a non-enzymatic
secretion called hirudin which prevents blood clotting.
3. Rhychobdellida have muscular proboscis that allow
them to feed on blood drawn form tissues beneath an
organism's skin. Secrets enzyme hemetin which
dissolves clots once formed
A leech feeding on a slug
Leech’s mouth
Tryannobdella rex teeth
Due to these characterizes, the Hirudo medicinalis from their
enzyme hirudin, are used in medical therapy –Hirudotherapy.
Their saliva contains:
 Carboxypeptidase A inhibitors Increases the inflow of blood
at the bite site
Histamine like substances and Acetylcholine Vasodilator.
Increases the inflow of blood at the bite site
Complement inhibitors May possibly replace natural
complement inhibitors if they are deficient
Eglins and Bdellins are Anti-inflammation
Hyaluronidase Increases interstitial viscosity. Antibiotic
Destabilase Monomerizing activity. Dissolves fibrin.
Thrombolytic effects
Tryptase inhibitor Inhibits proteolytic enzymes of host
mast cells
Their saliva also contain an anesthetic so their victims do
not feel them break their skin. Similarly hirudin in the saliva
is used as an anticoagulant, apart from that its contains
thrombophlebitis which has a bactericidal property hence
detains the growth of bacteria in the animals.
The Hirudo medicinalis can consume between 5 – 15 Ml of
blood which is almost 4 – 6 times their body weight in a
single feeding, this is due to large branched gastric caecci or
pouches that allow them to expand during feeding.
History of Hirudotherapy
The first clinical use of medicinal leeches (Hirudo medicinal is)
occurred approximately 4000 years ago. A Greek physician
Nicander in Colophon first recorded the use of leeches in
200BC for medicine.
Aviccena popularized it in the canon medicine in 1020’s and in
the treatment of skin diseases. A modern way to do it was
introduced in 12th century.
By 5th century it was being used in Europe. English and
Scottish were used, many imported from France, Hungary, the
Ukraine, Turkey, Rumania, Russia, Egypt and Algeria.
In 1846 in France alone, 30 million leeches were used.
Hospitals in both London and Paris required 13 million between
them for that single year. America produced their own leeches
and one farm sold over a thousand per day.
The leech industry began its decline due to the over collection
of the animal and its discredit by the medical profession. By the
end of the 19th century the golden age of the leech had
Physicians used thousands of leeches for the treatment of all
diseases no matter the symptoms
George Washington suffered from acute inflammatory edema of
the larynx.
Physicians used bloodletting and other “medications” for
treatment. After 13hrs of seeing more than 3 doctors, he had
3.75 liters of blood drawn.
The extraction of more than half of his blood volume within a
short period of time led to anemia, hypovolemia, and
hypotension. He stopped struggling and appeared physically
calm shortly before his death may have been due to profound
hypotension and shock.
After its decline is the 19th century, the leeches have
started to be in use today.
Today they are used in microsurgery, they provide an
effective means to reduce blood coagulation, relieve
venous insufficiency and in reconstruction surgery.
Other disease include :
Periorbital Hematoma - sac of blood that the body
creates to keep internal bleeding to a minimum around
the eye. The blood may dissolve, continue to grow or
show no change. Hirudotherapy can be used to
evacuate the pooled blood around the eyes after couple
of days.
Periorbital Hematoma “black
Heart diseases
Venous diseases and viscose veins
Transudates and exudates
Male sterility
Venous insufficiency used
for defect
Leeches used in the
treatment of venous
Tissue defect before treatment
Hand after reconstruction
surgery and leech treatment.
Blood regeneration of toxics
Rheumatic disease
Human eye
Muscle tension and joint tension
Vertebrogenic pain syndrome
Passive congestion and spastic conditions
A boy loses his
ear after an
Ear after reconstruction
And hirudotherapy.
Today doctors are hesitant to use leeches in their clinics due to
their image but it has been proved to be useful if a patients
veins are too weak to take blood away from body parts and
blood building up causing venous congestion.
One man who cut his penis had to have leeches attached to
drain the blood says Dr. Weinkove.
How the therapy works.
1. Wash hands.
2. Select appropriate personal protective
equipment (gloves).
3. Cleanse area with normal saline soaked
sterile gauze.
A patient who cut his
reproductive organ, and
doctors used leech to help
in blood flow.
4. Apply leeches with gloved hand on tweezers.
5. Allow leech to attach large posterior end first and direct
smaller head end to the desired.
6. Apply the other leeches if necessary.
7. Monitor leeches until they fill with blood (10 -20 minutes).
Usually the leech falls off itself (if not use salt. Leeches do not
like salt and will drop off)
 leech therapists use up to 10 leeches so the patient can lose
up to 150 ml of blood during the treatment
 Its good to keep the leeches hungry before the therapy,
they can stay without food for a year.
 Although their saliva have an anesthesia, the bite may be
bad when the skin is cold, the patient is a smoker or an older
 However this can be helped by cleaning the surface.
 Normally, patients approximate the pain with bites form 2 3 mosquitoes.
Care and store of leeches
Clear water that is free from chlorine, copper and other
chemicals is necessary for maintaining leeches, and should not
be pure distilled water.
Fill a jar 2/3 by water and cover it with a fabric to prevent
them from crawling away but enhance breathing. Change the
water every 3-6 days depends on number of leeches in a jar.
Non –chlorine water
Hungry leech
 Sudden temperature changes could harm the leeches, hence
the changing water should always be same temperature as
 Any temperature in a range of 40F to 80 F (5-27 C).They
should not be kept in thermos because its too small, they are
only used for transportation.
 In 50 – 70 days leech become hungry and are ready to
suck again. Hospitals and clinics use the leeches only once
but some people reuse them after 3 -4 months.
Side effects and benefits
They rarely lead to serious complications. The normal pain
of treatment and short term itching are regular side effects.
The benefits of leech therapy are not only the amount of
blood that the leech removes, It is the anti-blood clotting
enzymes in their saliva that allow blood flow.
They normally carry parasites ,viruses and bacteria from
their pervious blood source which can survive for months in
them. This could probably be transmitted to humans.
After leeches drop off, the edges of the wound swell for 12 –
48 hours accompanied by tension , heat and reddening .Small
blood spots develop below the skin and around the leech bites
Patient with small
spots and reddening
days after
Itching at the site of the leech bite in a few days after
treatment is common. About 70% of patients with
Osteoarthritis of the knee itch.
Side effects and benefits
The today medicine has years experience in the
struggle against human diseases.
Thousands of different mixtures, tablets, vaccines,
drugs have been created – and all have effect on human
Due to this, professional doctors have applied
traditional methods of treatments. After all theses
modern medicine source comes from natural roots. Hence
the ancient used it for treatment of hundreds of diseases
making it beneficial.
Different varicose vein patients after using “modern” medicine
with the ancient (Hirudotherapy)
Surgical removal
Laser treatment
In Russian at this 21st century, there is a leech farm and
firm that makes cosmetic that soften the skin and fight
In 2009 it was know that leeches could be used to solve
crimes. An armed robber was caught after his DNA was
matched with blood from leech found at the scene of the
Costs of leeches
Mostly they got at :
Medical Leeches - Hirudo medicinalis - $8 each (for
orders below 100 leeches)
Medical Leeches - Hirudo medicinalis - $7 each (for
orders 100 leeches and more )
Shipping varies with the distance of the country from
where hey are reared..
Did you know that?
Leeches have 32 brains, - 31 more than humans?
Leeches take care of their young ones by providing
food ,transport and protection, yet they are not
The normal size of a leech teeth is 26 microns high
thinner than the width of human hair yet they can
bite through a hippo’s hide?