Classical Greece - Oakland Schools Moodle

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Transcript Classical Greece - Oakland Schools Moodle

Welcome to Classical Greece!
Classical Greece refers to a 200
year period in Greece starting
around 500 B.C. and ending
around the time of Alexander
the Great’s death (323 B.C.).
The Goals of this
assignment are to:
• Learn
• Work Hard
• Have Fun
Classical Greece
What is your interest in Classical
Greece? Click on the answer that
applies to you.
A lot
A little
Not sure. Don’t know much about it.
Good! You are ready to begin!
Let us begin!
A Little?
• Just a few of the things we have “borrowed” from the
• Drama – girls really like this
• Tragedy and Comedy – I like both
• Architecture
• History – Greeks were one of the first to record history
• Philosophy – Plato, Socrates and Aristotle
• Astronomy
• Geometry
• Democracy
Now, are you ready? YES
No, need more convincing
Here are a couple of links to check out:
All about Greek life
Greece for kids
So much more you probably won’t check it out!
I am ready to go!
A Quick Geography Review
Study the map. You must
answer 3 questions to
move on. Let’s go.
Greek Geography: Question 1
What is the name of the sea that borders Greece
to the east?
A. Agean Sea
B. Aegen Sea
C. Aegeaen Sea
D. Aegean Sea
Greek Geography: Question 2
What is the name of the island to the south of
Greece in the Mediterranean Sea?
A. Cyprus
B. Knossos
C. Crete
Greek Geography: Question 3
On which coast of Greece is Sparta located?
A. North
B. West
C. South
D. East
Congratulations! You have reached
Checkpoint 1!
Make sure to get your
assignment page signed
at Checkpoint 1!
Click on the picture to
The next segment of the
assignment involves
reading and note taking.
Be sure to take great notes
as any mistakes will force
you to start over.
• 460 B.C. – Pericles is the
strongest leader in Athens
• Reputation for honesty and
high ethical standards
• Considered best public speaker
of his time
• His rule is so important that it
is referred to as the Age of
• Had 3 goals for Athens which
were to strengthen democracy,
expand its power abroad and
to beautify the city.
Use the links provided to
learn more about Pericles.
Again, take good notes as you
visit the links. There will
questions that need to be
answered in order to move
beyond Checkpoint 2.
PBS website with
informationon Pericles
(use all 11 pages)
After you have finished your
questions, go to the quiz
on Pericles.
Pericles Quiz
Congratulations! You made it to
Checkpoint 2.
Make sure to get your
assignment page signed for
your questions and quiz.
Click on the picture to begin
learning about the
Peloponnesian War.
The Peloponnesian War
• There were a few important factors that led to the
Peloponnesian War
• The war was between Athens and Sparta
• One reason the war began is that Sparta represented many
city-states under a group called the Peloponnesian League
• Many city-states were unhappy with Athens for using Delian
League money to make improvements to Athens
• Some city-states were unhappy with the fact that Athens had
used Delian League money to build a large and powerful navy
• There are accounts of both Sparta and Athens declaring war
on each other but it is likely Sparta declared war first
The War Rages
Sparta’s advantages were
that it had a better landbased military force and
Sparta was located inland so it
could not be attacked by
Athens’ advantages were that
it had a very strong navy, a
strong harbor and plenty of
money to pay for the war.
Who do you think is going to win the war based on the advantages of each?
Click on your answer.
So you think Sparta is going to win?
• Force Athens to fight on land
• Cut off the Athenian food supply by destroying their crops and
occupying the land outside of the city forcing the Athenians to
remain behind city walls
Answer the following questions on your assignment page:
1. Why did the Spartans want to fight the Athenians on land?
2. What is your opinion of the Spartans destroying the farmland around
Athens (Smart, Ruthless, Inhumane, etc.)?
So you think Athens is going to win?
Their strategy
Avoid all and any land battles
• Control the isthmus connecting the Peloponnesus (southern peninsula
where Sparta was located) and northern Greece (where Athens was located)
so the Spartans couldn’t march on Athens
• Decided to keep the city walls closed and city became very crowded
Answer the following question on your assignment page.
1. Which Athenian war strategy seems more useful and why?
The Results And Consequences
• The war lasted for over 27 years
• A plague broke out in Athens because it became so overcrowded
• Pericles and his two sons died because of the plague
• Thousands of people died including innocent women and children
• Greek land was ruined for many years
• Most, if not all, Greek city-states were affected in a negative way
economically and militarily
Complete the following activities. Make sure to get them signed after
Activity 1
Activity 2
Checkpoint 3
Don’t move on until
you have finished
both activities.
Alexander the Great
Research Alexander the Great using the following websites. Take
note that there are other resources and links on these websites
to power points and videos with more information.
Alexander the Great – Mr. Donn
More Alexander the Great
One More
Your assignment description is on the next page.
Visual Report
Directions: Each student will create a visual report on Alexander
the Great from the following three options. Click on the options
for the directions and rubrics.
1. Power Point
2. Posterboard
3. Comic Book
Power Point
Create a power point presentation about the life of Alexander
the Great.
Your power point must include the following information:
Describe two of Alexander’s achievements (in detail) during his
Explain how and where Alexander died. Provide a picture of
Must have at least three slides (layout is optional)
3 points each
3 points
1 point each
Must include a hyperlink to one of the websites you used
1 point
Must include the years that Alexander was born and the year he
2 points
One slide must provide your opinion of Alexander. Do you think
he was great? Was he evil. Five sentences minimum.
5 points
Create a posterboard illustrating the life of Alexander the Great.
Your posterboard must include the following elements:
A timeline that includes the following events:
• Birth (beginning of timeline) and death (end) of Alexander
• Two achievements (your choice but they must have captions
with detail)
• Timeline intervals should be evenly spaced (use a ruler)
0.5 points for
birth and
2 points for
1 point for
even intervals
A picture of Alexander the Great (hand drawn or printed)
2 points
You must include a paragraph describing your opinion of
Alexander. Justify your opinion using examples. Five sentences
5 points
You must include a list of resources (where you found your
information) on your posterboard. Minimum of two.
2 points
Comic Book
Create a comic book illustrating a moment or event in the life of
Alexander the Great.
Your comic book must contain the following elements:
Your comic book must have at least 5 boxes. Each box should be
completely colored and have a caption.
10 points
Your comic must portray an important event or moment in Alexander's
4 points
Your comic can be humorous or dramatic.
1 point